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Sinside Alley (Rape RP)
"Are you ready for another video, or do you want to do something else, slut?" Alex asked, kissing her cheek.
Iris still kept at least one hand on Gin when he sat her down and shifted uncomfortably as Trish's blind eyes stared into hers. After a long silence Trish said. "Not much I can do. I can destroy one mind if you want, that would leave you with the one you prefer. You just need to choose." Iris tensed at that and then lowered her head. "Its OK if master wants to destroy me..." She said silently, consenting to the fact that she probably was not the most liked of the two consciousness's. "There is a second option....but Im not sure you would want to risk it." Trish added when she "saw" how distressed the poor elf was.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Rei practically glowed at the kiss and giggled like a school girl "I'm ready for anything you want master!"

"If I wanted that I would have stayed home and done it myself! Tell me what the second option is!" Gin growled noticably angered by the potental threat the inocent elf.
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Good then, if you don't mind then, lets try our next video," Hunter laughed, leading her into the walk in closet. "Hm....Aha!" he smiled, taking out a lovely white dress. "Put this on, and tell me Rei....Have you ever wanted to be Princess?" he smiled.
"Dont speak to me in such tone or I will hex you and your elf!" Trish said, in no mode to take crap from any man. "Now the second option is fusing the two consciousnesses together to make one....but it might destroy both or have other unforeseen consequences. If you choose that then know that I am not responsible for any mental damage she may receive." Iris stayed quiet and waited for him to respond, waiting to see what her fate would be, to stay as she was, to lose one of herself, or to be fused...or something worse then all of them.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"What girl hasn't?!" Rei squeeled as she hurried into the dress modeling it once she was done "How do I look?"

Gin sat on the ground and looked exhausted, he had already hurt this pure inocent elf so could he do anymore to her? "Iris....I want you to pick....pick whatever you think is best yourself...don't think about me..."
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Like a Princess ready to wed," Hunter smiled. "Here's the plan, slut. You walk into your mother's room when day to see her being gangbanged and acting slutty. I make my appearance, I rape you, you eventually fall to my whim, then I overtake your kingdom, and fuck you and your mother before the last of your disobedient people. Understand?"
Iris shook her head and hugged Gin. "I cant master, I only think about you." She smiled and nuzzled him. "Anything you want is fine with me, I dont mind if you pick my destiny...please choose master." Trish waited, tapping her foot. "This is all heart warming and such but can you two hurry up and choose?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gin looked at Iris with hurt filled eyes and hugged her back, he didn't want either of the girls to be destroyed, he knew it would be even worse than death...and he knew how painful that was better than anyone. "..please..Trish...there has to be some other way..can't you find a way to spare them both? They don't deserve was my fault....please..." he pleaded, on the verge of tears for the first time since he died.

"Uh huh!" Rei nodded genuinly interested in the idea.

((Do I control the mother or do you?))
Lady Devimon's Minions
((Can you?))

"Good, then come along," he ordered, motioning her back in the Holo-room. He typed some stuff in, and the room changed into a beautiful hallway, with a door in front of her. "Whenever you are ready."