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Furry Teen Titans HIVE RPG
Alita smiled slightly, ceasing to hit the bag to keep from damaging it, or herself. She walked around the gym to cool down a bit, Then turned toward Shadow and Anna. She felt slightly ashamed that she hadn't noticed them there before, and walked over toward them.

"Hello.." she said quietly during one of the long pauses in their conversation. She didn't want to interupt, but it seemed rude to her to not come over and introduce herself. "I'm Alita."
Having heard the female feline approaching, Shadow had already turned his head to look at her, silently sizing her up. Her attire, especially the trench coat, was attractive, though Shadow was careful to keep his expression neutral. Satisfied with what he saw, he cooly got to his feet.

"Shadow," he said, introducing himself and holding out his hand.
frank bide her farewell, and left the library, hum he coud start the book on marthal arts, so he heded to the gym, but thare wear peopel alredy thare he tryed not to gane thare attincon.
Name: Shendo Leshara

Sex: Male

Race: Demonic/Anthro wolf

Age: 17

Height: 7' 8"

Clothing: He wears a tight black shirt that looks almost like it is made of flesh, but has the texture of leather. Around the collar, there are small red letters that say. "When the world needs heroes, look somewhere else."

His pants seem to be made of normal leather and are also black. They are tight against his well muscled, yet slender legs.

Description: He moves with an unconsciously seductive sway to his hips. A long black tail sticks out behind him, swishing just above the floor as he walks along. His eyes are a deep black when calm, but when feeling a strong emotion they glow a bright crimson.

He is covered by thick black fur, even his face is covered by it, though it does nothing to hide the sensuous curve of his lips. Two large leathery wings stick out of his back, most of the time they remain folded against his body.

He is a slender man, his waist only thirty two inches around. His chest is slightly more broad, but overall, his body wouldn't look out of place as a woman instead of a man.

Powers: Incredible sense of smell and hearing. Enhanced strength and agility. And the ability to send forth dark flames from his hands, while they do not burn anything living, these flames have a draining effect on those within them. Reactions slow, strength seems to vanish. Even artificial power is not uneffected. most electrical devices aare temporarily disabled by the effect, it lasts only as long as he holds the flames on the target.

He can also fly short distances using the wings on his back, and unlike the rest of his body, they will regenerate if damaged.

Info: He is a very open flirt, he doesnt seem to care if it is a man or a woman. But he tends to be very closed off about his past. He is not a virgin, but he doesn't talk about any of his lovers to anyone, and tends to get slightly embarassed if any of them are brought up.

He tries to stay close to Alita, but at the same time, he tries not to be noticed, and tries to give her some space.

Member covering: Clothing

Perks: His cock expands upon reaching his climax. Stretching an extra three inches in length, and one in diameter.

Cock size: unerect, 4.5 inches. Erect, nine inches


Shendo awoke in the infirmary, having been injured in the same battle that had caused his friend Alita to be recruited into the Hive. He sat up suddenly, clutching at his heavily bandaged ribs, but enduring the pain to have a look around.

God damnit that hurts.. I feel like I got hit by a truck.. Oh yea... I did

He couldn't see any of the other patients, but he was sure there were others. As he lay back again, he thought.

"I'm gonna get that bastard..."
Alita took his hand in her own and shook it. Her grip was frim, but openly friendly.

"Its nice to meet you. Have you been here long?"
"Not long, maybe about a month," he said, releasing her hand and motioning to the sparring arena.

"I noticed you beating the pulp out of that bag. Care to spar with me?" he asked.

OOC: Nieya, Dark Leomon, are you two still playing in the Hogwarts RP? So far, you two are the only ones to interact with my character.
frank raed the book, then practeced on the bag, pity thay dont mack the bages thufer, the bag went saling across the room tword the lovly looking filin. "look out!" he shouted
Alita spun around, and kicked the bag as hard as she could, deflecting it so it hit the wall instead of her, or anyone else.

"I think I'd like that. Its been awhile since I could get a good fight... unless the one earlier this week counts... But that was a bit more dangerous than this will be."
Shadow was impressed at her show of strength, watching as the bag slammed against the wall.

"Hmm, not bad," he said, turning to her. Then without warning, he launched a roundhouse kick at her stomach.
OOC: =O that wasnt nice!! xD


Gwynn walked from the library back to her dorm room. "i wish i could make that frank guy feel more confident about his looks..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan