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Furry Teen Titans HIVE RPG
Shadow held Anna to him, softly crying on her shoulder. Once his tears were shed, he leaned his head back and looked into her eyes, which he now saw were green...just like his own.

"I...thank you, Anna. Thank you...for helping me get closure," he said, looking deeper into her piercing green eyes. "I...I feel something...for you. I feel...attraction...but I don't know...if it's love," he said, leaning in close to her face.
Anna smiled up at him, looking into his eyes. "I'm just happy that I could help you..." She blushed slightly, all-to-aware of how close their faces were.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
OOC: She was supposed to copy him...haven't you ever seen how those romantic kisses work in the movies? :P

For some reason, Shadow kept falling deeper and deeper into Anna's eyes, his face getting closer and closer to hers. His hands seem to take on a life of their own, one moving to her waist, the other moving to the back of her head, gently pushing it forward.
Kenzuma paced along one wall of his room, trying to calm himself, but unable to do so. "Chill out... he will be here soon.. and do you really want him to see you like this?" he told himself, though another part of him answered. "Maybe I do.. it might convince him that I'm not just some infatuated young pup looking for a good time.. Or it might tell him exactly that.. I don't know.. why did I have to tell him to meet me here.. I should have just stayed until he got up.. then we could have gone for a walk or something... No.. He took me to his place last time.. I am bringing him to mine this time... The time for regrets is long gone Kenzuma.. time to step up and see what happens."

He turned the heat up a little more, then went back to his earlier plans, and set out some drinks for him and Shendo. "Before she died.. mom always tol me that if you are going to have guests.. no matter the occasion.. you should make sure you at least have something to drink.. I just hope he likes this stuff.."
OOC: Oops. Guess I need to study more :P

Anna shivered, pressing into his hands, her arms wrapping gently around his shoulders as he gently pulled them closer together.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Suddenly realizing what he was doing, Shadow jerked away, spinning away from Anna.

"No! I can't do it...not unless it's out of love!" he said, his morals not allowing him to kiss her. He wasn't sure if he loved her, thus he couldn't kiss her.
Anna blinked, confused and a little hurt. "I... I'm sorry Shadow... I didn't mean to..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Realizing he had hurt her, Shadow turned to face her, shaking his head.

" Anna, it's not anything you did. It's feels wrong...if it's not out of love...and I don't know if that's what I feel for you," he said, once again holding her to his body.


Anyone interested in playing Robin? I was thinking that he infiltrates the Hive to rescue Starfire, and he runs into my character. And I was thinking Anna tries to help and then something happens that helps Shadow realize he loves her. And speaking of Starfire:


Starfire howled as she came onto her mistress's arm, then looked at her with submissivness, sure she would be punished for cumming without permission.

"I'm sorry, mistress. I...I came without your permission...please, I deserve to be punished," she whimpered.
"Yes. you do. deflate yourself immediately." she reached for the bag and started going through it.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
OOC: I would do it, but I'd already be playing a character in the ensuing conflict ^^;

Anna pressed against him, mrring softly, her hands on his chest. "I don't want to pressure you Shadow... If you don't feel for me that way, then I shouldn't try to make you..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)