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Digital Chaos (Sonic X ?/ Digimon Crossover Rpg)
OOC: Not to sound mean but friend or not there are rules that effect every RPG in this board in order to prevent confusion and mistakes. And OOCs are one of the biggest of them.


"Don't I always?" Sonic smiled as he vanished, within seconds mobians began appearing infront of Sally almost like magic as Sonic ran around the village grabbing anyone he could find.


Bunnie grunted a bit as her robotic arm strained to pick up a large tree that had fallen in the center of one of the homes, "Mah this thing's heavy."

"Well then let's cut it down to size." A voice seemed to come from nowhere as flashes of light crisscrossed the long tree, "He slices, he dices," Sonic appeared next to the now much smaller tree, "And looks good while doing it."

"Thanks sugah-hog." Bunnie said as she now lifted the much smaller sections of tree and threw them out of the way with her bionic arm. She searched the wreckage, "No one here. I do believe we've gotten all of them."

Sonic nodded, "Okay, move to the open fields nearby. That's where we're meeting up. I need to hunt down Tails." Super Sonic pointed Bunnie in the direction as he vanished towards Tail's workshop.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Gatomon widens her eyes, worried for both the fact her partner went unconscious and also because of this light no one knows what it may be. What could she do
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Tails was at his lab making some upgrades to the Blue Typhoon, but as he worked on it, something was making him pull away from the upgrades, and others might not know what it was, but for the Mobians and one Earthling that was on that ship, they would know what was making him pull away from his work, and he dropped the wrench he was using. It was evident: he was keeping the sadness bottled up inside him.
TK picked up Kari on his arms as he saw the white shadow engulfing part of a tall building. "we better get out of here now!" he said as all of them ran off towards Izzy's house. "hang on Kari I won't let anything happen to you, we will get through this...."

Patamon ran after TK with Gatomon besides him, he had a really bad feeling about that light, he was hoping Izzy could get some answers about it or at least Gennai if they manage to contact him
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Vi gave a warning gasp "T-Tom, move!"

Tom blinked "WhaAAH!" He yelled as the ground he was standing on vaporised into data. He grabbed the edge, only just managing to stop himself falling to the next layer "That was close..."

"Very close..." She said "Look."

He looked behind him at... nothing... Almost an acre of land had been... erased "Oh my-... what happened!?"
**Sonic's World**

**Sally manages to reach Tails Lab first... as she creeps towards the 2 tailed foxbox..**

Sally: Tails? Tails! Oh. i found you. something's going on with the planet..and we need to prepare to launch. Is your ship ready..? are you okay.. (looks at the fox with concern)

**Crossing Shadow's path...a snow white hedgehog girl in rainbow shirt and blue overalls...who looks a she wanders further.... She collapses to the ground...that looks unstable....a hero chao tries to wake her up..

Digi 02 verse..**

Yolei makes it to Davis' homestead..just as she feels the quaking....**
Yolei: Whooaaaaaaaaaaaaa Where;s Hawkmon when i need him? (bangs against Davis' door) Davis!!! Davis!! Hey gogglehead! Wake up!!

elsewhere.....the white shadow..continues to make everything it touches ...disappear....slow paced as it was gunning for the Digidestined

Kari:............ (still out of it)......find the light....find the light....

**in another realm..**

Chris (back to his youthful form): What the..Great...not again.. Where am I?

**All the while...the white shadow continues to consume the planets.. in its process...attempting to make..WHAT?!!
"find the light?" TK blinked as he and the others continued running "what did she mean by that?" he wondered. Patamon heard as well and was confused.

"find the light..... what could it be?" the little digimon pondered
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Shadow was about to follow the rest of the villagers to the field untill he spotted the white furred hedgehog collapse on the ground. Supre Shadow quickly ran over to the female hedgehog's aid. Looking at the hero chao then downa t the girl "Hey!" he said as he knelt down and nudged her "Are you alright?! We have tog et out of here!"
Tails turned around to see Sally, as tears were in his eyes. He wiped them away and smiled the best her could. "Yes, 'Aunt' Sally, I have made some upgrades to the Blue Typhoon, and it will be ready if need to make a quick departure...and the way things are going, it looks that will be sooner than we think." He shook his head. "No 'Aunt' Sally, I'm not okay." A few tears fell. "I still miss Cosmo...I don't think this pain will ever leave my heart."

Meanwhile on Mobius, a figure came toward the downed snow-white female hedgehog, and knelt down and smiled to the chao. It turned out to be Lupe, the leader of the wolfpack. "If you don't mind letting me help, maybe we can both wake her up. I know a few ways, and I always say two heads are better than one. What do you say, little chao?"

In another realm, something swooped and landed next to Yolei and it happened to be her digimon, Hawkmon. "I'm here, Yolei. Sorry if I scared you like that, but I was making sure the path behind you was free from danger. That's what best friends are for, are they not?"

Demiveemon woke up to Yolei's banging on Davis's door and he felt the floor shake. "Whoa, what was that all about? Something isn't setting right with the Earth." Davis had set up a pulley system so that Demiveemon could open the door. When he got the door open, he looked at Yolei and Hawkmon. "Okay, your banging on the door got me up, but that sleepyhead Davis seems to sleep through anything...he hasn't woke up to the floor shaking!"
Gatomon kept running by TK
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions