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Kingzero and Silver
Alex saw her leave and walked over to his pants. He pulled out a cellphone and pressed a series of numbers. "Hello? Yes, Tony. I need a favor. Remember that Angewomon you told me about? Good. She's heading to her area now. Cut her off, and show her how bad it gets...."
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angy was relaxing now at her house, a hallowed out tree. She was reflecting on everything that had happened to her, being raped, kidnapped, punished and then released. It made almost no sense at all. Release? Why? She was totally helpless? Why would she get released? Well, it hardly mattered now that she was home and happy.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
A group of humans walked into Angy's forest and looked around. "Hey, Tony, where is she?" one asked. Tony looked at him and pulled out a cigar. "Flesh her out," he ordered and the small human army began moving through the forest, any Digimon they found, they put ballgags on them and raped them.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angy heard the commotion long before she saw it. She quickly gathered herself and began to flee, flying low over the trees as fast as she could to escape the humans that were invading her home.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Hey! Check it out! An Angewomon!" one of the lackys laughed. The humans quickly pulled out tranquilizer guns and began firing at Angewomon, while those who could chased after her, intent on bringing her to the ground.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angy felt something sharp bury itself in her left wing, which only made her fly faster in panic. She Suddenly began to feel oddly numb and sleepy and the feeling only got worse and worse as she kept flying until she could not help but drop to the ground. She began to half limp, half run, hoping that the distance she had put between herself and the humans was enough to save her.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The humans were not like Earth Humans. These were stronger and smarter. They soon found Angewomon and ran to surronded. "Look at this boys! A nice little whore!" Tony laughed, seeing Angewomon. "I heard a slut Angewomon was here, they always make the best fuck-slaves!" one laughed pointing at her.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angy coward as they neared and surrounded her. "Please, leave me alone." She begged. "Why is it always me? I have dont nothing to humans, just leave me alone!" she cried firing off several arrows at the humans. She was sleepy now and her aim was not all that good but she was firing a ton of arrows.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The arrows hit some of the people, but it was mostly like a sucker punch. They quickly recovered a one human tackled Angy, trying to cuff her hands as another did the same to her feet. They all laughed as they saw Angy struggling, some of them already raping th smaller Digimon.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Stop!" She screamed as she was bound. "Why do you do this? What do you want? Data? Gold? What? We can get it for you, just please leave us in peace!" She begged, struggling as best she could, which was not much since she was sedated.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)