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Furry Teen Titans HIVE RPG
Anna smiled, looking up at her mate. Her clothing and attitude had changed somewhat too. She was now an incorrigible flirt around her mate, making lewd propositions, teasing and groping her mate playfully, even if Brother Blood himself was watching. She was currently dressed in a black bodice-style top, held together with a blood red ribbon, leaving a gap down the centre of her shirt, leaving a strip of fur exposed from her neck to her waist, giving her mate ample view of her cleavage. She also wore a black mini shirt with showed off that ass he loved so much, and completed it with some knee-high 'hooker' boots. Anna also got a few piercings as well, but only Shadow knew about those. She smiled as he mentioned the dance, and reached behind her, giving him a playful grope in return for the paw on her ass.

"Sounds like fun, handsome..." she said, smiling. "You really can't keep your hands off my ass, can you?"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Kenzuma giggled. "I'm sure you know more people than I do... I know you... Alita.. Shendo.." he stopped as he mentioned Shendo, once again getting the strange feeling that somethign was horrbly wrong.
Shadow murred at her groping, squeezing her cheeks and stroking her tailhole through her pants.

"Mmm, nope...can't help it that it's so addicting," he purred, gently turning her around and pulling her into a passionate kiss.
Alita finished her lunch, and then moved out of the cafeteria quickly, not caring if people noticed her this time "Maybe people don't notice me because that is what they are used to...." she thought as she moved toward the gym, determined to take her frustrations out on the bags, or on a sparring partner if she could find one.
Name: Sammuel "Eagle eye" Lexxar

Gender: male

Type: Anthro- wolf

Age: 17

Height: 7'3"

Clothes: a dark green robe with a feather pattern on it, with a hooded cloak to match. His boots are made of leather, and have a leaf pattern to them.

Description: A large muscular frame hides beneath his flowing robes, his eyes look more like those of a bird of prey rather than a wild dog as the rest of his appearance would suggest.

Usually nearby or perched on his shoulder is a large red-tailed hawk, much larger than those normally found in the wild, and the bird shows signs of intelligence, though it never speaks, it also shows true affection toward him, often preening his fur if they are not doing anything. He calls this bird by the name of "Lola"

Powers: Telepathic communication: Can speak mind to mind with anyone he knows.

Telepathic senses: Can see through the eyes of his avian companion.

also has slightly increased agility, strength, reflexes, and all senses are enhanced.

Info: For equipment, he has several items..

Long staff

Throwing needles (usually dipped in a poison or drug)

Various drugs and poisons used to cause paralysis, unconsciousness, pr hallucinations, but never death.

Special Perks: his dick remains hard longer, and his knot expands even further than most just before an orgasm.

Member Covering: clothes

Cock Size: fully erect, ten inches long, four inches wide. Unerect, four inches long, two inches wide.


Sammuel sat in his room, brooding as usual while his only friend was out flying through the halls. As usual, he checked up on her, looking through her eyes as she flew through the corridor. He smiled slightly as he say the young feline headed toward the gym. "She could be easy prey... but perhaps it would be better to meet her in person, and actually talk to her..." he said quietly, standing up, and pulling the cloak over his face as he moved to the door.
Anna murled and kissed him back hungrily, mrring softly before pulling away, patting his bulging crotch gently. "Mmmm you now how Brother Blood feels about us having sex in the halls... but if you really need it bad, we could find a broom closet or something." She offered, winking playfully. "Too bad we have class in a few minutes... but I'll give you a blowjob if you want..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alita continued toward the gym, her next class was supposed to be a session there anyway, so she planned on getting an early start. The hair on the back of her neck stood up as she had the feeling that she was being watched.
Shendo snapped his arms up into a defensive position as he spun around to face her again. "Not bad.. but can you run when you have nowhere to go!?" he roared, throwing his arms out in front of him, black flames shooting from his outstretched hands, and enclosing the two of them in a dome of fire, which slowly contracted until there was barely room to move at all, he then rushed forward, attempting to grapple his much smaller opponent.
Shadow murred as his hardon was rubbed, still groping his lover.

"Mmm, sure baby...and I can use my tail to pleasure you too," he purred, kissing her and pulling her to the nearest closet. Quickly searching the hall for any other students or staff, he opened the door and pulled her in.

"Mmm, wanna see who can make the other cum first? Loser gets dominated later," he purred, pulling her skirt out of the way and moving his tail to her crotch. "Mmm, seems I'm not the only one who's horny," he purred, pulling her into a passionate kiss.
Anna smiled, kissing him back hungrily. As her shirt came off, it revealed a) that she had stopped wearing a bra altogether. (she thought it just got in the way) and b) that she had gotten her nipples and bellybutton pierced. Aside from looking really hot in her opinion, it made them incredibly sensitive 24/7. "Mmm I'm always horny for you love..." she said, dropping to her knees to unbutton Shadow's pants, purring softly to herself. She smiled as his eight inch member sprung free of its prison, and she licked her lips hungrily.

"mm... can't believe I've never sucked you off before love... guess you're in for a real treat..." she said, before licking the head of his shaft and pulling it into her mouth, sucking gently, stroking it firmly with her paw as her maw bobbed up and down her mate's length. Her other paw busied itself massaging and caressing Shadow's furry pouch, hoping to get his large balls to give up as much of their contents as possible. "Mmm...."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)