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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl)
Ragweed clung to her body as she hit the ground, then got up off of her, and shook his head, feeling a little woozy from the force of the impact. he spotted all the cars and the police officers around. "oh..jeez...not again!" he frantically ran back over to Onyxia, tugging at her arm with all his might, but not getting her to budge at all. "come...on! please wake up!"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
As Ragweed tried desprately to wake the dragoness a couple of white vans, a truck, and a construction vehicle with a grabber appeared by the crater.

"Alright get the monster into zee truck and take it back to zee labs!" One of the scientists instructed one of the construction workers.

The construction vehicle used its dirt scooper to pick up the dragoness coincidently along with Ragweed and dumped her into the truck.

"Right...lets see what this thing is..." All the scientists got back into their vans and drove off with the truck carrying Onyxia and Ragweed.
Kordath leapt over the bushes, landing between Alexia and Kaine. Rahter than standing and fighting, he quickly grabbed Alexia around her middle, and took off running in the other direction, carrying the petrified female away from the murderous psychopath.
Paperman got out of the halted taxi. "Thank you very much," he said, passing payment.

He looked at the traffic jam and jogged up to the crater caused by the fallen dragon. Tax payers can fix the road, he thought. He watched the van leave. He looked at the officer on his mobile and made a decision. These creatures were not in their own univerce. He walked up to the man, reaching into his jacket.

"Excuse me," he said, pulling out an identity card. "I'm Mr. Saxon, Torchwood secret sevices. Under the Bad Wolf protocol," he clipped open his briefcase, ran a document through the fax putting it into circulation (so if they actually checked for the Bad Wolf protocol, they'd find it, though they would never find any evidence to suggest the existence of Torchwood or of a Mr. Saxon: this was because neither really existed) and then presented the document, "Article 8, if you'd check, I am ceasing control of this operation. I am commandeering this squad car and have jusiticition over the specimins on behalf of the Institute."

The policeman looked over the document, and said to his mobile "Check for validation of Bad Wolf Protocol 10-3, 2005". He wasited, until the lackie on the other end confirmed its existence, Paperman having jsut inserted it into the beaucrasy. If it's written down, it's valid. "Okay, Mr. Saxon. We're trasfering this to you. It's all done, anyway: the lab boys have jsut been in."

"Yeah? Tell the lab boys I'm coming down. And that Mr. Saxon is very annoyed." He climbed into a squad car, lights flashing, and sped after the truck.
Ragweed almost feel off the side of the scoop, but clung to Onyxia's stomach, and was still clung to her. damnit...i don't even know where i'm going...or what these creatures intend to do with us! he simply sat on Onyxia's stomach for the time being.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
About an hour after the scientists had left with the dragoness creature they arrived at a large facility on the far outskirts of the city. There was a garage door that slowly openned up and all the vehicles entered inside.

One of the scientists walked out of the van to swipe his card to activated the elevator that moved them further underground. After the elevator reached the bottom floor there was a large metallic table ready for transfer. A large crane from above grabbed Onyxia from the truck placing her on the table which the scientists rolled away to their science labs. "Make sure nobody gets in! Have guards at every exit I dont want anybody knowing that we have go!" the head scientists said ordering some hired guards dressed in what to appear military gear.
Ragweed was sleeping, when he fell off of Onyxia from her being picked up. he got up suddenly, running over to the edge of the truck, and peeking over the top. what the heck are they doing with her?? he looked around quickly, then jumped from the truck, and booked it over to a pillar, hiding so that none of the scientists or military soldiers could see him, but he could still see where the other scientists were going with Onyxia.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Paperman pulled up to the guard.

"Sorry, sir. No entery."

"I am Mr. Saxon of Torchwood. Bad Wolf protocol has been iniciated: I'm in charge. Let me through."

There was an amount of murmering among the guards. "Torchwood?"

"Yes, indeed. Here's my ID." He said, holding up his card.

"Hmm. Well, I suppose it's in order..."

"Good. Activate the lfit for me."

The guard pressed the security over ride, that Paperman may enter and decend in the lift. He arrived at the bottom and pulled out in the car.

"Mr. Saxon: Torchwood. I'm in charge. You should be expecting me." He told a scientist.
"Right...lets begin the disection!" The head scientist announced as Onyxia was now in the head science lab laid in the middle of a large white room on the large metal rollaway table completely stripped of her clothes that held her. With scalpel in hand the scientist tried to puncture through the dragoness's tough scales which only resulted in a broken knife "Curses..this creature's skin is like armor.. hmmm."

The scientist went away for a moment comming back with a diamond edged saw cutter. After starting it up he put the saw to Onyxia's body but as soon as it touched sparks only resulted. When he lifted it back up the scientist gasped as the saw blade was completely dulted and turn apart "This is getting annoying!!" he yelled in frustration "What the hell are you!!" he slammed the saw to the ground then walked out for a coffee break to figure out what to do.
Ragweed blushed slightly, seeing her stark naked, his heart racing as they tried to disect her, and he sighed in relief when all the attempts failed. he hid behind the pillar, seeing the scientist come out, and once he had gone, he sprinted into the room, a slight blur of him barely being visible, and hid behind the door, taking out his Tsurugi. hmm...i need to do this without anyone getting hurt...and without being seen... he peeked from behind the door, his snout and whiskers sticking out from behind it, and waited for all the scientists to leave.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan