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Star Wars: Episode XIII, Beyond Good and Evil(furry-based starwars)
Damian smiled and chuckled slightly. "I like you... what did you say your name was?" he asked, looking at her again. His unusually natural face was startling, considering he was a high-ranking Sith. Usually their dark powers corrupted and disfigured their features.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Shadow glared at the new Sith, annoyed at the continued interruptions of his hunt.

"Is me getting my quarry so I can get paid too much to ask?" he growled.
OOC: o.o;;; I was talking to Yoosei...
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
OOC:I think that was dirrected at Obsidion,who ain't a sith.

Obsidion continued staring at Shadow"It is apparent that you have no honor for striking at an opponent who has no control over his own actions."He walked over to Yoosei and Damian before turning to Cervane"I suggest you leave,you have no possible way of winning now."

Cervane just looked at Obsidion"I won't run.A part of my code is to never run from a duel.You know that."
Yoosei was still staring at Damian, not bothered by his looks and smiles as she bows politely. "I'm Yoosei and you?" but before she waited for a reply from him, she quickly turned to face Obsidion. "who are you?" she asks softly.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Obsidion looked at Yoosei"My name is Obsidion.I am here to keep the balance."
Damian smiled. "My name is Damian..." he said before Obsidion interrupted, causing him to grumble irritably.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"a balance keeper?" she asked to no one in particulary but then perks ears up and looks at Damian. "nice to meet you Damian...and is there anything wrong?" she asks softly in her soothing voice.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Shadow snorted at the "balance keeper", annoyed at his words.

"Honor's meaningless. In this galaxy, all that matter's is survival; survival by any means necessary. In any case, I'm not paid to care about my quarry's problems, only to bring them in," he growled, activating his sabers again, having no problem with continuing the fight.

OOC: My character isn't leaving until he gets his target. You guys are going to have to offer him something better if you want him to leave Cervane alone.
"Uh...r-right..." Altima said, as he slowly lathered closer towards her cunt. He unconsciously began to rub at her lips, as he rubbed around her crotch.