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SPAM-A-THON!!! (Beware! Yiffy stuff is possible!)
Disturbed: Nath do not fee left out because other characters dont put paragraphs when characters are yiffing with them. Dont go thinking people dont like you juse because they dont. I dont make friends with people who are that shallow.

Disturbed: I dont know why they seem to like my characters more, nor do I think that they do.

Disturbed: Nath..listen to me. When I first came to DaD you were the first person I added to my MSN. Because you were a good guy and I loved having conversations with you and I still do. *looks into Nath's eyes* You are my best friend on here, believe me.
Nath: I do feel left out, though. Whenever I came online in the morning's, and flick through what others have done, I feel really left out. I don't have much time, and not as much fun as you lot now, yet, you have the best time there. I'm trying to say, that, now.... I feel no fun at all. I feel as if I have no purpose of even spamming anymore.

Nath: I try my hardest to make others enjoy that their choice of making others go with my character, I really do. I put a few minutes into each post now, trying to describe it the best I can for them. And, through the month, I've tried my most hardest. It feels as if I'm trying desperately to get out of a pool of sweat, but can't.

Nath: And, well, I could say you are my best friend as well, but DMX always is placed at the top. Although, now, I've felt him practically ripped away from me and now I can't talk to him at all... *sighs deeply*
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Me - *sits down on a sofa* ... *looks between Nath+Disturbed* ... ... ... *settles gaze on Disturbed* He has a point. And DMX doesn't talk to me either.
Disturbed: What do you want me to do?
Nath: I can't honestly say, Disturbed. I miss those old days, where I could talk to DMX, and he would actually talk back a lot more often. Now... he doesn't utter nearly anything to me.


Nath: It's up to you what you do, I had to make decisions and change things for DMX earlier last month, I guess it's your turn now - we both miss talking to him, and, well... nothing for nothing, and not to be offensive to you, but you seem like a talking and person attractor, a magnet, to put to simpler terms..
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Me - That's not for me to decide. *raises eyebrow* What do you think you should do?
Disturbed: I dont know either!! I just be myself and hope for the best. I dont feel like at all that I'm "attracting" anybody more than anyone else here. Thats why I'm asking what should I do because you guys are my friends and I hate seeing my friends being like this.
Nah: You've actually attracted... Matt Ishida, DragonMasterX, Crimson Fox, Shadowknight, CrazyWeredragon, Gunter Vancrimson, Dragonknight Kyo (Me), Amaterasu, GMSG, and all the other people who I can't for the life of me at this moment remember.

Nath: And, still... being yourself, will just make the situation continue as it is, Disturbed. How can we say, how to remedy it, if we ourselves are asking you from the bottom of our hearts, to please try and rectify this? We care about DMX, and yet, now, we have barely been able to talk to him, let aside interact him.

Nath: ...I care for DMX more then anything, even recently with his stress attack. He was close to an attack, and I care seriously for him. You know, that's the ONLY TIME I've been able to talk to him! *blood tear forms in his eye* And I'm sick of having only an hour or two, or even just half an hour of talking to him! He's one of the friends who has cared for me since I joined this entire site, and I care for his well being!

Nath: This is why I mentioned this to you, Disturbed. I feel, that now you're here, DMX is pulling away. I, I can seriously say I hate my time here now that I can't talk to him that much. He used to put the smile onto my face, now I don't have one.

Nath: There, I broke out of my little swish-swash-straightness, okay?
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Disturbed: And you Nath are my DMX, you are the first person that actually interacted with me when I came here. Sure I'll stop interacting with DMX entirely if it means that you are feeling better. I didnt even know this was happenning around me and I am sorry.
Nath: I really spilled my guts there, but I had to tell you. Everyone, even Lonelygabu, can tell I treat DMX like a little brother. I mean it. Whenever I see him, he really does put a real smile on my face. The first friend and person who helped me into this community. The first person I told my name to. *puts his paws on his head*

Nath: Maybe this break will be good for me? Maybe I'll be able to just see him at least? Maybe I can hopefully talk to him, on his birthday that's coming up IN ONLY THREE DAYS OR LESS!

Nath: *sighs* ...Really... I miss him a lot. We barely talk much, and, if he reads this now, he'll learn that I truly care for him. I really do. He's been the one at the end of the day with a warm smile, a beer in one hand, and seriousness aside. The one, who I will always trust no matter how dark my day might have been.

Nath: There. I spilt my guts again.... and... well, I just wanted you to feel like a part of the community. I wanted to show you, just how friendly it could have been around here... but I guess nothing stays the same when you come to one of these type of sites, no?
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds