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Digital Chaos (Sonic X ?/ Digimon Crossover Rpg)

Tails looked at Sonic, and gave him a smile and a thumbs-up back. He figured that they might run into Chris again, and it would be like old times again, but something still tugged at his heart, and the hurt was in his eyes...he still missed Cosmo, and he had a sinking feeling that he may never see her again.
Sonic nodded a bit, slightly oblivious to Tail's pain, "What could be taking Shadow so long?"

"Dunno, but if he doesn't hurry," Bunnie looked out the window of the aircraft, "We won't have a planet to take off from."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
When Gatomon saw those same visions, she got even more scared then before but she only managed to regain her composture as she felt still Patamon
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
With the white hedgehog on his shoulder Shadow zipped inside the Blue Tornado "Hey..did you guys miss someone?" he asked pointing to the inert hedgehog on his shoulder.
"Don't let those visions scare you, focus only in the light, in the gate!" TK shouted as he kept running with Kari on his arms

Patamon squeezed Gatomon's paw in a comforting way as they kept running.
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions

While Tails was still hurt about losing Cosmo, he was keeping his mind focused the best he could about flying the Blue Typhoon once he was given the word for takeoff. He was awaiting "Aunt" Sally's orders. What the two-tailed fox didn't tell anyone is that he brought on board the flower pot that Cosmo was in...he had an idea, but he knew it was a long shot and hopeful thinking is what he kept in the back of his mind.

As Shadow zipped in while carrying the snow-white hedgehogette, Lupe showed up close behind him with a Chao following her. "I hope all of you haven't forgotten about me. I know I might be around all of the time, but I never had disappeared off of the face of Mobius." She chuckled. "So, is this all of us?"
"I reckon we found 'em all." Bunnie answered as she glanced around at everyone, "Least everyone in the most dangerous areas, the floating island and other places should still be safe."

"What is up with the planet?" Sonic thought as the earth rocked gentley under his feet, almost as if it were bobbing in water, "It's like the day of fury all over again."

OOC: For those that don't/didn't read the comics the Day of fury is Nature's way of adjusting to enviromental changes it undergoes in a certain duration. In other words, All hell breaks loose across mobius.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Gabumon_73... what about Renamon? :?
OOC: ^_^ Ello again. Sorry for not replying like I would...i got caught up in the holiday spirit^^()...but i'm back..and caught up...and i think it's high time to get things a rollin again...and get to Crossing over

**Sonic's World**

**Sally goes to greet Shadow and Lupe...with a joyful look on her face..**
Sally (hugs Lupe): I'm really glad you made it.. (looks to shadow): I think that hedgehog is a new face..but she reminds me a little of Amy Rose...we can talk we get inside the Ship. Everyone in, now! (leads the way)

Hedgehog girl (weakly) (passes out again)

Chao (by Lupe): T_T.... (cries on lupe)


Chris' Voice (in Sonic's head): Sonic? Can you hear me? I don't really have i'll be quick. there's a Gate of Light in the Sky...someone brought me here to tell you this...when you see the'll need all the power you can handle...

**circling about Sonic and company...the emeralds to go super with..return...each drops the floor...**

Chris' Voice: I'll be waiting for ya buddy. ^^ I know we'll be together again soon.

**Digi 02**

**Upon Reaching Izzy's area...a Gate of light actually appears .. appear in the the white shadow..comes closer and closer...

Kari (weakly):....the..light....

**Meanwhile...Yolei was about to let Davis have it...until...another shakes brings her to her knees...against his bed..**

Yolei: OW!!

**Tamer's world**
Takato: Guilmon!!! Guilmon!!!

Guilmon (from his home): Takato?

**in another Realm... a robed character looks on at the situation...**

Figure: Hurry Heroes...hurry...once you come....all will be made clear....
Shadow's ears twitched as he thought he heard something from the girl on his shoulder as he followed Sally further into the ship carrying the hedgehog girl.