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Digimon Protectors
Rika groaned and hit her head againsed the wall. "OW! That hurt." To Peter and Saph she said : "I've got to say I'm glad that I don't live in your dimension." Rika sat up and looked suspiciosly at the other two. "If that's true about us, then what about you?"
"You might as well know... Same word applies." Peter scratched his chin.
"Thought so," Rika leaned againsed the wall again. "So... Tell me about this world of yours. I mean, are Digimon more common than they are here? Or is it much of the same?"
"I'll just give you some history. In our universe; you and your friends defeated the D-Reaper but Jeri didn't survive; that definately hit Takato hard. Hypnos started up again, damn them." Peter suddenly laughed "Things were quiet for about six or so years until the F-Reaper popped up!"
"The F-Reaper?" Rika asked.
"Yeah!" Peter grinned "Kicked it's heiny though!"

Saph rolled her eyes "It's a segment of the D-Reaper that broke away from the parent program. It understood emotion and used it against us. It pushed Peter a little too far and he destroyed it from the inside." She glanced at him.
Rika looked at Peter.
"Remind me never to get on your bad side."
Beside her, Renamon stirred slightly. "How long was that ment to last for?"
Saph grinned "Really try to avoid that!"

Peter blinked at Renamon "Hm... It's supposed to last a little longer..."
Rika shrugged.
"I'll try and contact her. Maybe she can here me."
Renamon? When you wake up, don't attack Peter or Saph. It's not their fault, OK?
"She's sitting right there, Rika." Saph blinked.