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Avatar Settings
Hi! Just to let you know, the forum is currently limiting our avatar sizes to 70x70, instead of the stated 100x100 we're used to. It would be nice to have the full size avatars again, at your convenience.

While I have your attention, I humbly suggest a limit bigger than 100x100, say 125x125 or 150x150. My "name box" to the left is approximately 200 wide, for reference.

Actually I just fixed that, it was a separated setting to show the avatars on a 70x70 size on posts put I corrected it moments ago.

About increase the size of the avatars above the 100x100, I don't think is much necesary such big size, 100x100 works fine, about your name box being 200 wide is because your member name is longer but not everyone has such a long username, still I'll consult this with the staff :)
[Image: patagatokiss2.jpg]
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