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Sinside Alley (Rape RP)
Sarah moaned as she felt his tongue enter her mouth. She was far to kind and timid to bite down, so she just cried more at her own helplessness. She continued like this for maybe a minute before she was left moaning and panting, her eyes glazed over, her pussy soaked and her hands softly pinching her own breasts as her tongue returned Gin's kiss, though not to the full extent. She was lost in a world of pleasure and was hardly conscious of what she was doing. She just kept moaning and painting, her pussy just getting wetter and wetter.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter walked over to the kitchen and began preparing some tea. He then looked at Rei and smiled, "Something wrong, my dear?" he asked, looking for some...special ingredients for Rei's tea. "Anything your loving Master can help with?"
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gin grined as he continued kissing Sarah and teasing her ears while he slowly and easily slipped his dick into her drenched pussy.

Rei jumped as he spoke to her and too quickly replied "N-n-no m-master! N-nothing at all!" she smiled nervously keeping a few steps out of his reach.
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Oh?" Alex asked, but turned away. "Okay," he smiled and out of Rei's watch, took out a small pouch of dust. It was a special drug, made to turn any woman it was given to into a dirty slutty whore begging for cum. He poured some into her tea and then gave it to Rei. "Drink up."
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Sarah moaned loudly suddenly as she felt his dick enter her and it bumped her hymen. "" She protested weakly, though her hands continued to pinch her own nipples and her mouth was soon forced back onto the kiss. Her pussy was so tight that she felt like she was being stretched almost twice over, she was lucky that Gin had let her get wet first.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Y-yes master..." Rei replied as she took the tea and started to drink 'I-I've gotta find a way out of here...' she thought while finishing the drink and absent mindedly swallowed the ice, which was an old habit of hers "Mmmm, t-that was good!" she moaned as she felt the Ice go down tracing it's path with her hand and smiling deviously at Hunter 'Why do I feel so..funny?'

"Don't worry pet, this'll only hurt for a moment but it'll feel incredable after that! Now behave or I'll have to dicipline you!" Gin said as, in one swift thrust, he burried his full length in to Sarah shattering her hymen.
Lady Devimon's Minions
"I'm glad," Hunter smiled. He then grabbed her waist and pulled her close so her breasts touched his chest. "My, my...Rei, you are very beautiful. I'm getting hard all over again," he laughed, petting her waist then her ass.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Sarah arched her back and came right away, having already been close from all the teasing. "Oh...n-no...what...have you done?" She asked silently as, tears in her eyes, but she was soon being swallowed back up in the pleasure of her captor once more. Her blue hair lay behind her in a tangled mess as she moaned helplessly, raped by her new neighbor.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I gave you the first taste of the greatest pleasure you'll ever feel! And now I'm giving you more!" Gin answered as he pulled out and began thrusting slowly and began quickly picking up speed.

Rei gave a long moan at Hunters touch and pulled herself harder against him rubbing her body against his "Then m-maybe we should take advantage of that Master!" she moaned again stroking him gently 'W-W-W-WHAT AM I SAYING?!!!'
Lady Devimon's Minions
Sarah let out a pleasured scream as she was thrust into. "Ahh! Ahhh! G-Gin...I c-cant...I ca-Ahhh!" She could hardly think as his hard dick thrust in and out of her tight elven pussy, her ears twitching slightly as he did and her hands manipulating her nipples. "St-Stop!" She begged with the last shred of sanity she managed to retain.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)