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Short list then... Hmm. Who to choose?
Renamon's Army
Renamon_S3 Wrote:Short list then... Hmm. Who to choose?
Even shorter than what you could imagine.
Let's see...

Dreamer (formerly Drunken Munkee): "Yay! *hugs* *glomps* I love you!!"
Matt Ishida: "Yay! *hugs* *glomps* I love you!!"
Misty: "Yay! *hugs* *glomps* I love you!!"
Zephyr (now Blaze of Glory): "(blue stocking chatter) *slaps* *jokes* (says some spirit of darkness' related stuff) (kicks somebody's butt, consolates someone else and bothers yet another person at the same time)"

Really... you have just two choices.
Who's the other choice? Cause I know I'd be voting for you.
The other choice is Rukario (Formerly Hillary Duff)!!
I've never really had any contact with Matt Ishida, so I guess not her...

One down. :(
Renamon's Army
UnknownH Wrote:Who's the other choice? Cause I know I'd be voting for you.
I meant there are four girls, but only two personalities.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Like I've said before Matt
Your vote is null. First for me, then for her. But if you insist...*takes out a purple Coinfeigm* Death to all the enemies of my realm!!!!!! Laineed!!!! *casts a sharp rock and lightning over him*
Too each his or her own Zephyr, believe what you want

Quote:Dreamer (formerly Drunken Munkee)

There is a key difference between the two and that is that DM was spamed and would just post a lot more. Sis actually takes time to delve into her posts before writing them. I take offense to this....Each girl has a personality whether you being of an older age, don't like what they bring to the table, its not your business to collectively place them into one group. The way I see it, all 4 have something special to bring to the table of this, and to think out of all people to generalize a person into a category, it wouldn't be you Zephyr. :(
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds