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Kingzero and Silver
Z jumped down from Alex's arms and ran over to Flare and sniffed her. She quickly recognized her attack and growled at her. "Zan! Zan!" Z cried, growling and getting ready to attack. "Down Z," Alex ordered, using a tentacle to grab Z's tail and a bowl of Poke-food. "Here," he said, dropping the bowl at Z's feet, who happily ate, still keeping an eye on Flare.

((Z...did you forget the Market RP again?))
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Flare hid her head in her arms and began to shake when Z came over, and even after she left she was still curled upright and shaking. Angy looked down at her sadly and then up at Alex with eyes that asked "Isnt there anything you can do?"

(Z? Im a a Zangoose now? Lol, and ya, damn it! I think my comp is just messing with me now. I will get it when I run down the other RPs in the Fetish section.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Its, cool, things can get confusing on this site))

"Flare, why don't you go see how Ren is doing?" Alex said. "I'm sure he'll love your company, as for you, Angy. When you're done, how about we go to the swimming pool?" the human smiled.

((Yes, you're a Zangoose now. POKEBALL! GO! (Throws a pokeball at your head))
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Flare crawled away cautiously and then ran the rest of the way. Angy giggled a little but then shook her head. "Im sorry master but...I dont know what will happen if I get in the water as I am...I mean...I feel everything you know...water might just..." She shrugged and shook her head. "Besides, I dont think I can swim." She laughed a little and began to stand slowly.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Well then what does my favorite love slut want to do?" Alex asked, walking over and petting her cheek with one hand and using the other to grab her waist and pull her chest into his.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angy made a full body tremble as she was touched and moved so quickly. "Ohhh....ah- Please...master." She said blushing heavily as she steadied herself. "Be gentle with me. I feel everything right now." She thought for a moment but could not really think of anything. " you really want to go in the pool? I will go, but dont expect me to move around or plash much." She giggled nervously and laid her head on his chest.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I don't expect you to play in the water," Alex smiled. "If your strong enough, we can go back to having our fun before Ren and Flare came and ruined it. I promise to be gentle," he smiled, kissing her cheek. "How about it?"
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angy blushed deep crimson and said "O-Ok." She got up and said "L-let me change first, that way its just like before." She said going back to her room to get her small, tight fitting white bikini.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex smiled and gave Angy's ass a gentle slap. "Good girl, have fun changing. I'll meet you at the pool," he smiled, walking to the pool already.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angy blushed and came out a little later, blushing heavily in her little white bikini. She laid down on the pool side chair like she was before and reclined herself so that she was almost laying flat, like she had been. she waited then, closing her eyes and blushing cutely as she waited for Alex to take her, hopefully gently.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)