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Digimon Protectors
OOC: Sorry, didn\'t mean to pressure you or anything. I was just wondering.

Daisuke blushed more as he felt his hormones build up with the image of her naked from earlier still burned into his mind. When she said he could \'dto anything\' to her he felt himself becoming aroused again. But then he noticed light reflecting off a tear on her face. He gently moved one hand from her back and used a finger to whip away the tear drop.
\"Your not sad are you?\" She was acting so thoughjust a moment ago and now she\'s so sweet, what do I make of her?
"A-... Arukukam-" The boy was silenced with a sharp blow to the head. He fell, whimpering and clutching his head.

Arukukamon... as the dark creature had been called... hissed. Petulant child! You shall feel my wrath for speaking my name!

OOC: lol
OOC: Okay...just to make sure this rp isn't left out...i've been mostly waiting for Rika's rper..T_T...where is she? the next posts will focus a little more with DJ/Matt, Tk/Good Kari, and Davis/ Dark Kari



Dark Kari (tries to smile): take a guess... i'll only have this night to be with you..then i have to go back...if i have to go...can't i leave with good memories..with you (puts arms around him..bearing her face into his chest..feeling of wet tears seep into his shirt


Good Kari: TK...this is kinda of personal to ask...but.... (looks into his eyes...with a longing..)

Hotel room**

BlackGatomon (still dancing with herself): hmhmhm Hmhmhmhmhm^^

DJ smiles back to blush crosses around her face and cheeks...she hold him close to her...**

Gatomon: Why may, my Gentlemon^_^ (takes Patamon's paw)

Guilmon (returning): hmmm Huh (sees Takato and Rika together)... Takatomon^^ and Rika??

**On the DarkSide**
Daemon (clearing throat): Ahem...if you are should get busy in the plans to take advantage of the Digidestined's desires...

Voice: Daemon? What is going on other!!

**A huge eye appear above the evil gathering....who's got an eye for evil now?!! STay tuned
Matt smiled and admired the blush crossing DJ
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Daisuke registered concern when he felt her tears on him. He put a hand on the back of her head and one around her and pulled her close.
\"If you need to cry, it\'s okay.\" He told her gently.

Downtairs V-mon dashed over to Darkgatomon after having watched her dance some.
\"Do ya want to dance with me!? I ain\'t danced before but I can learn quick!!\" The tiny blue dragon exclaimed.
**good side**

*good Kari*

TK smiled as he still was holding her hand. "go ahead, you can ask me anything" he said softly as he looked at her gently.

*ball room*

Patamon smiled and then they started to dance, he was enjoying this a lot, dancing with the girl he loves and that she loves him back.

**evil side**

Devimon looked towards the new voice glaring. "So who is this new being that is visiting us now?" he asked as he looked at the eye who owns the voice
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions


Dark Kari (cries): Thank you... thank you... Davis...hold me...and love me anyway you want to.. i want to keep a memory of you wherever i go...please


Good Kari: Tk..will you make love to me?

DJ:'re just saying that.. :oops:

BlackGatomon: you may. you hunky dragon-mon^^ (grabs him...showing him the two step in slow dancing)

**on the DarkSide ((ooohhhh yeah))!!**

**the eye above had family look to it...his pupil projected a silouette of his true form..that looks like a hexagonish puzzle box...and only one mon has such a body...**

Apocaylamon (the eye):... feels good to be coming back again
She thinks so much of me. But, why?
Daisuke let Hikari cry abit more while he held her then lead her over to the bed and sat her down. He resisted his urges and tried to think clearly.
He went over to the bathroom and got a plastic cup and filled it with water and brought it to her.
\"This\'ll make ya feel better again,\" he said handing it to her.[/i]

\"Whaa!\" V-mon cried stumbing forward into her when she pulled him into the dance. He looked into her eyes bushing as she lead. This feeling, is this what Daisuke-kun discribed when he was explaining Hikari?

Assaultmon observed Apoclymon appearance and watched it carefully. It had not anticipated that Digimon appearing.
**good side**

*good Kari*

TK blushed deep when she asked him that, he had wanted that since long ago but he never dared to dream that it will be possible, he hugged her close and smiles at her. "I.... I don't have problem with that, but are you really sure you want to make love with me? I mean are you sure you want to take that step?" he asked her in a calmed voice while caressing her left cheek gently.

*ball room*

Patamon was dancing happily with Gatomon and then blinks seeing Veemon with a BlackGatomon. "Hey Gato isn't that Veemon dancing with a BlackGatomon?" he asked her and then chuckled. "Guess he found a kitty for him in the end" he said with a smirk.
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
**Good Side**

Suddenly and in an instinct Matt closes his face even more onto hers and traces his lips softly over hers while pulling her closer to him on a soft and gentle embrace. Gabumon who was watching the whole scene even widened his eyes as he noticed Matt kissing DJ

**Evil Side**

Lady Devimon smirked in a devil way and greeted the newcomer.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions