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Star Wars: Episode XIII, Beyond Good and Evil(furry-based starwars)
"No need for that... just need to make sure you don't make a run for it or something... as for escort.... SHE will be escorting you..." He said, pointing to someone standing at the doorway.

SIDE: Jedi
WEAPON: Dual lightsabers
NAME: Ishana
GENDER: Female
DESCRIPTION: normal fox body, standing at 5' 6". has spikey hair, colored black with red tips. c-cup sized breasts.
FORCE POWERS: force barrier. Telekinesis, mind tricks.

"Hello, there.." the vixen said, moving closer to psyrixia.
Vrel barely dodged the laser fire and jumped into an unoccupied booth. He closed the privacy veil. His paws scrambled for his Hell Gun in its gun rig strapped to his back. He unhinged the locks, pulled the webbing aside, and the weapon and feeder tube tugged out. He fished out the safety key inside another vest pocket.

"Certainly knows how to make an entrance." He said quietly.
Yoosei growls slightly. "we will help you catch that Sith if you bring him outside. I do not need any citizen hurt in this fight....and I do not want this place to be destroyed either..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Cervane pushed Shadow away and deflected the shots,throwing another stool at him"Can't even get a break"He ran to the bartender and grabbed him,holding a lightsaber to his neck"What will you do?"
"This is getting way out of hand! The bartender has nothing to do with this, let him go! Has the Sith become so weak they must result to holding hostages?" Onyxia growled "and from my stand point you are the one who started the mess Mr. Chairthrower!"
Cervane looked at Onyxia and released a menacing roar"There wouldn't be a situation if he"His tail pointed to Shadow"Didn't try to shoot me when I got in here."
< Dantooine >

"Hello...I'm Psyrixia...and you are...?", she slowly answered, eying the fox from head-to-toe.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
The fox-girl smiled as she extended a paw to Psyrixia. "I'm jedi knight Ishana. Pleased to meet you..."
"Well...if Alt hasn't told you my sordid past, yet...", the dragoness lowered her head, "you may not be so pleased to meet me."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"hmm? well, it doesn't matter now... you wish to reform, you gave your weapons up willingly, and all you asked for was assistance. I doubt that a true Sith would do such a thing." Ishana said, motioning towards the door. "Ready, dear?"