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Bleach: Last Stand.
"Oh my god!" Rina suddenly froze when she heard Kazan "I've heard about that thing, that sphere was the artifact used to create the key to the place where the king of soul society is, I throught it was supposed to be destroyed a long time ago..." Rina leaned on a wall, she was sweating and trembling just by thinking about the posibilities "...the sphere can store an almost limitless amount of spiritual energy, if that's true we got a really big problem in our hands, if it's used to supply some kind of weapon it might be able to destroy soul society entirely... or even worse, with that kind of power it might be able to destroy the human world along with soul society" Calm yourself down Rina, you are a scientist you can't lose your cool, that's right just think! Rina took a deep breath and recovered her composture "Kazan, I need you to send a urgent message to all active captains and vice-captains, do it as quick as you can, we got no time to lose" We must stop the ryokas before the gather enough energy, this might be our only chance "I'll be helping charge the devices, hurry!!".

(11th Squad Dojo)

The forth seat reacted quickly and managed to block the captain's attack being pushed back a bit from it "As expected of captain Trent" he said while grabbing the shealt with his left arm and aiming it at Trent's jaw.

"Heh, not bad baldy" Naibu said looking at the fight while drinking.
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"Who is, 'she'?" Shadow asked, he doubted he had meant Lizzy, "Care to tell me what exactly is going on?"


"Hmm," Katt looked down at the bow, the weapon vanishing in her hands, "Well, hiding the bow doesn't seem to hard, the robes on the other hand," she looked down at her altered outfit, "and my reiatsu, that I don't think I'll be able to hide by simply changing my clothes."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
(Real World)

"One would say the lot of you would learn when to give up..." the disuto trailed off before he saw a few droplets of water fly towards his direction. "What in the...?" it was then that the selee sneiders became apparent to him. Unfortunately, the disuto was not familiar with quincy weaponry or expertise, and as such, it was only a matter of time before the cocoon and all of its hands were enveloped in a high-level explosion of spiritual energy, along with Vook's clone and Hyouzen, who were still near it.


"'She' is the one who rules the void where lost souls dwell and the very one who antagonizes our King." The monster of a man said, allowing himself for a breather before continuing: "'She' is the entity that was born in the vortex of loneliness and despair, and tore through the fabrics of space and time to allow her 'self' to materialize out of the intersection where the well known Blanks are. Once, she threatened to engulf Soul Society and Hueco Mundo alike, to fuse them and use the new realm as a weapon to destroy the living. A handful warriors however, put a stop to her madness and were able to put her to sleep back from where she had spawned. Her very prescence fills the air with foul, and can make even the bravest of men cringe and weep like a newborn. Her powers are so great, they cause spiritual fluctuation to disorder and create multiple rifts that connect our world with others, hence the Hueco Mundo and world of the living. She's a threat to Shinigami, Humans and Hollows alike."

OOC: Gimme props for original plot!



"Uh h-hai, taicho!" Kazan saluted quickly, understanding most of what Rina had told him. It was no time to doubt though, he had to deliver the messages fast! "Let's see... Captains of 11th and 2nd Squads, Trent-taicho and Naibu-taicho should be drinking together where they said they would meet..." he thought, remembering he had overheard their conversations when had come out of the infirmary earlier.

(11th's Squad Dojo)

"Naibu-taicho! Trent-taicho!" Kazan Yuyou shouted as he appeared in the dojo's entrance by using his shunpo, kneeling on the entrance mat respectfully. "I bring an urgent message from 12th Squad's Captain Rina-taicho!" he announced loudly and clear, despite there being a fight.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
" far as cloth's are concerned you could clam it as a fashoin choice..or hide them under regular robes..." Salem replied before thinking more seriously "Since my rietsu has always been like this no one notices....almost no one...but people knew you before and they'llk definately nottice...expecially your captain...maybe we should crash in the living world, we can say we're investigating the enemy..."

Rei lay on the ground watching the explosion as it engulfed to of the people she'd been helping "..oops.." she muttered before passing out from overexertion.
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: Props for DMX, *Makes a cheap cardboard batmobile appear* There ya go, a prop from the original batman movie.


"Great," Shadow shook his head, "As if the hollows and arrancarr weren't bad enough. So, how exactly do we stop 'her'?"


"A vice-captain needs special permission to go to the real world normally, if I just vanish there'll be trouble, I'll have to get permission from my captain." Katt thought for a second, "I wonder if I exhaust enough energy if I might be able to hide it."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
*11th squad Dojo*

Hmm? Kazan's arrival took Naibu's attention from the fight I've got a really bad feeling, for that cheerful new captain to send her own vice-captain to deliver a message personally, it must be something really bad "Speak up Kazan, what's so important?"

*12th Squad's Lab*

"Ok, it's done" Rina said as she finished charging the devices "I need some of you to stay here finishing with the remaining devices, while me and the other's will help me carry the finished ones" After that she rushed out of the room followed by a couple of shinigamis I just hope we'll make it in time A few minutes later, Rina found herself on the way to the deceased Yamato-taicho's 1th Squad HQ where the usuals meetings of the captains are held.
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(11th Squad HQ)

Blocking the blow to his jaw just in time, Trent heard the urgency in Kazan's voice. The captain looked towards his opponent and told him, "Sorry, but it looks like we'll have to spar another time." He backed away and withdrew his zanpaktoh before turning towards the Vice-Captain. "Go ahead, we all have your attention."

(Real World)

Dust billowed throughout the aged warehouse once the explosion dissipated. Everything was silent for a moment until something started to stumble through the thick cloud. Crimson blood trickled down and coated Hyouzen's once proud blue scales while a sizable chunk of his cursed right arm had been blow off by the explosion. "Die, damn you..." Hyouzen uttered weakly as he tried to stab the disuto through the dust, the vaizard unwilling to surrender despite the severe pain shooting through his body.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: I'm going to assume Vook's shadow clone was wiped out in the explosion :0

Also, Hyouzen lost an arm? o.O


Damaged, near the brink of death thanks to Rei's technique, the large cocoon oozed a disgusting purple blood, "I... I had not been expecting that...!" the voice grunted, the hands were not there anymore, and with them, all the cursed patches had disappeared from Mindy's and Vook's bodies even before they had gone blue; it received Hyouzen's stab on its shell, which cracked spat even more blood. "Y-you! You think you've defeated me, have you not?! You seem to have forgotten about your lackeys!"

Proto was still there, immobile. The blue spot had disappeared, or so it seemed. It in fact had turned white, blending with his body. The distribucion had completed its cycle within Proto's body.

"Come to me!" the disuto roared in pain as its cocoon released a powerful shockwave attack that knocked anybody nearby away. Proto's body glowed a faint grey, before it exploded into tiny spirit particles, which immediately flew towards the damaged disuto and repaired all of its wounds, over ten white hands appearing around the repaired shell. "Seems like it's time... he was enough of a banquet I must say!" the large menos laughed, before the shell would start cracking once more, but this time, something was coming out of it.

The cocoon slitted in the middle, two large ebony black wings with red horns on its tips protuding from it as the shell was torn apart by two bone-like claws. The cocoon fell apart and exploded in a pillar of black reiatsu as an enormous bipedal, skeletical insect-like monster came out, bearing seven ruby red eyes in its face and large razor sharp fangs in its mouth. "I am... Disuto Kentanka." The disuto announced, the large reiatsu aura dying down as it hovered down onto the floor in front of the weary arrancar. "You're all invited to dinner."


"The only way to do it is to use a certain, ancient artifact to refine a zanpakuto's blade so it can sever the barrier of loneliness and despair which protects her, and then... it's only a matter of skill and strength." The large man explained, "However... there is a catch. The user of the artifact ends up draining their reiatsu to a minimum, and it also destroys the zanpakuto beyond any form of repair. The sheer power of this artifact is so much one needs strength beyond that of a Captain to not be destroyed and consumed by the jewel after using its power." The hooded figured looked at his large, open hands. "But even then, the subject will be deteriorated and will lose any resemblance to what they used to be before."

(11th Squad's Dojo)

Kazan straightened his throat and quickly talked "Rina-taicho has requested that we assembly at the Captain Commander's building, she has urgent information and updates about the latest attacks and their purpose. We need all Active Captains and Vice-Captains to assist as soon as possible! I'll go search for the other captains, with your permission!" The dragon stood up and bowed respectfully, before using his shunpo to warp away. Scanning for recognizable reiatsus to search for others. Since Salem and Katt were hiding their reiatsus it was impossible for him to sense them easily, additionally, the hideout made it hard for someone from the outside to detect spirit pressure. Kazan found no other captain or vice-captain available.


The dragon appeared out, "Wonder where all they went... I thought they were going to stay here until further notince..." he said to himself, before he closed his eyes, relaxing. "Let's give it another try..." he said, starting to focus to scan for any leftover Captain and Vice-Captain.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Hhnnn..." Vook growled, her spell having been interrupted by the sudden blast, still recovering from it as she slowly got to her feet. "Dinner, huh?" she spoke, cracking her neck a bit. "Sorry, this dragoness isn't on the menu." she added, a grin coming across her snout. "I've squashed tons of bugs before, and I don't intend on stopping here!"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Rei lay unconcios on the ground, her bow now reverted back to it's crutch form. She was completely defenseless in her current state.

((If I remember Salem and Katt aren't in the soul society at the moment...))

Salem smacked his head and groaned "Oh yeah we need permission...I sneak off to here so much I forgot that..." He grinned a little embarassed at such a mistake "Wait! There's an old friend of my fathers who could help! He use to be a captain for the science division!"
((Any volunteers to control this man? I'm guessing you caught who I meant but just in case....hat and clogs...)))
Lady Devimon's Minions