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Digital Chaos (Sonic X ?/ Digimon Crossover Rpg)
Imperion flew back a few feet"Nice punch.I have to admit,you surprise me."He charged at Masaru and used an uppercut with his claw.

Lupe continued to stroke the head of the little snow-white hedgehog. "Bunnie, you don't think she might be related to Sonic in any way, do you? I mean, except for the fur color. Or maybe she was lookig for Sonic, even. I mean, that is possible. I don't remembering seeing her until Shadow found her. Hopefully we can get some answers from her when she wakes up."

Tails was already up and out of his captain's chair, which he hoped he didn't upset his "Aunt" Sally, but he couldn't wait to see Chris. The two-tailed fox heli-tailed to the outside of the ship and looked around and spotted Chris amd Sonic talking, and he was heli-tailing his way toward his human friend. "CHRIS!"
"I'd reckon she'd be related to Amy if anyone we know." Bunnie said as she looked at the small girl.

"Damn," Masaru leaned back as much as he could as he saw the incoming uppercut, the claw still catching him under the chin and gashing it open a bit. The extra force causing him to fall off balance and towards the ground. He kicked his leg up as he fell, hoping to catch the digimon under the chin.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
And Masaru's kick connected.Imperion stumbled back a little bit"Tougher then I thought."The claw suddenly grew spikes"Let's see how you like this."He leaped at Masaru with claw extended.

Lupe nodded to Bunnie. "You just might be right about that. It'll be a little easier to know who she can stay with if we ask Amy and it turns out she's related to her. But if Amy and her don't have any relations, then I don't kbnow what we'll do with her." As Lupe kept stroking the little hedgehogette's head, the wolfess warrior's motherly instincts were starting to kick in.
OOC: before my slippery slope of emotions effect me rping any further...><


**New Pangea (real World)**
**Just as Chris was about to come tails..who takes him by surprise...**

Chris: Tails^_^!!! Hahahaha... looks like the gang's here..^^ kinda...but it'll do. Anyway...i'm here--

**Just then..GUilmon brings Takato and Beelzemon in..with a drop**


Guilmon: sorry

Takato: @_@ it's okay.

Chris (looks at that): ..anyway^^. here's the skinny...someone is messing with the fabric of reality...and triggered Chaos Control...this chain reaction messed with the now..your world and mine are merged into one..but time is still going...because whoever did this...created a new time line...out of the old now...we're here....but we should be at another place..called the Digital world... because the key to save all our worlds involves saving both worlds...and so long as the worlds remain like this...a spawning of newer worlds will take place...and it'll lead all our worlds...maybe even all the be erased into least that's what the voice who called out to me told me..

Takato (overhearing that): I knew the silence wouldn't last forever... we have to help! (shouts to them) Hey!! we wanna help out to...if you're talking about the Digital world..we're Very Familar with it..

**inside the Ship**
Sally (looking from a far): < so this is the famous Chris Thorndyke Sonic's been talking about...Kinda young for his age...Still, Then again >
**She smiles as she decides to go have a face to face with Sonic and Tails Friend from Earth**


**the Girl hedgehog starts to settle....from Bunnie and Lupe's company...before long..the Chao itself starts to hug her**

Girl (starting to giggle): Okay Okay...I'm okay now...Gracias^_^ (hugs the chao): you've been looking over Kitty (hugs the hero chao)

Kitty: CHAO (flies to give Lupe a kiss, her chao thing expands into a heart) ^_^<3

Girl: Gomen...I'm sorry about how i'm acting...i never had any real company for a while..because i haven't stayed long enough to...because i'm cursed...but anyway...what are your names. Mine is Cassandra..but you can call me Cassie (she shyly blushes and smiles)


Kari: this is getting weirder and weirder...

Voice (again): Digicats? is it okay to come out! you are not Hearing things now!^_^ but is it okay to come out?

Voice 2: What is with you...T_T??

**Coming out from hiding...a Girl in her young teens...with downward spiky hair, blue eyes, lucky cap with Goggles, Ice blue tee shirt, Deep blue overalls, and a softhearted Tomboyish feel to her...appears...coming right beside her...a snowwhite version of Renamon..

DJ: Welcome to New Pangea..^_^ or something ^^()

Yukirenamon: **sighs**

Kari (still by TK and Gatomon): Everyone...i think we just walked into the twilight zone...**sighs**


Yolei was about to talk back..until the mysterious critter lands on her**

Yolei: and you were be-- (hears someone call out to her) what the...what do you mean Purple Digimon or other... (looks to him) < He is pretty cute... and cool..but something about him reminds me of--> Could you please get off me? I kinda need to find my friend so i can kill him (to Renamon, Hawkmon, and Demiveemon): Little help please...I don't even know what's goin on anymore..and i'm starting not to care @_@...(starts to sulk)

**Just then..the ground starts to shake a little...or a lot..but it wasn't an earthquake..this was a march...because company was the form..of Guardromon and Mekanorimon..both having their sites set on the digigang...**

Guardromon: Guardian Barrage!!
Mekanorimon: Twin Beam!!!

**Back with Sonic...just as Sally comes down to meet the others...Evil Company finally the form of two Hedgehogs up a tree**

Crimson (red with black Stripes): Well well well...look at the pretty momma...a red with a developing perfect in every way

Dash: and how...(looks at Sonic and Shadow) Hey i see them..they the ones..

Crimson: yup...they are..let's make ourselves known. Ready brother

Dash: Always

**with that, the duo dash from the trees coming to the ground...they were about 10 feet away from the reunion...just what are their intents and how are they connected to what's goin on...and why is it when i one pays attention...sigh...stay tuned...i'm getting a cinnamon roll**
Shadow listened intently to Chris's explaination as he stroked his chin "So..chaos control DID occur, but instead of taking us to Chris's world. It took us to this Digital World." he then scanned around a bit then looked at Guilmon then Beelzemon his ears twitched hearing Takato "So these guys are from around here." he said leaping down off of the Blue Tornado.

Just as he raised his head up his ears twitched "Hmm must be some bug." then he faced Guilmon "So what exactly are you?" he asked
"no kidding" TK whispered back to Kari and then he turned at the girl and her partner and smiled nervously. "umm.... can you explain us what do you mean with New Pangea?" he asked her as he then remembered that they haven't introduced themselves.

"oh sorry we haven't introduced ourselves, I'm TK Takaishi and she is Kari Kamiya, and our friends and digimon partners Patamon and Gatomon, also my brother must be around here as well with his digimon partner, a Gabumon and also they are with a digimon that resembles your partner but she has different fur color" he said as Patamon smiled and bowed respectfully as a greeting.

"Hello nice to meet you" the little orange digimon said happily.
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Gatomon glances softly at both Yukirenamon and DJ. After a short while of observing them she finally spoke gently while swishing her tail from one side to another.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Kurtz, while still walking, couldn't help but glance back at the purple vixen. There was... just something that was burning his head about her, but he couldn't place his finger on it... Not yet, anyhow. He sighed, and spoke. "Hey, can I ask you something?"

The blonde-haired girl nodded, before starting to follow after the two, sighing. "Jeez... this day's gone well..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds