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Digital Chaos (Sonic X ?/ Digimon Crossover Rpg)
Shadow stood their watching Takato and Guilmon exchanging words with each other he started to grow impatient "Yes! Blue boy there is Sonic and I am Shadow" the black hedgehog shouted. Right at that moment he saw Chris walk through the "Oh its the kid, Hi." he stated looking at him "I hope you have more answers than these bumbling fools up here."
Blinking twice, the dragon blushed heavily at the index finger to his cheek, and nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "W-well... n-nothing for nothing, but...." He gulped heavily. "Y-you're... cute~?"

Erika tilted her head slightly. "That's... the same with me and Kurtz...."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Beelzemon looked at guilmon, "no i haven't seen them yet, but i hope i won't. because i've got the feeling things might get alot freakier and i don't wanna pull them into all of this" he said he turned to look at Takato, "you know those two?"
"Vi, really, get off!" Tom wiggled furiously.

"Oh, fine... hey... Did you hear that?"

"Yeah... sounded like someone yelling..."

"Investigate!" Vi chirped... and promptly vanished form sight.

"Vi, wait-... Dammit." He sighed. She always does that.
Gatomon perks her ears up and also looks around. Things surely were getting weirder and weirder with each passing second.

Yoosei circles her index finger on Kurtz
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Suddenly, and I really mean suddenly, Vi appeared out of nowhere and pounced onto Yolei "Eee, it was you yelling, wasn't it?" She giggled.
Nodding, Kurtz looked at Yoosei's face, before chuckling just gently. "Y-yeah..." His tail slowly started to swish behind him, as he moved his claw and nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "You... you are cute..."

"Well... I don't..." Erika started, before nervously biting her lip. "...Alright. That may work... just... make sure we don't have any repeats of the digimon walking up with swords?~"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds

Lupe put the chao on her shoulders and made it over to the snow-white hedgehog and Bunnie, and she looked at Bunnie and started stroking the head of the little hedgehog. "Shh, don't talk that way, dear. Why do you think you are bad luck? We sure don't see you that way, and I'm not getting any bad vibes off of you. Just calm yourself, okay? Nothing can be that bad." She hoped her soothing voice would help the female hedgehog.

Tails was sitting in his captain chair and he has taken off his restraints and making sure everything was in working order. "Seems like everything is still running correctly." He turned his head. "Aunt Sally, I'm over here." He took out a device that was sitting inside a side compartment on his chair. "This is odd...I'm not sure this device is running right. It's only showing me one planet that we are on." His ears and nose twitched right at the moment a familiar someone arrived. "Chris is here!"


Hawkmon looked at Yolei and posed a question he thought about carefully before asking it. "You know, Yolei, I don't mean to be rude or anything, but how do we know Davis is even here?" He winced as she yelled out. "That's not going to make him appear any faster!"

Demiveemon started sniffing around to see if he coud possibly pick up Davis' scent...they way he saw it, how could his trainer just disaapear like he did? This just wasn't making any sense to him.

Renamon looked at Yolei and she was about to speak to her, but she covered her ears as she began to yell like she did about Davis, although the fox digimon didn't really know who she was yelling about and after she was done, Renamon blinked at her. "Do you think that will make him come to you now?"
Imperion moved behind a large boulder in the area A dragon-like one,fox-like one,Gabumon,and two humans.Just hope they don't attack on sight,or it will get very ugly.
"Just relax sugah," Bunnie said, releasing the hedgehog and retracting her arm, "I'm sure whatever the problem is we can help ya."

"Heya Chris." Sonic smiled a bit at the arrival of his old friend, "This mean we somehow made it back to earth?"

"Aniki," Agumon stopped as he looked in the other direction, "I heard a yell."

"Alright, probably found Touma, wonder why he'd be yelling?" Masaru thought for a second and then his face turned quite angry looking, "He probably found Drimogemon and is already fighting! Let's go Agumon! We can't let him beat that mole!" Masaru shouted and ran off towards the shouting.

"Okay Aniki!" Agumon shouted chasing behind.

"Touma!" Masaru burst through a thick area of forest looking back and forth quickly, "Damn, not here."

"Aniki look." Agumon pointed with one of his claws.

"Hm?" Masaru followed the direction towards a small group. There was a girl with lavender hair, a large brown bird, a small blue thing, and a tall kitsune looking creature, "Is that, a human?"

"Three of them are Digimon."

"HEY!!" Masaru shouted loudly at the group, "You seen a big purple mole thing and an annoying kid with a blue dog?" He shouted loudly.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad