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Altima/Kalyx Rp
"Oh! hey Tachyon!" Altima said, still stroking his member. "What happened? not gonna take a shower?" Altima asked, bucking hips hips slightly from his stroking.

"mhmmm...and you're the only one right now who knows how to make me cum like that!" Ishana giggled, as she helped Psyrixia clean her muzzle.
Tachyon bend down to retrieve his underwear, "Uh...just forgot these."
Swings his boxers in the air. Walking over and sitting next to Altima, the dragon asks, "Alt...if you still want to get yiffy...why didn't you just ask me?"

Psyrixia kisses and tongues the lovely crimson vixen, "Mmmmm, and your hot body is more than enough incentive. I could of eaten you out...all day long." She murrs against her neck.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"huh?" Altima stopped stroking, just as precum began to ooze out. "Oh...uhm...because it feels ebarrassing to ask you about it, when we've only been going out for...a couple of hours..." Altima said, his cheeks blushin, as his member throbbed from the lakc of attention.

"mrr... yeah..but then you'd have nothing else to do the next day.." Ishana giggled, as she nuzzled Psyrixia as well, bringing her body as close to the dragoness as she could.
"Alt, ther's no shame in telling me how you feel. How will you know if you don't ask?" Tachyon reaches over and strokes Altima's member and his own, as well. "I'm always horny too, you know...", shows the dragon his rising cock.

Looking into the vixen's eyes, "Oh...I can think up a lot of things that I could do to you...that would be different, everyday of the year." Psyrixia winks at Ishana, kissing her neck.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"mhmm... yeah..." Ishana agreed. "So, shall we get the boys, and go find something to eat?" Ishana asked.

"ahh..." Altima murred, as Tachyon stroked his member. "I'm sorry f-for keeping it from you, Tachyon... but.. I...just want you to love me as well...and...I don't wanna ruin it for the both of us.." Altima said, as he helped Tachyon, by jerking the other dragons' member himself.
Psyrixia scoots to the edge of the bed, "Sure, I'm getting hungry, too." As the dragoness gets to her feet she pauses, "Although, shouldn't we get dressed first? Or maybe...we'll just give the boys a little morning thrill."

Tachyon leaned over against Altima and continued pulling on his dick, "Alt...believe me, you're not ruining anything. And...I really do love you. In fact, with all my heart...and a few other parts, as well."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"mmkay.." Altima said, as he hugged Tachyon.

"Yeah! that ought to lead to some interesting stuff!" Ishana said, as she hopped off the bed, and fished around for a towel to dry her legs off.
As both dragons continued to pull and jerk on each other's growing members, Tachyon kissed Altima on the neck and asked, "So, Alt...
since I was inside you, last night...would you like to do me, this time?"

"Yes!...That's the spirit!", Psyrixia cheers, prancing around the room. "We should just casually walk in on them, just as we are...naked." She giggles. Let's just see if that gets a rise out of either one of them."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"uhm... d-dunno.. actually... I liked the feeling of it last night....w-wanna do me again?" Altima asked rubbing the back of his neck, still jerking Tachyon slowly with his other hand.

"Yep... and maybe we could have some 'fun' with them later.." Ishana nodded, as she stood up and slowly made her way to the door. "So... wanna go in first?"
Tachyon slowly released Altima's cock and stood up, his erection at eye level to the dragon. Smiling at him, he winked, "OK, Alt...but now you're gonna have to promise to fuck me twice." He slowly stroked his own dragonhood, motioning Altima to his feet.

Approaching the boys' doorway, Indigo nodded and whispered, Shhhh...let me listen, first." Placing her ear and paw against the door she tried to listen.. "I don't hear anything. Oh, well...I hope they won't get too mad."
Quietly grasping the doorknob, she slowly twisted it open and suddenly threw her weight against the door. "Surprise!!!"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz