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Star Wars: Episode XIII, Beyond Good and Evil(furry-based starwars)
"you are a Sith... are you even surprised anyone tried to shot you?" she growls a bit and swishes her tails from one side to another. "release the bartender....we can deal with you outside without harming any civilian"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
He then looked at the fox"I'm not the only one you should talk to.I came in here to recover.He chased me and risked harming civilians.He's no better then me."He released the bartender"Be glad I'm easy to persuade."He started walking outside.
< Dantooine >

"Okay", Psyrixia answered, "but I'm going to need some assistance. I'm still rather fatigued and haven't eaten in quite a while." She threw back the covers, sat up and slid herself to the edge of the bed.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Onyxia quickly went to the bartender making sure he was okay "Its okay we'll protect you." she assured him. The dragoness then walked out of the bar following the Sith outside where it was a pretty empty street with little civilian activity.
Shadow waited until the Sith was at the door, then suddenly tackled him, jamming his blaster into the sith's back and switching it to stun.

"Lights out, sith scum," he growled, squeezing the trigger.
The blaster seemed to have no effect on Cervane"Fool."He knocked Shadow off,stood up,and ripped his cloak off,revealing a crimson armor"You won't win that way."
"You are really starting to piss me off, sith scum!" snarled the annoyed bounty hunter, tackling his target once more. "Let's see what happens when I use it here," he growled, shoving the barrel of his blaster pistol into the sith's mouth and squeezing the trigger.

OOC: No, it won't blow his head off if you decide to let it hit.
OOC:That's IMPOSSIBLE to avoid.So what do you mean 'let it hit?
OOC: uhm.. as for avoiding... well... if Cboy can edit his post and say that shadow pulled the trigger at point blank, then Amaterasu could say Cervane was able o react quickly enough to doge/evade the blast. that sounds good...

IC: "Fine with me.." Ishana said, as she moved towards Psyrixia, lifitng her up with one arm. She helped the dragoness over towards the bathrooms. "Stall? or tub?" the vixen asked.
OOC: I said my character squeezed the trigger; I didn't say he fired. You still have time to push him away. Also, it could be that your character is immune to stun blasts.