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Crest went out right behind Jay and stood next to him. He quickly glanced at all the others he hadn't met and made a note of characteristics. There were a few girls he noted sadly. 'I hope I don't screw up if I have to work with one...' He faced the office when he was done.
Veemon's Followers
Ishana exited the womens barracks after Raize had, folding the bow in half before leaving it on the bed.

Altima walked out of the men's barracks at roughly the same time as Ishana. He waved to her, as she waved back, before both of them took their places at the end of the line, next to each other.
"yeah I guess so..." murmured Yoosei, as she was still a bit focused on her own thoughts. she then twitches her ears softly as she looks around before spotting Jay and smirking. "oh look who I have found..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Jay felt watched and looked around before spotting Yoosei, he flashed a smile at her and winked at her ina flirting way without the others noticing
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Yoosei grinned as she noticed him winking flirting at her. "guess I got luck..I caught his attention" she said to herself and giggled quietly as she then discretly winked back at him and smiled.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Misty stood in the line as she watched everyone arrive and line up also. Her tail was swishing, waiting for Gol and Keith to come out of Gol's office for further instructions. She put her arms behind her back, linking her claws as she rocked back and forth on her feet.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
As soon as he saw those in line, he walked out, having Keith follow him from behind with the crate. He slowly paced over so he can get a look at everyone in a line. He walked from one end and back to the other end and finally stopped in the middle of the line, a few feet away.

"Before I say the short breifing, I want to first say, welcome to camp ECHELON. I am very pleasent to see many of you wanting to become a real Third ECHELON spy and assist with over ruleing UPSILON."

There was a short pause.

" all know what you are here for, and you know what challenges you will have to face, but through all the hard work, it will all be worth it."

He stood with his hands behind his back.

"Is there anyone here who would like to ask me any questions on their mind before I continue?"
The Mod Squad
Not wanting to speak in front of everyone, Misty just shook her head slighty, but enough so that Gol would see it. She didn't really have any questions because Gol already taught her some basic spy stuff earlier, but was interested in learning more. Staying as still as possible in the line, Misty only moved her eyes as Gol paced back and forth.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Jay stood there listening carefully to Gol's speech, he really was looking forward to this, the tip of his tail swished softly as he waited for Gol to continue.
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Raize stepped forward, "What is the current condition of the ECHELON organization? Considering even this camp of invitational training ECHELON must be in dire need of assistance if it calls for public invitational training."