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Furry Teen Titans HIVE RPG
When Anna said the words "I love you", Shadow's mind flashed once more, this time with words rather than images.

"But love can be a strength too... a reason to fight for what you believe in, even though every sane and rational thought screams at you not to..."


The words flashed over and over in his head, making him realize something. When Robin had thrown the bomb, the sensible thing to do would have been to dive for cover...but he hadn't. Without a second thought, he had put his own life on the line to protect her. He had done it...because he loved her, and now he knew that she loved him.

I trust that some day, you will meet someone that can make you as happy as I once did.

"RRAAHHH!" he roared, struggling to break free of his bonds, his guilt trying to hold him back, but failing. One by one, the black tentacles broke, freeing his arms, then his legs, then, with a roar of defiance, he ripped off the tentacles binding his body, falling to the ground with a THUD.
Anna rushed to his side immediately, picking the remainder of the black tar-like goo off of him, and holding him tightly.

"You're safe now Shadow... I won't let anyone harm you anymore." she said softly, caressing him gently. As she spoke she could feel his consciousness spilling out into the dream, regaining control of Shadow's mind and body.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
In his hospital bed, Shadow gasped deeply, then shot up, his eyes wide.
Anna was still asleep, mrring and tossing in her sleep as Shadow woke.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Shadow simply sat in his bed for a few seconds, trying to recover from what had gone on in his head.

"Ohhh, what was that?" he groaned, rubbing his head. Then, with a gasp, he remembered, instantly leaping out of the bed. "Anna," he said, racing out of the infirmary and racing down the hall to her room.

"Anna, Anna! I'm back, I'm alive!" he yelled, reaching her door and banging on it, desperate to see his...his mate. He couldn't think of any other words to describe her now.
Anna opened the door for him almost immediately, dressed only in a long t-shirt and shorts, hugging him tightly, pressing her face into his chest.

"You're okay..." she said simply. "I knew you would be... I never stopped hoping..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Shadow pulled her against him, hugging her tight. He stroked her head fur, kissing and licking her forehead, all his feelings for her just gushing out.

"Anna, said you loved me in my dream. Well, I've realized...that I love you too. I love you...not just as a friend...but as a mate," he said, proving it by tilting her head back and kissing her square on the lips.
Anna blushed and leaned into the kiss, mrring softly. "mmm..." she pulled away briefly, looking up at hm and smiling. "Mmm... I love you too..." she said, bringing him inside to curl up with her on the bed, kising and cuddling, but nothing further. At least not yet.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Vook pulled her claws out of star's pussy, and licked all the juices from them. " how about you robin?" she said, standing up and smirking at the bound boy wonder.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"W-what...? what are you" Robin asked nervously.

Altima sighed, "guess shes not there... let me knock once more, to make sure.." Altima said to himself, as he knocked once more on Vooks door.