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Digimon Protectors
"Ok then...." Rika murmured. I don't know why I'm suprised she thought.
Renamon nodded at Peters terms.
"Agreed," she said.
"Just remember that you two arn't enemies," Rika told the two digimon.
"OK," said Renamon cheerfully, jumping to her feet.
OOC: Lady_Knight, The Grim can you stop your posting for now so the others can post? I think you two got carried out *points at this whole page that has posts only of them and sweatdrops* this whole page only has posts from you two :shock:

except for this one of course, so I kindly request you to stop for now and wait till gogglehead and the other members in this rp post again.

Thank you very much :)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: :shock: Oh God... Looks like I got REALLY carried away! ^_^' Sorry guys! EDIT: Really sorry! EDIT2: Really, really sorry!
OOC. I'm with the Grim. We REALLY got carried away. Sorry!
OOC: I think I got lost. n_n;
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
OOC:the only thing you can do is read the page before this or start reading from the page that has your last post, though basically what you missed was a conversation between Rika, Renamon, Saph and Peter about the home reality Peter and Saph came and that in their home reality Rika's Renamon is male and this news caused Renamon to faint :P
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: Aha. Gotcha. ^_^


Nath was ontop of Luna as she slowly waked away, before he tapped her back. "Uhm... shouldn't we go back to those... two?"

Luna stopped where she was, and giggled. "You're the one who suggested we should go in the first place!"

Nath sweat-dropped, and scratched his head slightly. "Yeah... guess you're right.... anyway, let's go back, shall we?"

Luna nodded, and quickly swivelled around. "...Since we don't know where we are?"

Nath nodded. "Yup."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Saph suddenly pounced at Renamon with a giggle "Prepare to be squished!"
"Not likely!" Renamon said. She dived out of the way, and shoved Saph.
As Luna and Nath came back to where they were before, they both sweat-dropped, as they watched Saph and Renamon.

Luna glanced slightly at Nath, a confused look on her face. "Great, more madness. How do we always meet these type of people?"

Nath blinked, before frowning slightly, and whispering into Luna's ear. "Don't say that - you might offend them."

Luna giggled. "How the HELL can I offend them?!"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds