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Kingzero and Silver
Alex smiled and kissed Ren once more before moving on to Flare. He looked at her tail and gently petted it, stroking it affectionately. "My dear Flare...I won't hurt you, so don't be afraid," he said to her sleeping form.
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Flare moaned softly in her sleep and slowly began to open her eyes. She became alarmed and curled up into a ball when she saw Alex touching her, but the tail stroking soon had her murring and sighing with pleasure. She slowly seemed to start to relax now and became warmer as she felt good.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I'm not going to hurt you, Flare. I promise you," he smiled. "I can help you, protect you...pleasure you," he smiled, stroking her tail. "I'm not a bad guy, considering I'm a Human Man. I'm one of the nicest human rapist you'll find. Wouldn't it be better to embrace being with someone who will honestly protect you, and not some sick rapist who will do horrible things to you? I can protect you, and Ren, Angy and Z two. I'll protect you, feed, you, give you a home...all you have to do is obey me," Alex whispered calmly to her. As he did so he never stopped stroking her tail, as a means to calmly talk to Flare. "Despite what you believe, I am not truly evil. I am a lesser, more honorable evil."
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"" She said as she struggled against the drug like effect of having her tail stroked. " just want your want to put...a baby in my you did to...Ren...and that...Angy...." She struggled against the feeling but she was slowly losing, her arms and legs unclenching turning her into loose ball. "No...dont...touch my...tail...How do you....even know"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"You see the world as black and white. I see other colors. I, myself, am grey. Both good and evil. Even after I saved you both, you still do not trust me," Alex sighed, petting her tail. "Why? Does this hurt?" Alex asked, continuing his petting of her tail. "Or is it because it feels good?"
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"W-We would not be saved...if...if humans werent....Evil!" Flare said as her pussy began to get a little wet an her nipples began to erect. "St-Stop...if you keep petting my tail...I'll...I might...." She could not finish it as she want limp and began to moan softly.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"You might what?" Alex asked, petting Flare's tail. He then glared at her and sighed as his grip on her tail tightened for a second before relaxing. "Do you want to hear a story? Once upon a time there was a Father and Son. They were close, they were happy. Then Humans found a way into the Digital World, before anyone even thought of raping them, the Father and Son went into the Digital World, but barely an hour there they were attacked by some Digimon. The Father sacrificed his life so his Son could get away. Maybe that was why I chose this life? Digimon took my Father. I take their most beautiful women," Alex laughed, stopping his stroking for a second as he let out a bitter laugh, then returned to his stroking. "I'd tell you about my Mother, but I doubt you want to hear that."
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Why...dont you...stay in your!" she moaned as she became wetter and blushed. She semi closed her eyes and moaned then. She hoped he would not squeeze it again, it hurt real bad. Also, for some reason, that pain had made her wetter.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"This is is how I get my revenge, I suppose," Alex sighed stroking Flare's tail and petting it. "This world took my Father, I take this world's most beautiful women, and make them my lovers. There is only one problem," Alex sighed before squeezing Flare's tail again. "I'm too nice!" Alex growled. "I should be knocking you and Flare to the ground and fucking you right now, but...I just can't," Alex sighed, relaxing his grip, and stroking her tail again.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Flare whimpered loudly as he squeezed her tail. She could only whimper now, she was close to an orgasm due to her tail being so overly stimulated and was now shaking. "B-But we did not take your father.." She whimpered. "Humans took my parents and captured me and would have sold me....if Ren had...not story....her story is sadder then yours....and its humans who did it." She whimpered some more, now afraid he would squeeze again or hit her, yet all her muscles were loose and she was helpless and even the fear began to die away as her tail was soothed.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)