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Kingzero and Silver
"Angy, go back to the mansion with Z. I don't want you here for this next part," Alex said, reaching into his bag an pulling out some pills and brought Flare closer. "Try using any of your attacks, and I'll rip your arms off, understand?" he whispered.
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Flare was filled with utter terror and could not even nod as she looked at him with wide fearful eyes. Angy obeyed but said "Please master, be careful with her, she is the youngest of all of us." and left. Flare clenched her legs together as best she ciukd as she shook with utter fear. "Y-Y-You said you would let me go." She said in a small, terrified voice.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex nodded as Angy and Z left, then looked at Flare. "True, but Ren just misses you so, that it hurt me to see her like that. So I've chosen to make you my little slut, and oh! Did you hear? Ren's going to be a mommy soon!"
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Flare's eyes opened wide and her shock was so great she even stopped struggling for a moment. " put you human seed in her belly? It worked?" She suddenly began to struggle again and said "I don wanna be a slu! Slu is not hat I am!" She let out a few animal like growls and whimpers, trying to get a limb free. "Let go! Not Fair! Why you are so much stronger?" She asked as she struggled.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Yep, she'll be a mommy in a few weeks I bet! Maybe less with her Digimon data," Alex smiled. "And I'll be a daddy!" he laughed. "As to why I'm stronger? I've had alot of work with Digi-sluts and Poke-sluts like you. You could name any Pokemon or Digimon and I can tell you that in the Human world there is atleast one of them there, acting like a slutty whore."
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Flare struggled and struggled and struggled some more until she tired herself out. She looked up at Alex with big watery eyes and said "Are you...are you going to hurt Flare? I am sorry for what Flare did! Im sorry, Flare was just trying to be a good girl....please dont hurt me." Her legs where still clamped shut and she was shaking with fear, which looked oddly cute as she hung there.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"There are two ways we could do this. The fun way, where I can make sure both of us feel good, and the hard way. Where only I'll be having fun, probably," Alex explained. "Pick. If you want the fun way tell me you're a slut. Tell me you want me to fuck you, and don't stutter on anything. If not then we can do it the fun way for me."
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Noooo!" She moaned struggling a little more and crying. "Please, dont want it to go in again, your really big and Im not." She begged, trying to make him understand. "Dont hurt flare, please Mr. Human." She begged. She cried a little more and looked up at him with red puffy eyes and said "Im s-slut. I want to be fucked" She was so scared she was clamping her legs together to keep from soiling herself. She knew what she had just asked for and knew that it would hurt. She just prayed that this was a test and that she would not be forced to undertake the torture he had put her through a few hours earlier.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Good girl!" Alex smiled. He then pulled out a pill from his bag and had his tentacles force open her legs. "Now eat this pill," Alex ordered, putting it near her mouth.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"St-stop." Flare pleaded weakly. "This is not fun.." Tears fell from her eyes as she took the pill in her mouth and swallowed it. She shivered as she did, afraid for her life. She did not want to be hurt and she did not want to die. She had hoped that he was not lying when he told her that they would both have fun, but she could see he was not putting her down, which was the only thing she desired right then.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)