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Furry Teen Titans HIVE RPG
Kenzuma jumped at the sound of Shendo's gentle knocking. "Its him.. what do I do? what do I do?" he thought, then just before he could really stress out, he gave himself a little mental kick. "Duh... Open the damn door..." he thought, moving toward the door, his hand shaking as he reached for the button.

He took a deep breath, then slammed the button down, he forced his face into a more confident, but still shy sort of smile as the door opened. "I'm glad you could make it... Would you like to come in..?"
Shendo nodded slowly, not quite believing that he had found the younger man so easily. "I would like that.. I think.. we have a lot to talk about.." he said as he stepped into the room, ducking slightly to avoid banging his head on the door frame, then pressing the button to close the door again. "You look even better than the last time Kenzuma... but do you really know what you think you are getting into here?"
Kenzuma nodded slowly, trying to keep himself under control as he walked toward Shendo, the drinks he had gotten out sat forgotten on the table as he threw himself into the larger man's arms, buried his face in Shendo's chest, and began crying loudly.

"I.. I waited.. and then one of those Teen Titans.. told me you fought them.. and someone showed up.. and told me how to find you... I couldn't stay away..." he seemed like he had more to say, but he couldn't manage to get the words to come out around his tears as he held himself tightly against Shendo's chest.
Shendo was rocked back a little when Kenzuma jumped into him, but he recovered quickly enough to keep from falling over. "The prro hing.. he was so worried about me... He really cares then.. I don't know what that means for me.. but for now.. Oh hell.. it would take a harder heart than mine to ignore this..." he thought as he wrapped his arms around Kenzuma, his hair falling over him added a second barrier between him and anything outside.

"Kenzuma.. please.. its alright..I mean.. I won't pretend that I didn't get into a fight and get hurt in it.. and I didn't show up like I was supposed to at the movie theater.." he reached one hand up, and gently tilted Kenzuma's chin up so he could look him in the eyes. "I am glad to see you again.. but you shouldn't have come here.. By being here.. you will have made an enemy.. an enemy that would gladly use you to get to me if it came to that.. I couldn't see any of the other patients in the infirmary.. but they talked to eachother.. Those Teen Titans are bad news.. Worse than the so called criminals they hunt down.. From what I heard in there.. Me and Alita were lucky that they didn't know what to expect from us.." he sighed, and picked the young man up in his arms, moving over to the chair, and sittign down in it with him.

"I just.. I don't want to see you get hurt beause of me..." he said, closing his eyes, and turning his head.
Kenzuma felt himself being moved across the room, but he didn't care one bit as he held onto Shendo, his crying lessened as they sat down, but did not entirely stop.

"Shendo... I.. I've never reeally been brave.. but... I don't care what enemies you have.. or what they might try to do to me... It can't be worse than the things that happened to me before.. and.. if I can be with you.. then I know everything will work out... You are strong enough for us both... and when your strength fails.. I can be there to pick you up, and put you back on your feet..." he rubbed his nose with his hand, thinking to himself. "I doubt I actually could.. but I think he gets my point..."

"I don't want to hide in a hole.. and pretend I never met you... I can't.. and I won't.. If you try to make me.. I'll follow you wherever you go... I can't be alone anymore... I don't have anyone else.. and I don't need anyone else.. if I can be with you.. even just as friends.." he said the last part quietly, nearly choking on the words as they fought to remain unsaid.
Shendo smiled slightly, cuddling down into the chair with Kenzuma. "If you really feel that strongly... then it is ime for me to tell you how I really feel..." he said quietly.

"Kenzuma.. we haven't known eachother long.. but it seems to me.. that we don't have to... I care about you.. more than anyone else I have been with.. and if you are willing to accept the risk of being with me.. then I will do my best to protect you..... I don't know if what I feel is actually love.. but it is more than the hunger that I felt outside of these walls... I haven't felt it since our night together Kenzuma.. I don't know what that means.. but I know that there is a part of me that is screaming at me to never let go fo you.."

"God... I could write a speech for the damn president... Nah.. I'm too honest for that... but now he knows how I feel..."

Shendo smiled down at Kenzuma, brushing his hair out of his eyes as he gazed into them, the two of them lay like that for hours, eventually falling asleep. As he drifted off, Shendo thought. "Alita will be pissed.. but we did say later.. not how much later..."
Kenzuma lay snuggled against Shendo's chest, his breathing as deep, and steady as he slept, his serene face betraying the pleasant turn his dreams had taken during this little nap.

He began to stir a little, slowly waking up, he had never been a heavy sleeper unless he was exhausted. he noticed that his eyes were a little sore from the crying he had done, but he ignored that as he opened them, and gazed up at Shendo, the older man's face showing a peace he never could find when awake. "It wasn't a dream then... he is here.. and I know he cares about me.. I don't know if he loves me... but he doesn't even know that... " he smiled as he ran his fingers through Shendo's soft silver hair. "You're never getting rid of me... I meant everything I said..." he whispered before laying his head back down against Shendo's chest.
Alita sighed as she grew tired of waiting for Shendo to show up. "He must busy.." She said quietly, moving over to one of the automated training drones. "I doubt this will be a challenge.. but it will give me something to do.." she pressed several buttons along the back of it, then stepped back, and drew her daggers as the machine roared to life.

She smile when it produced weapons of its own, and advanced toward her. "Maybe this will be fun after all.." she thought, stepping in to slash at it, moving slower at first, but building momentum as she spun around, parrying each attack it made expertly even as it did the same with its programmed grace and skill.
Ed_is_Ed Wrote:OOC: im going to leave the rest of the teen titens furry forms vage, but i wonder whod beist boy be any deffrent?


hes ploy didnt work, the stacue was sronded by a dark arae and stoped. thay attacked as one. bloking thare inethel asalt frank shouted "i'm i the only one how realizes this is not the place for a battel! let us stop and breng this outside." weth that frank valted over them with inhuman speed. landing in the street he terd to face them his form revild by the street lamps. "uggg look at him, what is he?" the green one said. frank trid to control hes temper. "titens go! we have to stop that thing!" sonic blasts and boomarangs fallow by a T-rex attack he was sent back throw a wall, frank lost it, the storm of his emocins let lose, a primel roar let lose throw the night, frank attaced beist boy first the t-rexs jaw becoming brockin he moved on to his leg befor being stoped by the titen leder. the changlin was relised as frank turnd on the boy wonder, with brutel ease he yanked robin off his feet and endeverd to both crush and tear him. that was whin the mecanacol teammate sezed frank from behind. weth a savige cry he tossed roben aside giving hes full attincen to cyborg, grasping his arm he judo slamed the mecanacl man and leped on him, franks fists ponding, jolts of electrecady surging, cyorg cryed in pane.

"azrath mettron sinthos!" ravin blasted frank off with the dark arae. frank recoverd and was on her in seconts, as he grabed her arms she let lose a uncontrold surge of power that envelopt them both. frank felt cold and whaetless as images pored in to him: a ruend city as fier rind from the sky, a gient hornd multy eyed monster, a wonderis city that was never home, frends you can never let get close, and to look in the mirrer and see a monster. ravin felt like she was in a hurracan of hot wind and chargerd iones, imegis flooded her brane: a large scard hand reacing to look for some kind of comfert, a father rjecken his son, parints try to replace thare children, a unwhated homeless wrech in the in the snow, a lone fieger looking dowen at a peopal who whod'nt acepet him, a offer of frendship destrod by hate, to look in the mirrer and see a monster.

it ended almost as fast as it begone, thay druae apart both shakin by lives that wear not thare owen. ravin just sat thare trying to regane control of her feelings, frank turnbd and ran, trying to escape from the life that was not his but the memerys fallowd him as tears flowed, he went to gather the stolin eqepment and retern home. ravin tried to held her tememats when she realized that to her horrer she was crying.
OOC: remember my enconter with them, robin probably has a brockn arm. i like the monky idea it mackes sense
OOC: From what I have seen of him. Robin is a pretty tough little guy.. I mean.. all of the fights he has been in, and only in one episode did he actually break anything.. I think he would probably be fine, bruised a little bit, but pissed off.


Kenzuma curled up in Shendo's arms, his face hidden by the other man's long hair as he breathed deeply, taking in Shendo's scent as he relazed against him. "I know we can't stay this way long.. he will have a lot to do when he wakes up.. but I know I can find a way to be helpful..." he thought, trying to figure out a way to stay out of the way, but also to help Shendo when he did have to go into battle again.