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Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver)
"And here...we...go," Alex whispered as his eyes became sharper, his body seemed to become more intimidating, and his darker half fully took over. He walked into the theater his mother was in, and saw her and took a seat behind her. He coughed a bit, and leaned forward, disguising his voice by making it sound deeper and sinister. "I take it that was your son who just went to the bathroom? I walked past him when he left to the bathroom. Its a shame my friends got the drop on him as soon as he got out of the stall, ain't it?" he growled into her ear. "Don't turn around, don't even try to look at me. Just follow my orders, and that brat will be okay with no missing limbs."
Amy let out a small whimper of fear for her son and nodded, waiting for orders. "Please don hurt him, I will do whatever you say." She pleaded silently, very very worried about her precious child.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
" se that was a cursed fruit...if you eat'll gain great powers but...howdo saythis..if you go for a'll sink like a rock and drown..." Nico explained hoping tha Asuna wasn't a big swimmer anyway.

((I've read the manga...that hope won't float))
Lady Devimon's Minions
"I won't. If you let me follow my orders and answer a few questions," Alex replied in a gruff voice. He then reached forward with his hand and rubbed Amy's breast, his hand moving under Rei's clothing. The people around them, luckily were not looking, so Alex moved his other hand in and rubbed her under breast under her shirt. "These are some nice tits. What size are they, lady?"
(Hope wont what? float? What do you mean?)

" more swimming?" Asuna asked, relieved it was not directly life threatening. "What powers do I get then? I mean...if I cant ever swim then they better be good!" She added, trying to make light of her curse, if not for Nico, then for her own sake.


("I won't. If you let me have my phone and answer a few questions," What does that mean? Phone? She does not have his phone, and he did not take one out....)

Amy gasped and gently grabbed his hands but did not really resist as he molested her soft large breasts. "D-D cup." She whispered, blushing hard, and closing her eyes for the moment, trying not to make a sound or alert anyone. "Please..dont do this to me...not here..." She begged silently.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

"Shut up, unless you want your son missing his legs!" Alex ordered. He then stood up, and pulled back his hands, and jumped over, so he could sit next to Amy, and quickly ordered her to close her eyes. "As much as I want to, I don't want to see you your eyes for a second! Look at me, see my face, and your son's head goes in a dumpster. me a kiss," he laughed, and wrapped his arms around her and kissed, exploring her mouth with his tongue.
(your first line in your last post, it makes no sense)

Amy closed her eyes tightly as she kissed him back softly, unwilling to return the passion he put into her mouth. She whimpered softly, knowing that there was nothing she could do at all. She waited for him to finish, hoping this was it and that after this her son could be returned to her.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Slaps forehead) Sorry Silver, I don't even know why the hell I said that! I must have been talking about something totally different))

"Listen, bitch. You don't get it. Its no where close to over. Either you play along, or I swear to God, your son dies!" he whispered loudly. "Now, I'm done kissing you. You're going to kiss me. Or else, your kid's dead.
((You know ho tey say hop floats, Nico's hope won' was a pun alright? A bad one but still...almost every bok in negima had a swim scene in it...))

"I don't know, I didn't really see which fruit you ate and even then I only know a handfull of them." Nico admited, relieved that Asuna was trying to keep positi.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Amy nodded and leaned back in, her blind lips seeking his, kissing his cheek and then his nose. Finally she found his lips with her own and kissed him vigorously, hoping that it would satisfy him like this.


(lol, OK)

Asuna nodded and held her quieting stomach. "So...when will If find out? Cant I just undo this by throwing up?" She asked timidly, humbled by the fact that she could never swim again. 'I hope Negi can fix this....'
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)