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Kingzero and Silver
Z quickly walked in and handed Alex a dress. "Thank you, dear," he smiled at her. He then looked at Angy and held up a yellow top and pink dress. "IT seems we are out of Angewomon clothes."
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angy took it slowly. She did not want to dress like an Angewomon any more. For some reason when she did humans thought she was like some kind of slut and raped her. She did not like that, she hated that. She slipped the dress on and sat on the toilet looking up at Alex. She did not know what else to do, she barely understood her current situation and she had no idea what to do now. Returning home, if she still had a home left, would only result in her future rape and possibly capture. But remaining her probably meant becoming a sex slave. She hugged her kneed and sat there looking down, at a complete loss.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Angy? Do you need anything? Food? Water? A bed to sleep in?" Alex asked. "And before you ask, I am worrying about you because, unlike those brutes, I care for those I make love with. Correct, Z?" Alex asked, to which Z nodded and smiled.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Why do you love me though?" She asked looking up at him crystal tears in her eyes again. "And why...why do you humans keep doing this to me. I wish I were dead." She said silently.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"You are beautiful. And no matter how many times you are fucked. No matter how many times you are used, or how many times you cry, I still see you as a pure Angel, a symbol of beauty and true perfection," he whispered and took her head in his hands and kissed the tears away. "And by the way. I much prefer you alive."
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angy jumped into his arms then and broke down. She sobbed incoherent words into his shoulder as she sought comfort where ever she could find it. "B-But where will I go now? I dont want to live a life like that! Always running, always being raped." She sobbed harder and her legs would not support her.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"You can stay here. I will protect you, give you food, and clothing," Alex said,hugging her body. "You will not need to run," Alex whispered kindly.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
She looked up at him then, her face red and tear streaked. "B-But you will want my body as well wont you?" She asked, fear creeping into her voice. She then lay limply in his arms. "Fine....just...please dont make it hurt any more. It hurts so much." She said softly, her defeated voice almost nothing more then a whisper.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I promise, it will not hurt," Alex smiled. "I can show you it won't," he smiled, pulling out a pill. This one was pink in color and was different from the red in heat pills. "This pill is different. It turns pain to pleasure. Would you like to see?"
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Please dont hurt me!" She said shying away from the pill. She did not want to see another pill for as long as she lived. "Please, dont hurt me." She begged at his feet covering her head.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)