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Kingzero and Silver
(lol, damn it! You found me out!)

"What?" Ren asked, suddenly becoming aware of that. "But...didnt you hack me?" She asked cautiously. "That data could not have just been...destroyed could it? But where would it...go..." Ren asked, horror filling her eyes as she looked at the egg. " way...thats not it?"


Mike smiled and held Rain close. "You have made your master very very happy!" He said proudly, his hand softly rubbing her ass as they walked. "Just tell me when we are here...I will take care of the rest."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((I'm just that awesome, Silver. You know I am!))

"I hope not...If it is though, Tali and I are going to have a very close relationship," he sighed, rubbing his head. What if this was an endless cycle? He fucked his daughter (IT BETTER BE A GIRL!)) and then she gets pregnant! Then her daughter wants his cock, then the next! If he died, whoever the program was on would die two! he realized. "Well....this ought to be interesting."


Rain smiled at this and hugged her Master. "Thank you!" she cried, happy to make her Master happy. After hours of long walking, they saw a figure flying above them and to a cave, holding a gatomon. "Here, you'll be safe," Lily smiled and gently dropped the cat down who ran into the cave. She had her back to Mike and Rain and did not notice their approach.
"Interesting?! This...this is horrible!" Ren cried holding her egg tightly. "This was my curse...not poor child...what kind of a life will she live?" Ren's eyes were already full of tears as she realized that her daughter would be chained forever to this life of sex and domination.


"Well, time to get to work." Mike said as he faded out of sight, turning invisible. "Get us in there slut. You just escaped your human rapist and ran here, you need help and shelter, whatever it takes to get in. I want to look at my prizes." He said to her.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I could use my computer and free her of said curse," Alex stated. "It is possible, my dear."


"You can turn invisible?" Rain whispered, before looking at Lily. "I escaped capture from a human! Please you have to hide!" she cried, grabbing Lily's hand. "PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!"

"Calm down, calm down. Get inside, and you'll be safe," the pink girl said, and Rain nodded, running inside. "Poor girl....a tad creepy as well," Lily added as Rain left her.
"Please! Please do that!" She begged. "Give it back to me if you have to but please dont let her be born like this...I can already tell its a her...I dont want her to live like this." Ren looked at him pleadingly, willing to do whatever it took to save her child.


Mike smiled and fallowed Rain inside, his eyes lingering on the lilymon he would soon enslave.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I expect a warm thanks," Alex replied and stood up. He then walked away from Ren and out the room. A few minutes later he came back with his laptop and sat down and began typing. Eventually, he found both Ren's and their daughter's data code. "I just have to isolate the addiction part of her DNA, and delete," Alex explained as he typed away.

((Goodnight, Silver. (Yawns) Nap time for Zero))
Ren nodded as he walked away but could not help but shiver. She was going to have to play the part of his sex toy yet again. Alex on the other hand had another reason to shiver. Everything was going fine until he ran into two key problems. The first was that the code he had made to hack Ren had changed when it moved into the egg and tangled itself all over the rest of the digital DNA. This was a big problem but perhaps not an impossible one, given enough time. The next one though was a big impossible one. The DNA was not all digital, it was human as well, which meant hacking her to unhack her might kill her instantly or leave her disfigured or otherwise impaired. He could try to continue but the risk was huge.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I'm not sure if I can continue, Ren. There are two problems, one is that the code tangled all over the digital DNA. I could probably still fix it, but it will take longer now. The second one is, that since our child is part human, I cannot unhack her, without possibly disfiguring, or even killing our child," he explained. Alex wanted her to know the risk of all this.


Rain walked over and looked around. There were torches along the walls, and various female Digimon. Renamons, Rosemons, Kazemons, Gatomons, Angewomons, and more. She then looked at Lily back at the gate, who was guarding it, with her back to Rain. "Now what?" she whispered.
Ren shock her head and a few tears fell. " theres nothing we can do? I dont want her to die or be disfigured." She said sadly. "I guess there is just no helping it...wait! Shes moving!" Ren said as the egg began to shake. A long crack snaked down the egg and slowly was joined by more and more. "She's hatching!" Ren muttered in disbelief. The egg cracked open to reveal A small naked human girl. She looked around eight or nine, probably due to the digimon half of her and had brown eyes like Alex, as well as a mostly human body. But she also had a rena tail and ears, all the color of her renamon moms. Her hair was also blond like the a renamons fur and her eyes had black around the brown like a renamon. She sat there and looked around, looking at Ren and then at Alex before smiling cutely and rising her arms. She giggled and said a little gibberish but did not seem capable of speech yet.


"Dont worry, find me a good one, I want to take at least two girls under my direct training, so pick two for me, I will be back later." Mike whispered. "And dont even think about betraying me or I will never let you out of the box ever again!" He then left to let her pick out the girls. (Pics would be nice, lol, and if you dont want to make new characters then just tell me and I will call it off.)
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex stared in wonderment of his daughter and slowly bended down and patted her head. "She's....adorable," he whispered and hugged her. "Ren...We agreed on the name Tali, correct?" he asked, releasing her and petting her cheek with his finger. "My, oh my...She's beautiful, is she not?"


Rain nodded and saw two girls standing near to one another. She saw a Ladydeimon and a Rosemon glaring at one another. "Um...Hi? I'm new here, so I'm getting to know everyone. Who are you two?"

"Rose," the Rosemon greeted. "This is whoremon."

"What?!" Ladydevimon screeched. "The name's LADY! Bitchmon!"

"What did you say?"
