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Mar and Tigerlily rp!
Luna sighed in relief as she thought she did bad on cooking, she did cook for the royal knights and they didn't complain. "I'm glad you like it." she said and then finally ate some of the meal as well. 'I...have to eat to get strong anyways.'

Then a sound of the door slam onto the ground alittle larger but greyish looking apemon with red eyes appeared, he sniffed around going towards the dining area. "DIGIMON QUEEN I have found you! Come meet my master, and together we will destroy the royal knights and with the royal knights destroyed we can do whatever we want!"

The rabbit warrior was shocked to find another digimon searching for her and she shook her head refusing the offer." No! I don't want to, I don't want to fight with the royal knights I don't want to defiled myself with such beliefs!"

"Then I will force you! Metallic fur!" the apemon growled shooting metal-like needles at Flamedramon and Crescenmon.


"This digimon has no idea what he's up against!" smiled Astamon. "If you wanted to die so badly then take this HELLFIRE!" He starts shooting from his auroramon and a huge explosion of fire appeared surrounding Renodramon.

"Renodramon..." Risori stared at him helplessly as the flames keep burning the bamboo trees.

"Now if you don't cough up then you know that I have my minions that is searching for that incense at your home."

"You fool!" The ninja grunted as she felt the pain of her neck almost choked. "You dare to disturbed the spirits of my house!?"

"Well what are they-" Then suddenly Astamon's voiced got interrupted by a gotsumon who suddenly then tripped over a rock. "What's the situation? It better be quick cause I'm busy here."

The rock like monster quickly pulled himself together. "The ghosts! They're possessing our gotsumon brethren making them attacking us even when we're allies!"

"Damn it. Delete them all who are possessed!" ordered the demon man.
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The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Flame Knuckle!" Flamedramon's voice roared, a pair of fireballs crashing with the oncoming thin missiles, causing them to explode and effectively stop from attacking anybody. Once the dust and smoke from the explosion cleared, Flamedramon was stepping with his arm in front of Luna protectively, "Didn't anyone teach you to knock the door before opening?" he growled, "We're having dinner at the moment, go away and come back later."


Reno looked over his left and right, he was surrounded by flames, the situation didn't look good, he only had once chance. "Renodramon digivolves to..." he began glowing, and suddenly he burst with light as all of a sudden he disappeared from sight.

A large, pale red dragon with a very long pair of tails jumped towards Ashamon, "Told you to lay off her!" he growled, diving a strong clawed punch to the demon.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Well sorry but, I have no time to wait!" Throwing a bone at him. "MEGABONE STICK!"

"Watch out!" Luna said the blue dragon down to the ground as the big bone was tossed onto the floor and back to the apemon's hands again.


Astamon sighs and stopped his claw and tossed him by a nearby tree. "Sheesh your getting in the way, give up punk." Then he turned to Risori, "Now all your stuff isn't destoried if you tell us where the Incense is or those items you have with you will be disenigrated*sorry spelling*!"

"'s in the secret rock place upper north of where I live...there is a hidden passage that holds my grandmother's dust."

The demon man smiled and let go of her as promised then, "Gotsumon tell the others to leave her house. However; lemme tell you this there are other digimon that might come in the winter but, just be lucky that I'm not here until the season over so you better train stronger!" Then with that he and the gotsumon disappeared.
I'm more active in FA and DA now. Click here to look at my gallery!
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Uh-woah!" Flamedramon fell to the floor, the flying bone barely scratching his head, "Thanks Luna, that was a close one!" he said, stepping up quickly, "Okay, enough patience!" Flamedramon said, hugging himself as he growled, then released his arms as he caught fire all around his body, "Fire Rocket!" he said, charging towards Apemon and giving his signature firey shoulder thrust against the large monkey.


Unable to maintain his digivolution for long, Reno de-volved into Renodramon once again, the rookie gathering enough strength to run towards Risori, "Risori! You okay?" he yelled, getting next to the ninja Renamon with a pale expression in his face.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Ugh!" The apemon grunted as he got tackled by the blue dragon but after getting hit by Flamedramon he falled on the ground breathing very hard. "Damn it...I'm...sorry I have failed you Barbamon..." then with that he was deleted his hand dropped 3 moon dusts on the floor.

"...Oh no..." Luna said worriedly as she touched the glowing moon dust as if they are reacting strangely near her.


"Renodramon..." Risori said finally and then she coughed due to the Astamon who did held her fur cuff so tightly. "We must get to my grandmother's incense immediately!" The ninja fox then started to stand up but fall again as she felt the sharp pain on her leg struck. "...Ah..."
I'm more active in FA and DA now. Click here to look at my gallery!
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The flames around Flamedramon died out as Apemon vanished, the dragon looked over to Luna and the dust, blinking in surprise, "Hey, what's that?" he started walking over to the bunny.


Renodramon walked as fast as he could towards Risori, "Don't worry... We'll get to them fast!" Reno nodded to her, quickly getting down and pushing her up, grabbing one of her arms and putting it around his shoulder so he could hold her, "I don't know the way to your home, can you tell me where to, from here?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"It's the moon dust...from the three moons." She lowered her head in sorrow. "I'm sorry I got you involved." Luna apologized. "This wouldn't have happened if I were to exist but I do."


"It's north from here." Said Risori although she did feel very uncomfortable as she felt his arms carry her.
I'm more active in FA and DA now. Click here to look at my gallery!
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"But... but what happened?" Flamedramon asked, blinking at the dust, "You sure that's not just some grinded granite? There's a lot around town, maybe you should lay down and rest..." he said, still not believing the tale about the legends and the moons, "That was just another crazy burglar wanting to break in. He just didn't know who he was messing with." He grinned jokingly.


Reno seemed as if he had changed, he nodded to Risori and leapt off as an agile Renamon would, but all the time he was supporting the ninja with his body, "We'll be there soon!" he said to reassure her.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Luna looked at him strangely, 'is he trying to avoid the situation we've been through?' then after some thought she gave up but, smiled 'I guess...I should let him be like that.'. "Oh alright, but....nevermind I guess I should train in the's very dangerous at night for me to train." hopefully it'll be better tomorrow.


As they finally arrived, the house was already wrecked, but the stuff were still in tact. Risori then looked around knowing they are already too late she sighed. "It's long they don't find the queen then. We' alright."
I'm more active in FA and DA now. Click here to look at my gallery!
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Heh, no prob! Let's rest, I'm sure you need it." Flamedramon gave her a grin, helping her and escorting her towards the guest room. "Have a good night. Try not to think about what's been happening."


"The queen?" Reno asked, cocking his head sideways, "What do you mean? What did they steal?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad