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Furry College!
OOC: I'm starting to get scared for the fact that we need this to move more smoothly and quick. Because as it's night, many characters WILL be sleeping thus, not being able to do anything at all whilst we have all the fun. So uhh... try to save this conversations for school or something. Don't do everything now. UNLESS you have planned being absent to school as Kurtz and Dorothy will.


Dot giggled, "Your lack of memory is sometimes annoying," she took him to the Living room, "You know, only four bed-rooms and two bathrooms. But you knew that already," she smiled.

He's so sweet... Alice thought to herself, without noticing it, she had stepped right in front of him, her green eyes were looking right onto his'.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Kurtz grinned slightly, as he entered the Living room with Dot. "Ah, I gotcha." He then tapped his head slightly. "Maybe the little... experience, made me dizzy and forget."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Yes he did kill even though I did not see it with my own eyes I knew he was dead because when I ampleify someone do know their actions," said Carman as she cried.

Blaze as he still held onto Katt said, "I'm sorry for burdening you with this. Disturbed don't curse when a lady is present please."
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
OOC : I will not be able to reply for the next 2 weeks. I will return on next month.
Find me at and
[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
OOC: Sorry, game day, otherwise I'dve been here sooner.


"No, don't worry about it," Katt insisted at Blaze's scolding, "Maybe we should leave, I'm sure the last thing needed now would be a large group hanging around." Katt walked over to Disturbed and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry, she'll be okay, it might just take some time. The physical pain isn't the worst part, it's the emotional pain that'll linger," She got up and headed towards the door, "Oh and don't take this the wrong way," she began as she turned around, "But you might want to keep your distance from her for a bit."


Shadow looked over at the clock, slightly unerved from Alice's stare, "It's getting kinda late and we do have class tomorrow." He smiled a bit nervously, "You're welcome to stay the night, the top bunk isn't really ever used."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Disturbed got up from his seat "We'll be going home too, we still have school tomarrow." He went over and scooped up Saphire in his arms "I'll carry you home this time...kay?"

Saphire nodded as she hugged his brother's arms.

Disturbed headed for the elevator then stopped "Oh and Carman...thanks for the was..nice for the first part that is."He looked down at his baby sister "Lets go home.." He walked into the elevator and was gone.
"Maybe we can do something tomorow Katt would you like that your such a sweet kitty?" asked Blaze doing his best to stay cheerful.

"Saphire is going to need a lot of in the next few weeks you know Blaze," said Carman as she went to lay on the bed.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
OOC: Awww... Pity puppy love won't be able to be done TODAY, heh heh. Thankfully, there's always another day :P


Dot giggled and hugged Kurtz closer, "You are naughty, you knew that?" and she walked with him back to bedroom, "We better go to sleep. School or not, I'm still tired," she said and poked her tongue out.

Alice smiled, "Thank you. My dad won't mind, I'll just send him a Text Message," she said and took out her cell phone, she typed in the message fast and sent it over to her father's number, she quickly shut the device off not to recieve any reply. She smiled cutely, "Well, you are right, it's getting late... but... uhm... won't Katt... mind?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Oh and if anyone has changed their judgement after writing the rape scene with Saphire. Dont worry I didnt enjoy it at all I just did it to add dramatic effect. Oh and WE'LL MISS YOU FAIZ!!! *huggles*


Disturbed openned the door to their house "Let get you to bed.." He brought Saphire upstairs to her bedroom and laid her on her bed. He just stared at her and tears came running down his eyes "I'm really sorry sis, I really screwed up..I should have walked you home instead of letting you go." Disturbed hugged her "I'll never set you out of my sight again, I promise." he said with more tears comming

Saphire cried and hugged Disturbed, balling uncontrollably "I was so scared.." she cried into her brother's shoulder "I thought was never going to see you again."

Disturbed's lip juttered and he hugged her closer "I know Saph...I know."

*They both cried themselves asleep*

OOC: There I'm putting my characters on static untill school starts...*tear drop* I'm actually getting choked up writing this stuff.
Kurtz grinned, as he opened the door to the bedroom. "Of course I'm naughty." With that, he quickly walked in, with his tail swishing behind him. "Eh, I'm tired too... it got late quick, didn't it?" Hastily, he made his way over to the bed.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds