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Furry Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry
Snow let out a soft giggle at the poke "Yeah you can say we can help each other study and what not." she added before glancing up at the door openning and seeing Prof. Badragon and hearing his words as they stepped inside the school to the main lobby entrance "Oh...thats right...we dont get to choose." she then threw her arms around Kurtz and Manic tightly to her "We...we just have to be sorted into the same house...I..I dont want to be stuck with a bunch of people I dont know or might pick on me." she said.

Meanwhile ontop of a tall starecase a rather large figure was standing there eyeing the new students with his yellow piercing eyes...oh students...hope nobody blows up the potions lab like last year...he growled at the thought since the potion the idiot student messed up made his whole lab pink for nearly a month.
Kurtz immediately blushed softly to Snow's actions, before nodding, giving a slight gulp. He then wrapped one of his arms around Snow, chuckling. "Oh, come on... if anyone picks on yah, you got us two there for help, Snow!"

Manic chuckled, before shaking his head. "Still... yeah... I hope we are all in the same house..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Snow let out a soft sigh of relief "Thank you." she said giving a smiled to both Kurtz and Manic "I hope we get H-hugglepuff or Griffander." she said trying to pronounce the names "Slytherbin sounds scary."
Ereth saw the hooded figure on top of the staircase out of the corner of his eye. he looked at it but it had disappeared. "that was...scary" he thought. he turned back to pashhun and said "gee...i hope nothing happens this year. i've read about things "happening" here, with terrible results. but they were scarce. like when someone let a troll lose in the castle, and it terrorized the students. but we shouldnt need to worry, as there was lots of teachers here to protect us."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"I'd prefer Griffindor!" Kurtz spoke loudly, flexing his arm and the little muscle in them. "I'm brave and courageous!" He laughed happily, swishing his tail.

"Hugglepuff...." Manic sweat-dropped, cuddling his sister a little more. "I'd rather be kind then brave." He poked his tongue out, before glancing at Kurtz. "Right?"

"Right." Kurtz flat-stared right back.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Flynn looked around wonderingly at the alien architecture around him. "How strange..." Torches flared in their sconces, casting a ruddy glow across all the students, all of them murmuring in excitement and anticipation. Ravenclaw is the best house? Sounds rather like a bit of favouritism to me. He smiled a little to himself, his tail wagging.
Jade giggled "I've never been this excited about anything..." She looked around at the other first years, keeping close to Flynn.
"Slytherin sounds cool. Bet they have tons of fun in there." Shadow smiled, thinking of the diffrent houses.

"Probably full of nothing but bully's and maniac's." Silver said, "Ravenclaw sounds like my place. To finally be around other intellectuals."

"Wow, an entire house filled with nerds. That sounds so much fun." Shadow make a small gagging motion.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
He caught Jade's eye and smiled shyly. "M-maybe we'll be lucky enough to make it into the same house. That'd" He looked away, a little embarrassed.
Yoosei giggles softly when noticing his blush and then she smiles cutely at him. She held his paw gently while following him. Her tails were swishing softly and yet happily from one side to another. She was so happy for had found her childhood friend.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions