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(Silver and Salem A. Delgado's) Blood moon passion
Blue soon felt a harsh slap across his head and Venra glared down at him. "Dont you dare talk without permission, We are amidst company!" She growled. "And its not only you I will punish if you do..." Venra added dangerously as she slapped Luna as well, harder than she had slapped him. Luna whimpered but returned to her proper position. "Lulu, your looking as well as ever, how is your bitch coming along?" She asked as she turned to the waiter and ordered a female young wolf, with gag, covered in sweet sauce, and a pepper steak on the side.

Angela was about to answer when she saw Blue get slapped and dread what her mistress would do in place of a slap. "Mistress?" She asked submissively. "May I speak to Blue?" She waited, then fully aware that the answer was probably a no and a slap or worse, but it could not be worse than speaking to blue without permission.

The waiters left then a gave them all time to talk before they would bring out their meals.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Blue growled and was about to curse Venra before thinking better of it "Forgive me...mistress..."

"She's come along great! Brokn, but such a challange! I got t use the serpent! I haven't used that since the revolution! It take me back...Still can't believe America won that one..." Lulu reminised before looking at her pet "Why yes, yes you can."
Lady Devimon's Minions
Angela allowed herself a small smile and said "Th-Thank you mistress!" She was happy to be able to speak with a were she knew, or any were at all really. "Im...Im fine Blue." she responded sadly. " you could probably tell from what they are saying...I could not fight her control. I...I have no choice at all Blue! If it was just death, then you know! Every one knows that I would die sooner than break! But...Its...its not just death..." Tears filled Angela's eyes as she spoke. "But...but at least Im not punished if Im good.." She added rather weakly. Luna looked sad as well as she heard this. IT sounded to much like her, to much like what she had gone through when she was broken.

Venra smiled and said "Yes I remember! Rutty British humans, as reliable as a box of rocks. At least the Americans were able to hold themselves together when it came to their civil war." She sigh3ed and shook her head. "But did you really use the snake? I thought that last were went insane with pain after you reached her stomach, how far did you get with this one? Only a a foot in right? There is no way she could have taken more than that."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Oh no! This one broke the record! I felt it starting to exit her belly before she fully gave! She was so much fun! And when se brok she became so good I actually rewarded her! Thelast tim I really rewarded someone was...oh! It ws when you were ill a newblood! Oh thos were god times! You were so sweet and naive, and the way you pouted when you didn't get your way!" Lulu gushed, blushing and giggling as she rememberd a younger Venra "Oh and remember when you were human?!"

Blue held his hands so they were not seen as he began sighing to Angela 'At least your's has the courage to hurt you, this weaking has to use the blonde as a hostage.'
Lady Devimon's Minions
Venra sighed and laughed. "Indeed I do. So long ago now. You know, even back then I always admired you, even back then, my former mistress." She remembered all those long years ago, when she was simply a vampire slave. "If I do recall correctly, you ordered me off one of these menus and thought I was so adorable that you could not eat me all up and took me in as a pet. Its so hard to believe I was so weak back then. Still, I am grateful to you, for giving me the chance to turn into a vampire." Venra sighed as she recalled being Lulu's slave, there was allot of pain involved, and then being her favored slave, that was even more! "Lucky for me you had not gotten your hands on that snake! I dont think any human has survived that thing yet!" She said with a laugh.

Then the doors opened and four vampire waiters came out, three holding large dishes, one holding a smaller one. The Large dishes were placed down in front of the two vampires, two for Lulu, one for Venra. The small plate was put next to Venra's larger one. The tops of the covered dishes were removed, revealing their quivering contents. On Lulu's side there were two twelve your old humans, bound with their arms tied behind their backs and with collars which were attached to the bottom of the plates, keeping their faces down low while a T bar beneath their bottoms, expertly tied to their bound legs kept their asses high in the air, the males being altered to allow his boyhood to show unimpeded, and of course they were both unclothed to allow access to any part of them. All around both of the humans was a decorated assortment of fruits and vegetables.

The boy for was a blond haired blue eyes boy who seemed to be a farmers soon simply due to his tone but skinny build. He whimpered as the dish cover was removed and looked up at Lulu with his big blue eyes, completely terrified by what was happening, his shaking body rattling his dish a little. The Girl had long haired brunette hair that reached the mid level of her back, her eyes a rare two colors, one green, one yellow. She was also shaking, but more from struggling than from fright. She looked up at Lulu and true dread seem to splash across her face as she saw the face of the person that would be eating her and her struggles weakened.

On Venra's side was a small werewolf girl, untransformed and shaking horribly since she knew more about her enemy than they humans did. She had brown hair which reached all the way to her butt and even covered half of it. She had more toned features than the human did but that was typical of werewolves and did not subtract from her at all. Her eyes were also a soft brown and full of fear as she whimpered softly, her whole body glistening with sweet sauce. Next to her was a delicious pepper steach with a backed potato.

Lulu's male dish groaned in fear avoiding all eye contact with the vampire, closing his eyes tightly. 'No...Now Im going to die...just like my brothers...just like papa...' tears filled his light blue eyes and it was all he could do to not start crying.

"P-Please miss, l-let us go..." The female dish asked Lulu, her voice trembling as she did her best to look up at the vampire, her multicolored eyes full of fear and sadness. "I can clean floors and wash dishes..." She offered weakly, feeling helplessness eating away at her. ' god...I dont want to die...I dont want to be eaten! Its not fair...I...I almost had enough money to run away from the mistress's house...and she trades me and my mother to vampires!...its not fair!'

"You should have ordered them with Gags." Venra said as looked her meal over, using the fact that all the dishes could rotate smoothly to insect her whimpering meal. She stopped when she reached the girls smooth but and spread her soft, sweet sauce covered cheeks. "I wonder how thorough they are with the sauce." She said as he slipped once finger into the frightened were girls ass. "Oh! Very thorough indeed!" She said as she felt the slick sauce even in there, causing the were to cry out through her gag.

A waiter then walked up to them both and offered then an condiments they may want to put on their meals. Venra was happy with what she had and took none. Angela could not believe what was happening and softly asked "Y-Your not going to actually kill both of those children are you mistress?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I try to refrain from using gags, their thoughts mixed with their thoughts makes the meal so much more enjoyable, if I had used a gag when I had you you probably wouldn't have survived." Lulu giggled, turning the male so she was looking him right in the eyes, drinking up his fear before she finally answered Angela "This one doesn't have a chance! I just can't resist the farm boys, so innocent, kind hearted, so full of faith. He's praying to be saved right now! But don't worry, I'll be as gentle as a lamb!" Lulu purred, unbinding the boy and hugging him close, his small form dwarfed even more by Lulu's amazon like stature "Any last words sweetie? Maybe a last request?" she asked in a comforting voice, squeezing the lad to he impressive chest.

Blue growled in disgust at the scene, desperately wanting to kill something, especially one of these two leeches.
Lady Devimon's Minions
The boy looked up frightfully, his limp body pressed agaisnt Lulu's. "P-p-please m-miss...d-dont k-k-kill me..." He begged softly, hugging her suddenly since he could do nothing else. He cried warm human tears into her breasts and held her tightly. "P-Please..." The girl began to cry softly as well, still struggling on her dish. Angela could only stare in horrible disbelief as her mistress prepared to suck the poor buy dry, his naked body trembling against hers.

Venra smiled and said "Personally, I like to enjoy every flavor of my meal before I devourer it." With that, Venra traced her finger down from the small werewolf's pucker to her virgin slit, stroking the slick entrance gently with her hand before inserting one finger. The werewolf girl trembled in her bindings and moaned softly through her gag, the sauce that covered her entire body doubling as sensitizers that made her skin both soft and super sensitive. Luna said nothing, simply staying were she was, not moving at all.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lulu pulled the boy up and gave him a light kiss on his lip and sighed "So yourlast wish is t ve?" she asked seeming almost disapointed as she brought her mouth to te boys neck and gave it a tender kiss "I'm afraid that's a wish I can't grant..." se wispered to him before sinking her fangs painlessly into his neck, a small tricle of blood flowed from the corr of her lips as she fed one the boy who was still clinging to her.

Blue fought back the bile that was rising in his throat, these monsters disusted him to no end! True he had once loved a vampire, but she was nothing lke tese two before him, he growled and struggld to hold himslf back from trying o kill.
Lady Devimon's Minions
The boy gasped and clung to her as he began to feel cold, colder and colder still. "" He begged softly as his heart began to to pump empty air instead of blood. "Please...dont...kill...her..." He whispered just before the small flame that was his life extinguished. Angela closed her eyes and looked away and the girl looked on in utter horror as she watched the boy die slowly. She redoubled her struggles for a moment before losing all hope and breaking down into tears, simply laying there, crying softly over the plate she was chained to.

Venra smiled as she watched and then returned her attention to her own meal. "Yum, looks like your ready." She said to her young were as she bent forwards and licked her pussy, lapping at the juices, but the sweet sauce and her feminine love juice. "So good, you are quite a sweet one my little treat." Venra said as she continued to lap and such on the bound were girls virgin pussy, making her whimper and moan.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lulu continued clucthin the corpse to he body long after she had finished then called the ervents over again "Have the girl taken to my room, I have plans for her...the boy's remains too." Lulu said leting the butlers carry off her meal.

Blue swallowed several times to keep from vomiting "Disgusting leechs!" he cursed forgetting Venra's threat at the moment.
Lady Devimon's Minions