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Pokerus X (A yiffeh Pokemon RP!)
"We can't help them... it's themselves doing that." Nath chimed, quickly moving by her side. "And unless you want that done to you, the best plan is to make a very HASTY retreat! We just tell them possibly to come to the Pokemon Centre after finishing, since those males seem to also want to take a mad one out of YOU."


Erika gave a slight glance to the Arcanine, and meeped - before lowering her head slightly. "H... Heyah..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Ume quickly, using her claws, climbed up Sam's side and sat on her shoulder before chirping at Nath nervously "G-Good idea!"
"What the hell?!" Jack shrieked as the sudden weight on his back sent him straight to the ground. The sound of a loud thud and the shattering of the plate caught Tank's attention from the next room and he went to the kitchen to investigate.

"Get off me!" Jack yelled trying to get whatever pounced on him off his back, only to fall face first back on the floor. Looking up, he saw Tank staring daggers at the offending Pokemon.
The Arcanine tilted her head as the cat lowered her head "Its okay you dont have to be..." she blinked then looked over to her right to see Justin and Miltank still at it "..Oh...yeah.." she sweatdropped slightly then walked towards Erika and sat down in front of the bushes she was hiding in "So whatcha doing out here? You have a trainer or are you wild?"
"Well, I have a trainer..." She followed after the Arcanine; so much that she was standing more or less by the side, while her two tails happily swished behind her. "...But... I was wondering... why everyone was going insane up there..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Diddy looked at Tank and grinned before running off out of the kitchen and down the hallway to the bed rooms looked around trying to find a open door as he looked over his shoulder to see if Jack and Tank were following him.

"But I still like birdies anyway," Serra said as she looked down at Flame's cock, "your so big," as she missed the wink.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Arcanine thought for a second and remembered when she licked the Vaporeon in the lake while she was drinking then her eyes widened "So..that was why I was sleeping." she lowered her head some "I think I may know why..on my way here I heard some pokemon talking about a new virus thingy floating around that ummm." she gulped softly "It makes them..VERY...aroused and sexually active and I think I might have been affected too and had sex with my trainer." She lowered her head more in shame before continuing. "Tthe Miltank over there is affected by it..and is having sex with my trainer over there."
"Oh... dear god..." Erika's face went pale, as if she had seen a ghost; her voice just becoming silent. "...Virus... sex..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Arcanine just simply nodded "Indeed." she sighed softly laying down then putting her paws over her face "If it wasnt for that Vaporeon that I licked, this never would have happened. One minute I licked him and then another I've woken up exhausted next to...that." she said pointing with her tail to her trainer and Miltank. "I've been with Justin for over 2 years now..I dont know how he'll react to this now."
"Well... who knows... it may still be on you." Erika commented lightly, although she trusted the Arcanine already - lying her slightly smaller body beside her. "...But... I think he will be alright after some time, I think he might have enjoyed it and loved it."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds