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Kingzero and Silver
"No...its OK.." She said, not knowing why he would try to be nice to her. "Im happy just sleeping....I dont need a massage." She withdrew a little further into the covers then, trembling a little more.


The dildo gave her enough to just fill her up and then withdrew, leaving her on the chair. "A good slave feeds her master." The voice then said as two straw like things with suckers at the end came out of the floor and approached her breasts.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Rain caught the picture and did not resist, giving the suckers full access to her breast. "I'm a good slave, I won't fight back, not against Master."


"I insist," Alex smiled. "I am doing this out of the good of my heart. Do you really want to pass up a chance of your Master being so kind to you? It's only a massage, my dear."
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The suction cups connected and began to gently suck on them until finally milk began to dribble out and then stream from her breasts. Another pair of hands came out of the walls and began to pleasurably massage her breasts, both as a reward and as a way to get more milk with out increasing suction.


Flare began to back away some more but stopped. "O-OK...but...but just a massage OK?" She said slipping out of the covers to lie on her stomach and waited, trembling with fear.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Mai kept her body still for a minute or so, before finally relaxing and enjoying the pleasure on her breasts. "I'm good, Master, I am," she whispered as she relaxed into the pleasure, but was ready to do her master's service.


"Of course," Alex smiled. He slowly moved his hands to her shoulders and began rubbing them, his hands moving softly and lovingly. "Just relax, and enjoy the massage, Flare. I won't hurt you, I will only heal you," he smiled as his hands massaged her shoulders.
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

After awhile, all the milk was drained from her and she was allowed off the chair. (Slight time skip) For the next few hours she was forced to repeat many of the tasks she had done before to prover her loyalty to her master, many ending up being very painful but only being several times worse if she resisted. It allowed her no rest, no time to recover, rapidly giving her new tasks to do and hurting her badly with the body cramps if she acted to slowly or not to expectation. Four hours later, Rain found herself on her tip toes, being forced to stay like that by a chain that had connected to her collar and raised up, nearly choking her as she was forced to suck off and give hand jobs to several artificial dicks. Also, when the life like dildos ejaculated, she had to aim them on her face, missing caused a whip that was hovering behind her back to give her five lashes, and already she had missed twice.


Flare nodded and closed her cute eyes, but still trembled under his touch. She had a real phobia and right now she was terrified, but even more scared of what would happen if she rejected his kindness. At least....thats what he called it, though she had a sneaking suspicion that this was all made just to make her squirm, to make her even more scared, and it was working. She whimpered softly but said nothing.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((....I wrote it in a rush!))

"You're very tense," Alex whispered as he massaged her shoulders. His hands moved to her back and began massaging there, taking great care in his work. Silvia? Are you still there? How's Ren? Alex asked as he massaged Flare. "Flare? With your permission, I'm going to stroke your tail, just a bit though, okay?"


Rain whimpered and cried from the whip smacks, and raised her head up to look at the artificial dicks, and began to stroke them carefully, and suck them just as slowly, before getting into it. She took care not to mess up, and be a good little slut. "I'm good," she moaned, with the cock in her mouth.
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Flare trembled even more at the mention of her tail and tensed noticeably, but she knew that she was way to close and far to weak to stop him. " tail.." She begged, fully aware of how feeble she sounded and hoping that he had some sort of mercy in him and spared her. Its not looking to good master. She is going into heavy withdrawal now. I am able to content her by letting her suck on my fingers but soon she will began to have much more serious symptoms, she is already hallucinating heavily. If we drag this out she will lose the child, she is much weaker then she should be...almost like she is not a renamon at all, more like some beaten up mega...anyways, she is way to weak to keep this up, make haste master.


The dicks came in her mouth and splashed her face and body, the cum feeling warm and soothing on her sore body, making her desire more on herself, but alas, the cocks were pulled away and she was left on her tip toes for a little while. Then, so more arms came out and grabbed her ankles and wrists, lifting her into the air. "A good slave holds still for her master." The voice said as more and more arms came out, some with things that looked like squirt guns and others with hands and sponges. They then began to gently clean her sore body with care as the sponges lathered her body and the guns fired soft jets of steaming water on to her, the hands massaging her muscles, ass and breasts.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Then you must relax," Alex whispered. "Think of you and Ren, how you were and are together. remember when I brought you to her? You both were so happy. Just relax, picture Ren and you, no evil humans, no turmoil, just a calm life. Just relax, and be calm," he whispered. He was running out of time, if in the next few minutes failed, he would be forced to leave and help Ren.


Rain let out a happy sigh, the water... Her home, and her joy. But not anymore, a dark realization whispered. She closed her yes and sniffled a bit at this sad thought as she was bathe and cleaned by the robotic arms, not moving, not doing ANYTHING unless ordered to. This was her life now, best to just make due....
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The arms kept cleaning her body delicately, working some of the soreness from her body. "A good slave opens her mouth for her master." The voice said. If she did not open her mouth then an arm would just cover her nose and force her to as another, smaller arm locked into place in her mouth and began to scrub her teeth with a minty gel. When it was all done she was blow dried and then towel dried gently, and then the machine began to dress her.

First were some bright red and gold stalkings that went all the way up her legs, stopping on her thighs. then a red leather belt was put tightly around her waist fallowed by a bright red and gold corset that squeezed her stomach so tightly that it forced her to take shallow breaths. The top pf the corset was cup shaped and lifted her breasts in a perky manner, making them stand out much more and bringing them to attention, covering only the very bottom, leaving her nipples exposed. At last the machine added one last thing, a big red bow around her neck that seemed to almost frame her beautiful breasts. The machine tightened it a bit over her collar and turned it to the side a little. It then gently placed her down on her knees. The wall then slid open to reveal Mike on the other side, smirking with satisfaction, his arms stretched wide. "Come here slut. Come to master."


At this Flare did calm down a bit but not nearly to the point that she needed to be. Her mind needed to be conscious and yet incapacitated. He could just beat the hell out of her, but that was likely to scar her for life. He could just fuck her, but that would probably have the same effect, but the fact of the matter was that he did not have the time to be nice and ease her into it, not with Ren suffering as she was.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Silvia! Can you make a Pokemon forget their memories? Or atleast, hide those memories? I think I will be needing to take more drastic measures to finish this, Alex asked, stopping the massage and tightening his fist.


Rain took slow breaths and looked at her Master. She did not walk to him, but rather she did what was best for her Master. She crawled to him, taking care not to damage her new clothing. "Yes Master? I live to serve you."
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)