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A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp)
Mai tried to move a bit, but soon found that was impossible. Oh she is good she thought and looked at her mistress. As she rubbed her breast she moaned in joy and smiled lustfully. "Oh yes, Mistress."


"I do not know about the age, but I would say young. Very young," Axel said, and looked at her B cups. "Though not young enough not to have a pair of slightly developed breasts. She sleeps just like any other person or cat, usually preferring somewhere warm and soft to sleep. She seems to like fish alot, and do not worry. If you were to order her to attack, she is smart enough to know how to use her catlike reflex and teeth to some fighting ability. The rest I'm sure you can figure out," Axel said. "Have decided on a name?" he asked as the catgirl giggled as her stomach was rubbed. "Ticklish, papa!" she smiled and giggled more as she was rubbed. "She seems to like you, and think of you affectionately. She called me the same when I met her. Neko, dear, this is your new master, and your only papa now."

"Huh? No more papa Axel?"

"No dear, but I will try to visit. Have fun with Master Alexander. Take care of her, Champion."


Hunter smiled and pulled out his tentacle from her mouth and moved so he and Grace were face to face. "Does it feel good, my wife?" he asked and kissed her neck, licking her sweet flesh.
Alexander smiled and took her in his steal clad arms so that she was face to face with him, being careful not to hurt her. "She is perfect Axel, I will chose a name for her in due time. For now she can simply remain as my nameless pet." He then looked deep into her blue eyes and kissed her on the lips, his tongue exploring her own, loving the sweet taste of a young cat breed. This was one of his test as well, though he derived great pleasure from it.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The neko's eyes widened in confusion, and felt Alexander's tongue explore her mouth. Feeling....good from it, the catgirl put her small fragile arms around his neck and kissed back, pushing in his tongue into the man's mouth, mimicking what he was doing.

"Hmmm..." Axel thought and turned to Serenity. "Serenity, before you met me, had anyone kissed you before in anyway?" he asked. "I hope none of those bandits touched you in any way you did not like," he added.
Silvia smiled and then stood up. "And now that you are properly restrained I think I will go get one more plaything that I left in our room." She went to Mai's clothes and searched out the key to their room, smiling wickedly as she left for it. She returned a little later holding a rope...but it was not a rope she revealed as she pulled poor Elva in by her tail, the cat girl crawling backwards as fast as she could to try to reduce pain. "Now both my sluts are here." Silvia said triumphantly as she pulled on Elva's tail harshly, making the small cat girl mew and cry. "P-P-Please Mistress Silvia, Mistress Mai does not like it when you-" She was cut off as she spotted her beloved mistress tied up. "Mistress!" She cried trying to crawl to her as fast as she could but held back by her tail. "Stop right there little slut." Silvia said, her other hand holding a box that would be familiar to Mai, it was were she kept her special, and at times most painful toys. Elva flipped onto her back and tried to claw at Mai as the woman pulled her in by the tale, but was elbowed hard in the stomach and began to cower once more, the small amount of fight she had in her taken away in a second. "S-Sorry mistress." She said, looking at Mai.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
At this Mai looked at Silvia, with a glare that said, remember who is the true Mistress. She then looked at Elva and gave soft smile and wink. "Mistress Silvia, be nice to the cute little girl. I love you both, and I would hate for my girls to hurt one another," she said. "Elva dear don't worry. If you be good to Mistress Silvia, I will repay you later. Same goes to you two Mistress Silvia, try to go easy on her," Mai motherly said.
Grace trembled as the cock was removed and uttered a small moan. "I..I...Yes.." She said after a moment, bucking against him a bit. What was the point in not giving him what he wanted when he would always take it anyways? At least this way, if she behaved, he would treat her and her people better...she hoped.


Alexander pulled away and smiled. A good start, a very good start. "I will take my leave of you then." He said, smiling and stroking his new pet. Serenity was still blushing at the display and trying to answer Axel's question as the two left. "Um...A-A little." She said nervously. "Some of the masters... and some times the slaves...would kiss me out of my need for affection...but...nothing like that...not really."


Alexander took his new pet to his room and placed her on the bed, removing all her clothes (If she has any) as he did. He then decided to see what she would do now instead of doing something right away.


"Sorry mistress, I cant do that." She said as she yanked Elva's tail again. "This goes we further than you might think. While I was training to be a knight, to elevate m family to a higher standard of living, I watched as a child of no royal worth was able to live in absolute privilege." She then kicked Elva in the stomach as the poor cat girl tried to rise again, forcing the air from her lungs and dropping her back to the floor, a quivering, gasping mess. "I used to sweat blood every day just for my meals while she got to watch us do it for her entertainment! No, now that I am in charge of her, now that I am her mistress, Im going to make her wish she had the chance to sweat blood like me!" Elva began to cry, though she did not while. She curled up, her hands balled up under her eyes and as her quivering body shook, and cried softly, tears streaming out of her eyes. "I-I tr-try to b-be good for-for daddy." She said in a terrified, small voice. "I-I sorry Si-Silvia. I ne-never want-wanted you to sweat b-blood. I j-just wanted to b-be good girl." Elva was then silenced by anther painful pull on her tail. "Shut the fuck up!" Silvia commanded. "Dont worry, after this I will give you a break, I will let you leave in the zoo with your favorite cyclops!" Elva whimpered and looked at Mai, her eyes begging "Please, I didnt do anything wrong, please help me!"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Kiss me Grace," Hunter ordered, suddenly stopping. "Kiss me, like how you kissed me before. Back when you begged for me to kiss you," he whispered. "Kiss my lips, and push your tongue into my mouth, my love...."


"Would it be okay if I touched you....say.... here?" Axel asked, and rubbed her ass cheek as Alexander left. "Or here?" he asked, and moved his hand to rub her clit, maybe here?" he wondered, and rubbed her breast. "I cannot help, but feel attracted to you, my dear. You are pure, sweet, and beautiful," he complimented and kissed her lips, as his hand played with her breast.


The Neko watched as her fur bikini was stripped off and she stretched playfully and smiled at her Papa. "Is Papa going to make Neko-chan feel good like before?" she asked, remembering the kiss. She suddenly pouted and looked away. "OR did bad Neko-chan do something dumb? Is Neko-chan going to be punished? Its okay if Neko-chan is, Papa...."


Mai was stuck. She looked at Elva and smiled, she loved her. She loved her like a real lover, she was pure and sweet, and innocent. She then looked at Silvia. She loved her two, her slutty, wild, and just plain sexy nature made her hot inside. If only she could find a way to make them have peace with one another? Then she remembered the love potion she used on Silvia....Could she use it to make Elva and Silvia at peace with one another? She then remembered what happened to Hunter and sighed. She didn't know what to do....
Grace blushed harder and nodded, slowly kissing Hunter as best she could. She was nervous, that much was clear, and her shyness was also a hindrance as was her inexperience with kissing. Hunter had kissed her but she was not really used to kissing by herself and without the passion of love behind her, her moves were that of an amateur at best.


Serenity flinched when he touched her ass and pressed her self into his palm, the sudden touch to such a sensitive place making her fairy body love the physical contact. But that was nothing compared to the next touch to her delicate and super sensitive clit. She arched her back when he touched her there and let out a small, sweat moan, her fair voice flawless and soothing. Then her breast was next and she found herself leaning into Axel who was behind her, her butt on his crotch, her hands at her side and her face covered in a crimson blush, her eyes gently closed. "M-Master, I-" She was cut off as his lips touched hers and she was kissed, melting like butter before him, some fluttering moans escaping her soft lips into the kiss.


Alexander smiled and began to strip off his armor, taking it all off until he was down to his tight black shorts. He then took out a string from somewhere and dangled it in front of his pet's eyes, still not saying anything. He wanted to have a little fun first.


Elva was left with no answer and her small heart plummeted, had she done something wrong?! Why had her mistress said nothing?! This only made her cry harder, harder until suddenly she was kicked again, this time much harder into her side, sending the poor cat girl into a nearby wall. Elva fell in a motionless heap and Silvia smiled. There was no movement from the small cat girl, no sign she still lived, not until a long sorrow filled mew escaped from her lips. She was then trembling again, though considerably less, mewing loudly now. She was calling for help in the most basic way she could. She continued to mew, even as Silvia pulled out a cruel whip and commanded "Get up slut!" Elva did not respond, simply crying and mewing some more, her body still splayed out limply over the ground, the poor cat girl being unable to even curl up again. Silvia hated her, really really did. She had gotten her as her slut to make her suffer, suffer badly, and now all that pent up need was about to release itself. She raised the whip, and Elva still remained on the floor, begging anything and any one to help her, to end her, anything to escape Silvia.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter angry at this. Her moans were weak, and her kissing not passionate. His hands suddenly grabbed and squeezed her beautiful ass and he thrust forward, beginning to fuck her harder and faster, quickly slamming his cock against that spot that drove his wife crazy.


"Yes?" Axel asked as he pulled back. His hands moved around her body, petting her soft skin, her ass, her clit, her legs, she was soft and beautiful, and his. "What is it my love?"


The Neko stopped and looked at the string, suddenly memorized. She carefully moved her hand up to reach it and playfully patted it with her hand. "Pretty," she whispered and playfully hit it again, trapped by the string's mighty power.


"Silvia....Elva....Silvia, do what you want, for this will be the last in a long time you will have your way with Elva! Elva, toughen up and withstand Silvia's attack!" Mai yelled. "Silvia, hurry up and finish. I will punish you, for you are still my whore, and I will separate you two for a good long time!" she ordered harshly. "Silvia, you are still my slave, my slut, my lover, so obey me!"
Grace was suddenly nearly sent over the edge as she was slammed into by Hunter's throbbing rod, hitting her G stop over and over like a jackhammer. Her mind became misty and she started to feel lightheaded as intense pleasure coursed through her beautiful body. She moaned loudly and became to buck against him for real now, kissing him with a bit more passion as lust drove her on. She was helpless in his grasp and a few tears sliding down her face said that she knew it.


Serenity could not talk as she leaned limply against him, blushing and panting, her body showing her virgin arousal. Her pussy was soon moist and her nipples hard, her blush adding to her cute features. "M-Master...what...wh-what is this?" She asked softly, still blushing, her mind overwhelmed and made helpless.


Alexander smiled as she played with the string, she really was a neko. He sat don next to her wiggled the string on his lap to bring her over to where he could pet and pleasure her.


Silvia looked at Mai and then the whip and smiled. "No." She said simply, raising the whip a little higher. "I think I like being on top, and since Im stronger, and more skilled then you, I think I will be from now on." Elva had silenced and tried to do what her mistress had said, letting out a weak yet defiant growl instead of a whimper. This cost her greatly as Silvia took notice and began to lash her naked body with the cruel whip. "Who are you growling at?! Hu?! WHO!?" By the end of the whipping, Elva had long cuts on her back lacked the strong to move at all and simply lay on the ground, motionless, the only sign that she even still lived was in her ragged breaths. "What you deserve." Silvia growled before turning to her mistress. "Now mistress, once I finish with this little cat slut, it can go back to the way it should be, the way it always should have been. Just you and me." As she said this Mai could see the purple in her eyes, the potion doing its job yet again. Elva lay in the corner, hardly trembling, making no sound but the sound of her breathing, it was easy to see that the cat girl would not last much longer under these conditions.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)