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HA Bill O'Reilly gets caught falsifying information... again
This is kinda an old story, but oh well it still is kinda cool to see another news anchor say something about him.
O'Reilly is one of the few hosts I don't like along with Nancy Grace and Glenn Beck(well I quess it is more of his ideas)
Pwned. SO HARD.
Whoa, I expect that from Bill O'Reilly, but I've never seen Keith Olbermann so pissed off.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
ooh ho ho....funny.
aguy Wrote:h Nancy Grace and Glenn Beck(well I quess it is more of his ideas)

Yeah. Glenn Beck IS a pretty big douchebag. Every time I see his show, he keeps spouting off some made-up theory about the war on terror or some other crap that he seems so intently on passing off as facts. The guy never has his fucking facts straight, either.
*raises hand* Who are these people?
G o o g l e or wiki. It helps a lot. And I know something that could help you when you don't understand something.
Okay! What is it?
Mozillia's Firefox. Version 2. The better internet browser. It has a search bar built in that can let you search in google, wikipedia, yahoo, and most any search engine you want. Better then Internet Explorer and you can customize it too.
Uber pwnage.
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