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Kingzero and Silver
Alex smiled and let his tentacles massage and slap her breasts a bit. "Good whore, suck it until I cum, right in your mouth," Alex smiled as he deep throated her faster and deeper.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Flareion protested in the corner while Renamon took the face fucking. She whimpered and yipped as her breasts were slapped and massaged, and a few tears rolled down her eyes. She was to weak to protest, to weak to do anything. She waited then as she sucked and licked weakly, waiting for him to climax and then leave them be.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
With a moan Alex shot his seed into her mouth and pulled back. He pulled out the mouth ring and looked at the Renamon. "I am your Master, now. I own you and your friend."
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon spit the cum out of her mouth and said "You will never own me. You can only hack me if you have my real name and Flareion is not a digimon. Your tricks wont work here!" she did not fully believe everything she said however. Flareion was a young and attractive pokemon with D cups and she knew Renamon's real name. If he some how got it out of her then he could easily craft a slave collar for Renamon or even hack her.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex only smiled and gave the Renamon a harsh slap before walking over to the Flareion. He took out a knife and sliced the rope and quickly grabbed her with his tentacles. "Two questions. What is your friend's name and...are you a virgin?"
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Flare! Flareion!" She said spitting and trying to flamethrower his face. What she had said was "Burn monster!" She struggled weakly and Renamon realized what he was trying and quickly tried to summon something to her aid. "Diamond storm!" She screamed. Nothing happened, well nothing at first. A small diamond shard dropped not her back and she grasped it. It was not enough to attack with but with any luck it would help her kill the foul man when she cut through the ropes.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex had enough playtime with Z to atleast understand basic Poketalk. So he grabbed Flareion and held her in front of him and rubbed his dick against her pussy. "Wrong choice of words," Alex smiled an hammered his dick into her pussy.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex found the inside of her pussy to be warm and soft and that she was in fact, a virgin. Flareion opened her mouth in a wordless wail as he held it in her and her eyes filed with tears. "Wait stop! If I give you my name, does she go free? She will never return and live alone and away from humans!" Renamon pleaded, trying to cut her ropes faster while not revealing it. Flareion released a series of whimpers and her soft eyes looked up at his and all he found there was misery and fear. She was like a little girl. He was the bad guy, so defeating him was ok. She never killed any one, that was all Rena, she just watched and helped when they where outnumbered. "Fla...Flareion." She said in a trembling voice. "Me...Mercy." Was the translation.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex moved a hand down and gently pet the Flareion's cheek and looked at Renamon. "It truly pains me to see so innocent broken down. You are lucky. I am probably one of the nicest humans you'll meet. Others would be willing to rip you apart and still fuck you," Alex said. He then looked at the Renamon and nodded his head. "Tell me her name, and I will do what I can."
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"What can you do?" Renamon asked, both trying to stall a little longer and genuinely suspicious of why he had not simply said that he would let her go. She was not about to give him her name if he was just going to trick her with a slip of a word or two. Flareon still shook as she was held in the air by the tentacles. She was only about five feet tall or so, and so she was lifted off the ground. "Please...pull it out....I will be a good more fighting....I promise." Flareion begged softly.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)