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Poke Catchen
OOC: Im waiting on you, I think...

IC: As Flare turned a corner she found herself only a few feet from the hungry Arcanine. She backed away nervously at first and put her head low automatically in a common sign of submission. After their last encounter Flare had good reason to fear the big dog Pokemon. she wondered if he would stop to talk with her or be content with her submissive form and simply walk past.

Edit: Oh crap, didnt see your post! Sorry, thought I was waiting for you all along! Posting!
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Arcanine stopped, looking down at Flare's submissive position, "You aren't one for confrontations I take it." he said simply.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"N-No." Flare said, backing away a little. Usually she was much braver then this, standing up to even water pokemon in the wild. But Arcanine had completely humbled her in its superiority in battle and had broken more then a few ribs on their last encounter, along with scaring her half to death when they rode to the house. Also, the fact that she kept getting warnings about him from Shaun made him all the scarier."S-Sorry, You must be going to the Kitchen..." she said softly, staying low, her fluffy tail carefully tucked between her legs as she inched away from him and back down the corner she had come from, leaving the way to the kitchen unimpeded.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Arcanine huffed a bit, "I was, but I think I found something a bit more interesting," Arcanine growled as he walked up to her, looking her in the eyes, "In the wild a submissive type like you wouldn't last very long, why would you want to return there?"
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"W-Well its not that Im submissive all the time.." She said, blushing. Was he really going to make her tall him?! She was afraid of him! But it still would shame her to say it out loud. "Im just a" Each time she stopped and then continued, her voice became more and more quiet until finally she said "you" and that was barely a whisper. She continued to inch away, the fact that he was more interested in her then in food was say the least.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"You should be," Arcanine growled, "It's good to see you know your place, be thankful Shaun ordered me to leave you alone, otherwise you'd be my bitch in no time." he said as he turned and continued on his way down the hallway towards the kitchen. He glanced back at her a bit, and smiled to himself, I'm going to enjoy having fun with her. he thought.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Flare backed away some more and whimpered, going back the way she came and curling up in the bathtub. She was very afraid of the large dog, both from his size and strength, his previous actions, and his words. At first she was just afraid of him because of what had happened before, but she had also though that maybe he was just fallowing orders, he did not seem that mean when they first met, but now....She licked her paws nervously as she stay curled up in the tub, not wanting to risk another encounter with the frightening dog type, knowing that he really could make her his bitch when ever he wanted to.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The bathroom doors opened, Vaps taking a few steps in before she started a bit at seeing Flare, "Oh, sorry, didn't expect you to still be in here. I was just going to take a quick dip but I don't want to make you get out." she bowed a bit and turned to leave.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"N-No." Flare said peeking out of the bathtub. " alright, Ill leave." It was clear she was distraught about something but she said nothing as she picked herself up and out of the bathtub and headed for the entrance. She would stay there and lock the door until Shaun came back. She was way to afraid of that animal to stay here, it was to much. She liked Vaps, and Shaun was nice, but she didnt think she had ever feared anything as much as the ball and Arcanine, both of which were right here in the house.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Vaps quickly followed after her. Attempting to open the door she was surprised to find it locked, she knocked on it softly, "Flare, are you okay? What's wrong?" she asked through the door, "Could you open the door?"
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad