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Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge)
(The Rock of Atlas)

The soldier and Faiz emerged into a really large room which must have been at the bottom of a pit because the night sky showed up above. In the center of the room was an enormous boulder that was almost as tall as the pit was deep.

"Well, it doesn't matter how you got your power," the soldier said, putting on a tough guy voice. "The point is you've got it, but you're not the most powerful being in the universe because of it, and I'm going to teach you that. First lesson: Humility." He pointed to the boulder. "That is a rock. But it is a special rock. Only one person in the world could lift that rock and hold it without getting tired, and that was Atlas. He held that rock up for 117 years until he finally got tired and dropped it into this pit. Now, you're going to lift up the rock. You will be able to pick it up, and maybe even hold it for a little while, but eventually the rock will crush you. It always does. But don't worry; it won't hurt and a little gap will appear for you to crawl out from under it. It isn't meant to embarass you, but show you that there is still work to be done. Now, go over and pick it up."

(Underground Training Facility)

The soldier turned and addressed Mika. "I'm taking these two to the Fear Room, where hopefully they'll get some guts. You are going to rest here with Ariadne," he said and pointed to the girl who had summoned the armchair. "She will train you when you think you're ready."

"Go ahead and bring on this Fear Room," Solia demanded. "I'll conquer it in no time."

"Okay then, let's go," the soldier replied. He turned and ran off into a nearby corridor.

Solia immediately began pursuing him. "See ya, Mika!" she called back to the dragoness before she disappeared into the dark hall.

Ardeal kissed Mika once again. "It's okay," he said. "Rest up." He smiled at her and chased after his sister.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(The Rock of Atlas)

The wolf nodded and went to the enormous boulder, taking a good look of as well as finding a suitable spot to lift. After settling it for a while, he began put all his might by lifting the gigantic boulder, but it seems the rock doesn't move even an inch. He kept on trying but still showing the same results.

Faiz stopped while gasping a little bit. It does lifting the rock using normal method wouldn't work. By closing his eyes and his forehead touches the rock, he thinks of other method. His mind now completely empty and feel relaxed with his paws caressing the boulder. Then, he the boulder slowly lifts off the ground till on top of his head, and hold it for about twenty minutes before putting it down gently.

(Underground Training Facility)

Mika then waves her claw to Solia and Ardeal before seeing them disappeard from her vision. "Good luck..." The dragoness then look to Ariadne. "...If I'm ready, what sorts of training I should do..?"
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(The Rock of Atlas)

"Hmmmm, 20 minutes. Is that all?" the soldier asked. "I actually can say I'm impressed. Usually, people can only last about 5 minutes, so I think we can say you're strong, but certainly not as strong as others. Masquerade held the rock for an entire year once. That was back when we had our old leader, but he left on a quest and never returned." The soldier sighed. "Anyways, the point is to just be aware that when you walk into a room, you're not always going to be the strongest one." He walked over to Faiz and grabbed his hand. "Time for you second lesson," he said and led Faiz down another torch-lit tunnel.

(The Fear Room)

The other soldier, Solia, and Ardeal all stopped at a large wooden door surrounded by a dark aura. "Welcome to the Fear Room," the soldier said. "When you step into this room, you'll face your worst fears, and the door won't unlock until you conquer them. Understand?"

Both Solia and Ardeal nodded.

"Okay then," the soldier said as he pushed the door open. A blast of cold wind burst out of the room and seemed to grab the brother and sister and trap them inside. "Good luck," the soldier muttered before he shut and locked the door.

(Underground Training Facility)

Ariadne stood in front of Mika. She had long blonde hair and hazel eyes. Her skin was very fair and lightly tanned. She wore long white dress that trailed along the floor as she walked. "W-well, M-Masquerade ordered me to teach you h-how to increase y-your magic capacity, allowing you to cast a larger variety of water magic with almost precise control," Ariadne said nervously, avoiding eye contact with Mika. "Whenever you're ready, j-just say so."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(The Rock of Atlas)

Faiz nodded from the soldier's explanation. Indeed he's not the strongest one, so do his sister. They depend too much on powers and sometimes forgot that there's one important element to make them stay alive. He follows the soldier without asking.

(Underground Training Facility)

Mika somewhat froze yet blush a little bit as able to see the beautiful girl Adriane stood in front of her, and nodded at the same time. "...I guess I'm ready, Adriane...because now I could feel my energy almost return back to it's original state...And I'm sorry if my appearance scares you..."
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(The Battle Room)

The soldier continued down the tunnel with Faiz in silence until they reached a large wooden door with the image of two soldiers clashing blades engraved on it.

" the Battle Room," the soldier said. "When you enter, you will...wait, I'm not supposed to tell you. All I can say is that this room is made to increase your base parameters: keen your senses, increase your power, speed you up, and enhance your wisdom and judgement skills."

He opened the door slowly.

"You will not be able to exit until the task at hand is complete. When you complete the task, the door will unlock and confetti will drop from the ceiling...Just kidding." He gestured for Faiz to enter the room. "Prepare yourself..."

(The Fear Room)

Solia and Ardeal found themselves in a dark, chilly room. The shadows churned inside. There appeared to be no walls or ceiling, or even a floor for that matter.

"Well, this is nice," Solia said sarcastically. She kept on smiling, but she shivered a little bit.

"Man, this place gives me the creeps," Ardeal said, drawing his sword. Then, everything around him melted into nothingness, including his sister.

Solia looked over to see her brother disappear from sight. Everything around her melted into nothingness, also, until she was floating in a void of white.

(Underground Training Facility)

Ariadne blushed and bowed her head slightly. "Y-you're not frightening at all," she said hurriedly. Ariadne blushed. She looked down at the ground. "I-I think y-you're b-beautiful." She managed to look into Mika's eyes, but just blushed and looked down again.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(The Battle Room)

The two-tails wolf nodded and didn't ask much, just a basic information would do. he took a deep breath and release it slowly to calm himself, and take a step forward into the Battle Room.

(Underground Training Facility)

A slight blush crossed Mika's cheek once heard Ariadne's compliment. "...Thank you...I could say the same are beautiful, Ariadne.." She said with a friendly smile while looking to the beautiful female. Once she feel her energy return back to its original state. the dragoness slowly moves her butt away from armchair and stood closer to Ariadne. "...I'm ready...Let's start the training, should we..?"
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(The Battle Room)

The door shut and locked behind Faiz. The room was lit by an array of torches, all of them casting their fiery light across the room making the shadows dance wildly. Nothing was out of the ordinary until a voice said, "Please step into the middle of the room."

(The Fear Room: Solia)

Solia found herself in a large stone arena. A tall woman dressed completely in black stood at the opposite end. "I'm your worst nightmare, my dear," she said in a cold voice.

(The Fear Room: Ardeal)

Ardeal was standing in a sprawling green meadow, with wildflowers dancing softly in the gentle breeze. His sister was standing in front of him. He looked at the light blue sky above and at the fluffy clouds drifting through it. He looked back at his sister. "Man, this is really beautiful," he said. "So much for the Fear Room."

Solia said nothing.

"Solia? Are you okay?" Ardeal asked.

Solia collapsed to the ground. There were arrows in her back and she was bleeding profusely.

(Underground Training Facility)

Ariadne blushed intensely. "T-thank you f-for the c-compliment." She walked off a little ways to the middle of the arena. She made the armchair disappear. "Let's start. Cast one of y-your water spells on me."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(The Battle Room)

Faiz take a look around of the room till he heard a voice and follow the instruction by walking to the middle of the room, but cautious at the same time for any possible surprise attacks.

(Underground Training Facility)

Mika nodded as take a few steps behind while silently casting a spell. "I should start with the small one..." She thought as a small water sphere appear on her right claw and then throws to Ariadne at high speed.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(The Battle Room)

"You are very foolish to listen to what a stranger has to say," the voice spoke. As Faiz went to the center of the room, four stone golems burst out of the walls and surrounded him.

(The Fear Room: Solia)

"Really now?" Solia asked the woman, unsure of herself. "You're my worst nightmare?"

"I am indeed, and I'll show you," the woman replied. Faiz appeared next to Solia. The woman held up a fireball and threw it at Faiz. He took the hit, erupted in flames, and turned into a pile of ashes.

"NO!!" Solia screamed loudly. "I'll get you for this one," she said, preparing for battle.

(The Fear Room: Ardeal)

Ardeal panicked. He knelt down on the ground next to his dead sister. "How could this have happened?" he asked out loud, tears forming in his eyes and clouding his vision. He received no answer.

(Underground Training Facility)

Ariadne smiled. She held up her hand and the sphere of water exploded in a flurry of pink flower petals. "V-very nice," she said and smiled. "B-but you might h-have to do b-better than that."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(The Battle Room)

The wolf is now in fighting stance as he knew there is some surprise attacks. "...Well, if I didn't'll say the same thing..." He said softly. "...So what I should do..?"

(Underground Training Facility)

Mika somewhat impressed from Ariadne's abilities which able to transform her small water sphere into beautiful pink flower petals. "...I want to, but I can't...I should limit my usage of it wouldn't end up like before..." She chant multiple water spell simultaneously and throws to the beautiful female human. "...Plus I don't want to hurt your beautiful appearance, Ariadne...."
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds