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Kingzero and Silver
((Let's just call her Rain, kay?))

"Too much what? Pleasure? That's a good thing, my dear," Alex smiled, and inserted a finger into her pussy lips, using his thumb to her clit. "See? I'm not bad, I'm kind. I'm giving you all this pleasure," he smiled and kissed her neck gently, sucking on it to leave marks.


Rain glared at him, then th ground and bit her lip. "I am...I'm a virgin," she said with truth. In her life, she used Male and female Digimon by showing off her body, but she had never gone that far. It looked like that would soon change though.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Flare moaned even louder and weakly bucked against his hand, her tongue hanging out a little. She was so utterly defeated that she was giving in to him even as he teased her. She wanted him, she wanted him badly. She moaned and scooted a little closer to him, though that was the full extent of her current strength.


Mike smiled and said "Alright then, I believe you." He then put his mouth next to her ear and whispered "But do you want to know a secret?" He waited only a moment before saying "I lied." He then moved away and laughed. "Now lets walk you back to my house and we can start your training....I think you will just love the box!" He laughed again as he forced her legs to move with is.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex smiled and not pushed three fingers into Flare, while his thumb continued to rub against her clit. "I see you've finally given in. You're mine, and I am yours. If you agree to this, that you'll always be my little love slut, then I want you to cum. Right on my hand," Alex ordered, licking her neck and moving to suck on her tits.


"What!? NO! NO!" Rain screamed struggling more now. "What do you mean train!? And what box!?" Rain yelled as she began moving her legs. She walked along with him, but kept fighting more and more. Eventually though she was too tired and gave up, but glared at Mike angrily.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
It did not take much for Flare to comply and she came hard on his hand and closed her eyes. She was sooooo tired now, so sleepy. She had cum at least ten times since the start of their little session and now she was on her last legs, if she came even one more time she felt like she would fall asleep and never wake up, which was not true but she would pass out.


Soon they could see Mikes house and they got closer and closer. "Your going to be a sex slave for humans, do you understand?" He asked as he made her walk along with him. "Im going to put you into an underground training system I invented. I call it the box. If it works then can make and industry out of trained sluts like you will soon be, if it does not then I guess I can just go back and fix it. But there is good news to! You wont even have to see me once during your training." He smiled and new that this would not be good news for her. "First I have to get you processed, then we can start." He walked into the house and began to head for an elevator.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Ya know this would make a great story! Man rapes Angewomon, next thing ya know man has to deal with a a bunch of Digi and Poke beauties!))

"There we go," Alex smiled and licked his fingers of Flare's cum. "Why don't you go to sleep now, Flare? I have other business I need to attend to," he explained. "Sweet dreams," he added, kissing her forehead and walking out the door and, if Flare didn't have anything left to say, would go to another door and pulled out a key to unlock it, and opened to door.

It was a large blue tile room with a control panel on the side. He walked over and pressed a few buttons into the machine and suddenly a blue portal to the Human World appeared. He then walked in, appearing in his even larger Mansion in the Human World.


"Sex slave!? Why me?! I- I barely look human!" she yelled. Box, underground training, center, what was all this. "You're crazy!" Rain screamed. "Are all humans as mad as you!?"
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
As he appeared, a small sensor went off to announce Alex's arrival and soon a cute little Gardevior in a maid's outfit made her way there and bowed down before her beloved master. "Master!" She said happily, still looking down at the floor, knowing that now that she was in her glorious presence once more, all her actions must be checked and she had no permission to look at him yet. "I missed you soooo much master...there are no new sluts?" She asked, noting the distinct lack of a second pair of feet and was immediately saddened by the apparent failure. She almost winced since she knew that he was probably angry at this and would fuck her hard in the ass to relieve his stress. She did not mind though, she loved him and she would let him do anything to her.


"No, but close." Mike said as they entered an elevator. "And you look plenty human as long as you dont digivolve into Calamarimon. Oh and that reminds me!" He said as the the doors to the elevator closed and they began to go down. He took out a small silver ring from inside his pocket and rubbed it. Right away it grew until it was a large ring. He then split it in half and placed it snugly around her neck, reconnecting it right away. "There, no digivolving for you. This should freeze you in your current state until I take it off, and trust me when I say Im the only one that can take it off." They continued down for several minutes until finally the elevator stopped and the doors began to open. "Ready?" He asked as he slapped her ass, moving her forward a bit.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Actually no. There are new sluts," Alex smiled. "An Angewomon and Zangoose, also a Renamon and Flareion that tried to kill me," he explained. He smiled at that last part, wanting to see her face. She cared for him so, and was her first, so hearing that two beings that wanted to kill him were now his would be...interesting. "Also there is something else, my dear. The Angewomon has became half-cat like, and she and the Renamon now bare my children within them."


"No," Rain replied, but kept moving still. She looked at collar and gulped. She didn't even know HOW to Digivolve. "Wait, ready for what? What are you going to do to me down here?" she asked suddenly. "Torture? Cut? Burn?" she wondered to herself.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Silvia gritted her teeth, not so much at the assassination attempt though. Her master was clever and smart, and also very powerful and he showed no sign of obvious injury which was good. She had no doubt that he had made them pay dearly and that even now were cock hungry sluts. What she did get angry about was that the Angewomon and the renamon now bore his children. The ultimate honor, the highest gift...and he had never given it to her.

"Its not far." She said silently, a few tears dripping down from her eyes. She knew that she loved Alex most, she would do anything for him! She wanted to be his lover, to take care of him for ever and to be taken care of by him....but he always seemed to shun her in different ways. He had already bestowed his ultimate gift on two strangers, one tried to kill him! Why not her? She wanted him so badly, she worshiped him!

She still remembered the day he had chosen Zan to go with him instead of her to the digital world as his companion, she had smiled and bid him farewell, but she had cried every night since then, even the nigth before that very day. She trembled a little on the ground as sobs threatened to overwhelm her. Was she not good enough? Was she just to inferior to be with him? She was his first...but did that mean that she was also, obsolete?

"Im...glad..." She said with a sad smile, still facing the ground, not daring to look at him with her undeserving eyes. She dared not cry or be unhappy in his presence, she did not want to cause him trouble. "I mean...that your OK...I hope they feel honored..." She said, her smile still forced on her face, even as some more tears joined the others on the floor. Her arms bent dangerously as she almost lost her strength and her face almost hit the ground.

"Im...Happy th-that things are going well for you m-master." She said. holding back her tears as best she could as she trembled with utter sadness. But she knew that even if he never loved her she would always be with him, not because he forced her to but because she loved him and would work for his desires and pleasure until the day she died. And if she happened to outlive him then she would die right afterwards so that she could fallow him to the next life.


A Black Spider like droid with claws at the end of each leg awaited Rain on the other side of the doors a,d quickly grabbed her wrists and twisted her around so that her wrists were forced behind her back and her legs were soon grabbed and restrained as well as the digi effect wore off and she found herself in control of her own body. "See you in a day or so." Mike told her as he laughed and left, leaving her with her new captor. The Spider droid began to walk down the hall from the elevator, the halls were black and many black doors passed them as the silent machine to her away with a singular purpose.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
With a step forward, Alex wrapped both of his hands around Silvia and pulled her into a kiss. The kiss was gentle, and kind, and Alex was obviously into it. He quickly back and pet her cheek and smiled. He wiped her tears away with his hand and kissed her forehead, knowing full well what was wrong. "You're a horrible lier," he whispered, kissing her neck.

He then kissed her lips again and said, "You know Humans have a saying. Save the best for last. It doesn't matter if you hold my child or not. You will always be my favorite," he smiled. "And..if you want, we can try to give you my child right now," he smiled and moved a hand to squeeze her cute ass.


"AHHH!" she screamed as the robot monster attacked and grabbed her. "What!? A day or two!? NO! Please, let me go! There are other Digimon you an catch! Better than me, please let me go though!" Rain screamed, trying to fight the monster. She was so scared she couldn't even attack this beast as it walked off with her. "Somebody HELP!!!!" Rain screamed, trying to escape the robot spider.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Silvia's eyes showed brightly and she hugged her beloved master as tightly as she could. "Really master?! Finally? I get...I get to give myself to you in every way I can?" She had looked forward to this day for years, and now that it had come so suddenly, out of nowhere, her surprise and pleasure was unparalleled. She was not even jealous of the other two girls, who had received this gift even before she did. She wanted him so badly and moaned happily when she felt his hand squeeze her velvety cheeks.


The Robot brought her at last to a room with a huge metal X in the center. It turned her around and stuck her to it, holding her in place with its arms as cuffs emerged from the ice cold steal and held her in place. Then the robot turned and left, leaving her by herself for a long time as small appendages rose out fo the floor and used red, blue and green lights to scan her.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)