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Furry Teen Titans HIVE RPG
Shadow cocked his head to the side at the question, ignoring her hand on his throat. "Hmm, good question. However, victory depends on your definition. Not losing is victory enough for me," he said, pulling his head back and slamming it against her muzzle.
t was not hard for frank to mack a list, this place had acerat infomacin on the latest bracktrues, so he know whare the hardwaer was, which was why he was in the wharehous district. it was simpel, thangs wear going well untell the museam. thats when he had a problom.
Anna watches from where she was sitting, smiling approvingly as Shadow's forehead made contact with Alita's muzzle, barely flincing at the moment of impact. For a moment she had considered stepping in, but Shadow was obviously capable of dealing with her. So she just kept sitting where she was, waiting for the fight to end.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alita winced as he rammed his head into her muzzle, her head snapping back slightly. Her hand tightened around his neck as she locked one leg behind his, and pusehd foreward, throwing her weight behind the attempted trip.

"How can one lose.. if one makes their own rules?" she whispered quietly, blood slowly trickling from her nose.
Shadow fell over her leg, but he didn't fall alone. In moving her foot, Alita had released his tail (you never specified which foot she had on his tail), which immediatly wrapped around her neck and pulled her forward. Bringing his legs up, Shadow pulled her down onto them and then kicked up, sending her flying over his body. He then jumped to his feet and charged after her, not intent on letting her recover.
OOC: Actually, she intended on going down with him in this case.. but we will just go from there anyway.

Alita rolled as she hit the floor, and brought her elbow up into Shadow's gut as he ran at her, jumping up into the blow as she tried to lay him out quickly before she could tire.
OOC: Now why would she want to do that Wink

Except for a slight grunt, Shadow didn't react to the blow to his stomach, tackling the feline to the ground and pinning her there much in the same way he had done with Anna.

"Takes more than a little tap in the stomach to stop me, kitten. you yield?" he asked, smirking down at her.
Anna twitched slightly, scowling ever-so-slightly, but still did and said nothing. She watched intently though, hoping Alita would submit.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Name: Kenzuma Tenadra

Sex: male

Type: Anthro Fox

Age: 16

Height: 5'4"

Clothing: He wears a white t-shirt with a thorny vine pattern wrappping around it. His pants are slightly worn, and loose fitting, blue jeans. He also wears a leather belt to hold his pants up since they are obviously too big for him. Around his neck, he wears a simple silver ring on a chain, around the ring he has wrapped several silver colored hairs.

Description: He moves around the area, looking more than a little uncomfortable around most people. His body is covered by thick, sliky golden fur. His hair reaches around the middle of his back, and is an even deeper golden color than the fur, almost seeming red in the riht light. His eyes shine like saphires, and almost seem to have a light of their own.

He does not look strong at all, and indeed, he isn nearly as strong as most. His body is slender, and he looks like he hasn't always eaten well, though he doesn't quite look unhealthy.

Powers: He is a very sensitive empath, sensing, and projecting. Though in order to project his feelings onto others, he must either be touching them, or be stressed about something. He will often bump into people who had been perfectly happy, only to find themselves depressed or angry depending on how he felt at the time.

He also has the ability to heal wounds by touching a person, but he feels the pain from the injury while healing them.

Info: He seems terribly shy around most, often failing to meet their eyes. He tends to be more open with women, but tends to close himself off again if they start flirting or being too foreward. He is not a virgin, though he has never been with a woman. He has never felt any attraction toward a woman, probably why he can talk to them.

He doesn't like fighitng, prefering to stay behind and help those injured during the fights.

Member covering: clothes.

Perks: His orgasms last longer than most, and the pleasure of it is shared with his partner because of his empathic abilities, often resulting in a simultaneous orgasm

cock size: unerect, 5 inches. erect, eleven inches long, three inches in diameter.


Kenzuma walked through the hallways, looking for someone who looked like they knew where they were going. He was wringing his hands, and he looked worried about something.
OOC: She would go down with him so she wouldn't lose her grip on his neck.. but oh well.


Alita grinned slightly at Shadow. "you know.. I could get away.. but I think by the way she is looking at me... it might ruin some of her plans.. So I'll play nice.. Looks like you win this one."