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Kingzero and Silver
I would have stayed master...but Ren insisted that she be left alone, she did not want to have me around. In any case I can feel them and there condition anyways and I knew that this poor girl needed help...allot of help. You broke her thoroughly master, quite Thoroughly. She is a mess in her head, Im trying to fix it without reducing her to an animal...but its hard. Silvia said, still stroking Flare's soft, furry head.


Ren flinched at the tentacle entered the room and whimpered as it "kissed" her, thinking he meant to try to rap her with a single tentacle while he was doing something else. She was relieved when it took a single book and left her with her egg, letting her stay with it in peace for at least a bit longer.


The egg began to shake, and suddenly split open! Inside was a baby Ralts. It looked up at Alex, her cute red eyes mostly hidden behind her Green hair, and extended he arms.

(I think that after few more posts we should skip to when she is more grown and nearly evolved since its hard to work with a Ralts)
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Yeah, that's what I thought. Lets just have him go to his first rape, then we can jump ahead. How far you want to go?))

Do not worry, Silvia. I understand. I do hope she can be healed, Alex thought, looking at Flare. "The poor girl," he whispered.


"W-wow! A Ralts!" Alex gasped. He slowly moved forward and motioned her closer. If she wasn't afraid of him, he would hug it closely and kissed its forehead. "Huh...I wonder what I should call you?" he asked regardless of the Pokemon's reaction. "I'm Alex, but what about you...."
Ralts simply hugged him and looked up innocently. "Ra..Ralts?" It said, still to young to learn English or to make sense in pokemon.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex smiled and hugged her more, and kissed her cheek. She was so undoubtedly cute! He smiled and hugged her more, and Marcus eventaully came back and so his son hugging the Ralts. He smiled as he watched the two hugging and Alex trying talk to the Ralts. "The lady at the day care said her mother and father's name were, Goldy and Bronze."

"Then I'll call her Silvia! See? Bronze, Gold, and Silver!" he laughed. "Okay, little one! You're Silvia now, and I am your Master! Master Alex!"

"She can't understand you," Marcus reminded. And if the young Ralts didn't have anything of major importance to do or say, time moved on.....

(Months later)

"Son?" a man asked, knocking on the door, to which Alex opened. "Yes?" Alex asked. "I'm afraid...we have some bad news son. You're father....your father is dead. Marcus King had left with a small group of people to explore the newly discovered Digital World and...some hostile Digimon....We'll leave you alone," the officer sighed, closing the door.

"D-dad?" Alex whispered, stepping back. Tears fell from his eyes and he fell to his knees and punched the ground, as sadness turned to rage. "NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!" he yelled. "They're lying! Its not true! Damn it its not true!"

((Hope I didn't skip too far ahead))
Ralts heard her master yelling and came out of the kitchen. "Alex?" She asked tentatively, walking towards him. "Are you OK? What happen?" Her english was still not the best but at least she could speak.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex looked at her and growled with rage. "Silvia, come closer!" he ordered and grabber arm and pulled her closer. He glared at her with all this rage....It had to go somewhere, but not an inanimate object or some game. No...he need to hear someone cry, someone being hurt! He looked at Silva and suddenly he placed his hands on her cheeks and pulled her into a forceful kiss, pushing his tongue into her mouth, wanting someone to suffer like him. As he kissed her, one hand moved and using his finger, he moved it along Silvia's body, trying to find a way to get her naked before him to be humiliated.
Silvia let out a little scream as she was pulled towards her master and began to say. "M-Master! What happ-" She was cut off though as his lips met hers in their first real kiss, and his tongue soon found its way into her mouth. She wiggled and squirmed in his gasp for a moment, not even beginning to understand what was happening. Soon Alex's probing fingers found the edge of her birth born dress, the protective silky garb she had worn since birth, and ones he did he found it easy to tear off and expose her young green body, soft, warm and oh so sensitive to anything, even the air, since it had been covered until now.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex broke the kiss and looked at Silvia. "Awww! How cute!" he laughed as he looked at her body. "Silvia, you'll do anything for me, right? That's why you call me Master, right? So if I ordered you to let me fuck you, you'll obey me right?" he asked, before kissing her lips again, and pulling back so his right hand could find and massage her clit. "You'll do anything for your master, right? You'll do anything for me, right?" he growled.
"Alex I-I-Ahhh!" Silvia stuttered as his hand reached her clit and began to stimulate her young body. She bean to shake slightly and push against him, struggling weakly. "St-Stop Alex, p-please!" She moaned and pleaded.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Don't tell me what to do you whore!" Alex scolded. "And that's Master!" he screamed, and pinched her clit with hsi fingers, "Stop struggling against me, I am your Master, you do as I say!" he yelled, and by now his rage became mixed with sadness, because tears were seen in the corner of his eyes. "Silvia..." he whispered and stopped pinching her clit and rubbed it instead, wanting to hear her cry in pleasure.