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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
"I never wanted to hurt your friends, Orihime. But they attacked me, and I would have died if I didn't fight back," Alex sighed, annoyed by it all. "Get up, Orihime. You know Ichigo won't stop looking for you, so its best if I either fight and beat him tell him, and beg him not to look for you."
And then Ichigo was there, sword in hand, already at Bankai. "Ishida...Chad.." He said looking at his fallen friends. He then glared at Alex and charged him, flying through the air with a battle roar as he raised his sword. But before either of them could do anything, Orihime was in the way. "Stop Stop!" She yelled as she used her body to stop any attacks. Ichigo stopped just short of her. "Orihime, what are you doing?! Get out of here now while you can!" Ichigo said, not understanding that she was trying to warn him. "No Ichigo...I cant let you fight. He is really powerful, please, please just take the others and leave....""Not without you!" Ichigo began to push past her but then suddenly a shield pushed him back. "What the-" Orihime launched herself into Alex and held him tightly. "Please dont fight him...please just take me away." She begged, crying as she did, hoping that the violence would end now.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I won't, Orihime, if that is what you wish," Alex replied. He then looked at Ichigo and placed his hand on Orihime's waist. "I will take good care of her, Ichigo. Not all of my kind are cold blooded murders. I, atleast, have some form of morality. Just know, that if you look after us, if you attack me, then you will force me to defend myself. None of us want that," he said, looking at Ichigo's fallen friends. He then made a portal, and began leading Orihime to it.
Orihime went through with him without complaint and although Ichigo charged for them at the last second, it was to late and they were gone. Orihime clung to Alex as they flew through time and space, hoping that where ever she was being taken, it wax a place Ichigo could not fallow.


The hollow had never ceased teasing and fucking Rukia, not once in the half hour that Mike had been gone for. So when he returned for his prize and found the hollow still going at it, he smiled and said "How is my lovely slut doing?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex had led Orihime to a hotel, faraway from where they had once been. "We can hide here for now. We're at Texas, America, in a little hotel in the middle of nowhere. We should be far enough away from Ichigo, so don't worry," he said and motioned for Orihime to sit on the bed. "I suppose thanks are in order. I do not like fighting, and I do want you to know. I will give you, to the best of my abilities, a good life, Orihime."


Rukia could not answer, to tired from the fucking and teasing. She looked absentminded a bit, and only looked at her Master a minute after he spoke. She just looked at him, before a soft smile appeared on her lips. "Good."
Orihime struggled to hold back tears as she was taken away from her home and friends and sat down on the bed without a word. She hugged herself softly, trying to put up a tougher front, but was failing as her lips trembled a little. "Th-Thank you." She said softly, hardly holding back a sob.


The hollow pulled its hands and mouths away from Rukia then as Mike approached and embraced his slut, pulling her off the hollow and into a kiss at the same time. In his right hand he held a chain and that chain was actually part of a chain leash that was attacked to someone behind him. A soft sigh issued from behind him but he ignored it as he kissed Rukia.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex only nodded and walked out of the room. "It is best to let it out now. I wish not for you to hold in your tears now," he said before leaving, leaving Orihime to cry. After a few minutes he came back, and entered the room with a cart of food. "Orihime. Time to eat, my dear slave," he whispered.


Rukia moaned into the kiss, but her dazed and cracked mind could not help but hear the moan. She fought her eyes open and focused them, while kissing her Master back to see what the chain was connected to.
Orihime was done crying by then and looked at the food cautiously at first before she selected some sweet read and began to munch on that. She shivered at the words slave and hoped he would not force her to do hard labor or menial tasks, since she was kind of a ditz and weak physically. She said nothing, only stared at the floor and ate her sweet bread in silence.


As Rukia focused in on the person behind Mike she came o recognize the naked girl as Honshou Chizuru, one of Ishigo's classmates. She was naked save for her glasses and the collar around her neck, to which the chain's were attached. She smiled at Rukia and seemed completely content with her situation. "Hello Rukia! I see your cute body is still the same." Mike smiled and moved out of the way, leaving Rukia standing there, naked and soiled before Chizuru. The school girl wasted no time in rushing up to her and hugged her tightly, pressing their breasts together. "Aww, your so cute Rukia! I cant wait till all three of us can play!" She said with her usual perverted smile.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I will not lie, Orihime. The life that awaits you will not be easy, but I want you to know, I am probably the best person you could have ended up with. There are beings, far crueler than I. I will protect you, feed you, please you, shelter you, and all I ask in return, is for you to be good," Alex said, and leaned forward to kiss her lips. "Let me show you what awaits you, my dear."
Orihime started to move back but thought better of it, so she timidly leaned forward and gently laid a soft kiss on Alex's lips. She closed her eyes as she did and her whole face became flushed red with shame. She could hardly believe that this could happen....but there it was, happening.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)