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A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp)
"Its not punishment, Elva. Its a gift, for being such a good girl. Silvia punishes you, but I will heal you," Mai smiled, kissing Elva's forehead. "Don't you trust me? I promise not to hurt you, only make you feel good."
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Elva still looked frightened, Mai had been the one to lock her in with that horrible monster earlier. But she knew she had no choice. "O-OK..." She said through her tears, still shaking and whimpering, still expecting it to hurt. She waited for her to do something, her body open to any touch.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Mai kindly kissed her tears, and licked them away softly. "Such a good girl," Mai whispered and kissed Elva's cheeks gently and with care. "Just relax, Elva. I'm not going to hurt you. This is a reward," Mai whispered into Elva's ear, before licking and kissing it.
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alva shivered with pleasure and her ear was licked and kissed. This was what mother cats would do to sooth their babies and it felt extremely pleasurable and comforting to her. She mewed cutely, and her tail coiled from the unexpected pleasure. "Thank you mistress." She said softly, both at being called a good girl, and at being licked and kissed one her ears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"My pleasure," Mai replied and continued her work, kissing and licking Elva motherly. "Are you ready for the next step now, Elva dear?"
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alva nodded nervously but it was clear she was much calmer now then she was before. She closed her eyes from the continued kissing and licking and began to purr. Her tail curled and uncurled and a cute little blush was on her cheeks. Why would Silvia be so horrible to such and innocent and adorable creature?
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Mai smiled and laid Elva down and Mai kissed her way down to her sweet pussy. "Ready, love?" Mai asked, and blew on the pussy, following by a kiss and quick lick to her clit. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle, dear."
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Elva mewed lightly as her pussy was blow on and then squirmed a little as it was kissed and licked, even clenching her little toes, her sensitive tail curling up and touching Mia a little as it swung a little. She continued to purr and looked up at Mai with big orange eyes. She was still scared, she might never not be scared ever again, but at least she was calm, calm enough. Her body still trembled just a little and small tears continued to stream down her face, but both were drastically less then what they had been. Elva nodded timidly to Mai and waited for the pleasure or the pain to commence.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Mai pet Elva affectionately before pushing her tounge into Elva's pussy and moving it around, licking Elva's pussy and enjoying the taste. "How does that feel?" Mai asked, stopping for a second before continue licking Elva's pussy and clit.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Elva could not answer at all this time, though she did not need to. She was moaning and purring with delight, feeling the warmth of the gentle sexual action all the way in her fingers and toes. Her tail curled and uncurled and her soft skin heated up as her small cat body was aroused. Her ears twitched and her nipples hardened, her moans and purrs filling the air as she felt the first sexual pleasure in her life. True pleasure.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)