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Star Wars: Episode XIII, Beyond Good and Evil(furry-based starwars)
"We may be Sith,but we still have morals.Not high,but still there."Cervane said as he walked out of the cantina,both sabers drawn"Oh,and"He turned and looked at Yoosei"Getting mad isn't like a jedi,is it?"
Yoosei deactivated her lightsaber and chuckled while stepping outside and going near Cervane. "ah ah good observation you got there. true isn't like a Jedi to get mad"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Onyxia calmly walked outside aswell with her arms folded with her head lowered slightly due to her lost of temper, she felt like she had already failed Yoosei but she stayed focus on the task at hand eyeing everyone making sure she watches every movement with hawk eye precision.
Finally arriving on the desert planet by starship, Ishana stepped out into Mos Eisley(you guys never did specify which city). Using the force, she sensed aroudn her, trying to locate her charge.
"Very well, then.", she replied, unclasping her black leather vest, pulling her arms free and letting it fall to the floor. Standing up, she slipped her slender tail from her leather shorts and slowly squated, sliding them to the floor. As Psrixia arose, she kicked the garments off to one side of the room and stated, "These were provided by the Sith...part of my old life, they can be disposed of...I want nothing more to do with them. If you can find something for me to wear, I would be grateful, otherwise I would rather wear nothing."
Stepping one foot into the tub, the dragoness looked back at the Jedi and smiled, "I know you have a duty to guard me while I bathe, but I'm still a little fatigued and...", she took another step into the tub, "I could use a little help bathing...if you don't mind, that is."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow wanted to slit the Sith's throat for such lies, but he was growing tired of the Jedi's whining, so he followed his target out of the catina.

"There, we're outside. Now, if you don't mind, I have a bounty to collect," growled the panther, aiming his blaster and saber at his target's chest. "And if you three aren't going to help me, then stay the fuck out of my way," he snarled.
"uhm, right!" Altima said, as he quickly left the room. Several minuites later, he arrived with some robes. They weren't jedi robes, but merely extra clothing, to provied warmth and cover to those that needed it. This he placed on a small stool next to the bath. "W-well... I dunno a-about bathing you... I-it just doesn't seem right."
Psyrixia was struck by the Jedi's words. "Wha-what do you mean? It's because I was brought up a Sith, am I right?", she lowered her head and turned away from Altima. "Thanks for the clothing...but I can see you're ashamed of me for what I have done. don't even want to be near me. If you're that repulsed by my presence, you may stand watch from across the room, I won't be any trouble." The dragoness began wringing her hands in the tub's water.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"N-no! thats not what I meant... I... I just wouldn't feel right bathing someone else...b-but, if you do need help, then I guess I will help you..." Altima said nervously. He didn't want to hrut Psyrixias' feelings at all, but he was having a hard time trying to sound polite as possible.
Cervane held one saber high,the other low"I suggest no one gets in the way of our fight."He said as he charged at Shadow,attacking him high and low.