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Furry Teen Titans HIVE RPG
Anna hugged and nuzzled him gently. "I think we need to do some digging, both emotionally and otherwise. I need to find a way to prove to you that you're not to blame..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
ow forgit it feank said and whent to his room.
Alita walked into the infirmary just as Kenzuma came out, she wanted to stop him so she could talk to him, but something about the way he moved made her reconsider it. "He looks... happy... and determined.. I think things are going to get very interesting..."
"What do you mean?" he asked, cocking his head to the side.
Shendo rolled over in his sleep, unconsciouslyy holding Kenzuma's note tightly to his chest. He was having a good dream, but one that he didn't know where it came from.

Kenzuma lay next to him, kissing him gently as his hot breath washed over Shendo's body like a wave as he wrapped his arms around the smaller man

The sound of footsteps approaching him woke him from his sleep, and at first he hought he was still dreaming because he couldn't feel any pain. He felt the crisp touch of the note crushing against his chest as he sat up.

"Kenzuma... here.. How did you get yourself into this... I will go see him.. and I will try to protect him if I can.."
Kenzuma went back to his room, blushing furiously as he closed the door, and leaned against it.

"I actually did it... Today.. I will find out how he feels..." he whispered into the empty room.

"what if he doesn't really like me... what if he tells me to leave him alone... What if.... Get a grip Kenzuma... if he wanted you to leave him alone, he wouldn't have set up a place to meet.. Of course.. he didn't show up.. but that wasn't his fault.."
Ed_is_Ed Wrote:OOC: im going to leave the rest of the teen titens furry forms vage, but i wonder whod beist boy be any deffrent?


hes ploy didnt work, the stacue was sronded by a dark arae and stoped. thay attacked as one. bloking thare inethel asalt frank shouted "i'm i the only one how realizes this is not the place for a battel! let us stop and breng this outside." weth that frank valted over them with inhuman speed. landing in the street he terd to face them his form revild by the street lamps. "uggg look at him, what is he?" the green one said. frank trid to control hes temper. "titens go! we have to stop that thing!" sonic blasts and boomarangs fallow by a T-rex attack he was sent back throw a wall, frank lost it, the storm of his emocins let lose, a primel roar let lose throw the night, frank attaced beist boy first the t-rexs jaw becoming brockin he moved on to his leg befor being stoped by the titen leder. the changlin was relised as frank turnd on the boy wonder, with brutel ease he yanked robin off his feet and endeverd to both crush and tear him. that was whin the mecanacol teammate sezed frank from behind. weth a savige cry he tossed roben aside giving hes full attincen to cyborg, grasping his arm he judo slamed the mecanacl man and leped on him, franks fists ponding, jolts of electrecady surging, cyorg cryed in pane.

"azrath mettron sinthos!" ravin blasted frank off with the dark arae. frank recoverd and was on her in seconts, as he grabed her arms she let lose a uncontrold surge of power that envelopt them both. frank felt cold and whaetless as images pored in to him: a ruend city as fier rind from the sky, a gient hornd multy eyed monster, a wonderis city that was never home, frends you can never let get close, and to look in the mirrer and see a monster. ravin felt like she was in a hurracan of hot wind and chargerd iones, imegis flooded her brane: a large scard hand reacing to look for some kind of comfert, a father rjecken his son, parints try to replace thare children, a unwhated homeless wrech in the in the snow, a lone fieger looking dowen at a peopal who whont acepet him, a offer of frendship destrod by vilence, to look in the mirrer and see a monster.

it ended almost as fast as it begone, thay druwe apart both shakin by lives that wear not thare owen. ravin just sat thare trying to regane control of her feelings, frank turnbd and ran, trying to escape from the life that was not his but the memerys fallowd him as tears flowed, he went to gather the stolin eqepment and retern home. ravin tried to held her tememats when she realized that to her horrer she was crying.
ooc: pity noone else was arond when frank did this i thoet it was asome.l

Ic: frank starten to read his books agin but he chodi'nt forget that girl. what had happend, why did he feel so....sad.
Alita walked up to Shendo's bed, smiling at him when she saw him sitting up. "Well, you certainly look a lot better." she said as she looked him up and down.

"That little guy does good work... I don't know how it works.. but it doesn't really matter I guess..."
Shendo stood up experimentally, then turned toward Alita. "I feel a lot better... I don't know how though... but I feel even better than I did before the fight.." He loooked down at the note in his hand, then back up to Alita. "Was Kenzuma really here..?"

"I need to get through the nurse.. no doubt she will want to run so many tests that I won't get out of here until I would have been out on my own..." he thought angrily, though he kept his anger in check as he walked over to the table by the bed and began pulling his own clothes on after discarding the gown she had put him in. "Useless garment... if she needed to be able to get at me, why didn't she just leave it off? It would be easier, and I'm sure she would have enjoyed the show.
Anna pulled away from him slightly, looking up at him, her expression of determination back. "Where is Jinx's room?"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)