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Digimon Savers / Digimon Data Squad
The enemies are at Mega level, same as the good guys. Of course there are varying levels of power at Mega, but the Air Signal and Burst Mode cover that.
What is Digisoul exactly? I don't understand the Jap language.

That episode was so funny. None of the DATS members knows what was Digisoul.

Is it possible merging with Digimon? Just like the Tamers did.
[Image: Renamon2.jpg]
Floramon, once again, please check out that site I linked you to, it has all of this information.

DigiSoul is just a term they use for the power humans use to evolve their Digimon partners.

DATs was always aware of DigiSoul, they were not necessarily aware of all of its levels, though I'm sure the Captain is aware of all of the DigiSoul level up to the currently reached Mega Level.

There are no merging partners this season except for the Kurata BioHybrids.
No captain but the two girls and tohma's sister is cute. Kurata's a jerk still.
Yeah, and I'm assuming Touma's dad comes off as an asshole too...haven't seen the ep yet though, of course I'll post later once I do.
I can bet too. Kurata was there with him right.
Well after seeing it, and knowing not much of what was said, but the gist of it, I have come to a conclusion.

Touma is a little bitch.

Within three whole minutes he gives in to Kurata, and thinks it's Masaru's fault for what is happening, all because the Digimon didn't listen to Touma over Masaru? What a coward.

Now he made Masaru all mad (I think Masaru's anger is mainly driven by the fact that he trusted Touma, and was truly betrayed) and Agumon is gonna get DigiTama'ed as a result.

Damn Touma, I hope he gets a good ass whooping before he rejoins DATs.
Touma = Impmon in season 3, became bad but good again in the end?
[Image: Renamon2.jpg]
More like Matt in Season 1.

He's not good again yet, though I'm sure it'll happen in the next episode, and I'm thinking its going to be when he sees Masaru with Agumon's DigiTama, it'll remind Touma about what he was fighting to prevent as well as make him guilty for driving ShineGreymon and Masaru to the point of a total rampage.